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Skylark, I hope you enjoy the day out as much as possible in this cold weather


The Palm Sunday procession at our church went as planned though we started off the service inside the village hall rather than outside due to the coldness. With the wind chill it's -6 outside. My hands were a touch cold by the time we got into the church but soon warmed up. Quite a few people stayed in the church rather than be in the procession for health reasons or being less mobile.

El Loro

News on the Guardian website a few minutes ago that the UK gas supply issue has been eased with the safe arrival in this country of a large gas tanker from Qatar. Another tanker is due to arrive tomorrow with two further ones later this week.

The papers have been trying to panic everyone over the last few days by saying that there's only 36 hours of gas left in reserve and that gas supplies could be cut off.


El Loro

Summer, I had some cake at church as well after the service though nothing to do with Palm Sunday or christenings. It was a slice of coconut cake with some coconut flakes on apricot jam. Quite nice and a bit different from the usual biscuit with my coffee.

I'm glad your service went well

I know -6 was cold. Someone I know well at church said to me before the service that she thought having the procession from the village hall to the church was a bad idea. She stayed in the church as a result, more as a protest I think as she's not elderly, not infirm and she's in good health. She was entitled to her view but I don't agree with her.



El Loro

My iPad is almost out of battery, so this is a flying visit to wish everyone goodnight.

El, I'm relieved that the gas supplies have been replenished - being without central heating in this weather doesn't bear thinking about!

Summer, I'm glad the Christening went well, and you got to eat cake too!

Goodnight all, see you tomorrow.

Night owl hugs.


Good morning everyone. No more snow, but still some lying around. There's an icy wind blowing and my feet are freezing!

You are very observant, El. I didn't even notice the owl's eyes were different colours.

I have some stuff I need to store up the loft - I've been clearing out some cupboards - so I need to buy some large plastic storage boxes today. I'll wrap up well, before I venture out and about.

Have a good day everyone, and keep warm.

Good morning dry but very cold today, no snow though El, I have a friend who has one very blue eye and one brown, but I didn't notice for a good while because she wears a lot of eye makeup! It's fascinating isn't it. Actress Kate Bosworth has it too! Yogi good luck with your sorting, I love storage boxes, they're so satisfying. I'm a little annoyed this morning; I've been to the post office to send a parcel to a friend and they usually have a lovely collection of cards but today they had no blank ones so I've had to get the next best thing, but it's not at all what I wanted. The parcel is a surprise gift too! I'm hoping my friend won't mind too much after she opens it. I think what I need to do, is just stock up on nice cards so that I always have one ready for future needs :nods: Skylark I hope your busy weekend went well
~Sparkling Summer~

Morning all 
Hope you all had a nice weekend. 
Weather here much the same, cold with a biting icy wind. Was looking at the news and the Isle Of Arran has taken some battering with the snow, so shouldnt complain really!
I should be clearing out cupboards too Yogi, but cant get motivated!
I am sure your friend wont mind , Summer. It is annoying tho when you cant get what you need. 
Very observant El  
Hope you well squiggle xx 


Good morning everyone, cold and cloudy here.


Been a busy morning, overnight someone had tried to hack into my Vodafone account and changed the billing address and email address, presumably to run up a bill or possibly use it in some other way.  Luckily a confirmation of the changes was sent to my email address in the first instance and I immediately contacted Vodafone on my phone having tried to log in unsuccessfully first.  When I did manage to log in with the help of the customer services people the billing address had been changed to one in South London and there was a new email address too.  So I have been on the phone most of the morning and the address and email have now been reported to Action Fraud which is the government agency responsible for all this sort of fraud nowadays.  All of which goes to show that we need to remain alert, and to change our passwords frequently.

that's horrible squiggle, thank goodness you found out early and could put a stop to it before they ran up a huge bill! We're coda phone helpful? Change all your passwords ASAP, I do mine quite frequently, but then struggle to remember what I've changed them to I hope nothing else gets hacked Hi skylark, how are you today? El, thanks for that link, I often refer back to the tech forum
~Sparkling Summer~

Squiggle, how horrible . As the others have said, it's lucky you found out so quickly.

It's just as well that Vodafone send an email to confirm that changes to your accounts are intended. I think it likely that there would have been a link on that email for you to click on for the changes to have been authorised. That's been my experience when changing something like an email address.

I use lots of different passwords with the more critical websites having more complicated passwords. It's amazing that there are still people who use passwords such as PASSWORD and FRED.

El Loro

Oh my word, sounds like you had a lucky escape, Squiggle. These fraudsters make my blood boil.

I have different passwords for everything and change them too, Summer. 

I got the storage boxes and everything fits inside. Only problem is, they are too heavy to haul up the loft ladder, so I have to empty some of it out, take them up the loft and then refill them.

I could wait for Mr Yogi to lift them up the loft, but then he'd know how much stuff I was storing up there.

I have made a pot of chicken, rice and vegetable soup. I like homemade soup in this freezing weather.


Hope you enjoy your soup Yogi, it sounds delicious.


Thank you all for you concern, I have changed all the passwords that I think could be vulnerable and am busy doing a full scan of the computer.  I even went into Google maps and had a peep at the address they had used, typical sort of address you would expect, South London, and a house divided up into flats.  What I hope is that maybe my little piece of information might add to the jigsaw that the police are already working on because of course if they have tried this with me I won't be the only one.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Hope you enjoy your soup Yogi, it sounds delicious.


Thank you all for you concern, I have changed all the passwords that I think could be vulnerable and am busy doing a full scan of the computer.  I even went into Google maps and had a peep at the address they had used, typical sort of address you would expect, South London, and a house divided up into flats.  What I hope is that maybe my little piece of information might add to the jigsaw that the police are already working on because of course if they have tried this with me I won't be the only one.

No squiggle, you wont be the only one, sad but true x

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Hope you enjoy your soup Yogi, it sounds delicious.


Thank you all for you concern, I have changed all the passwords that I think could be vulnerable and am busy doing a full scan of the computer.  I even went into Google maps and had a peep at the address they had used, typical sort of address you would expect, South London, and a house divided up into flats.  What I hope is that maybe my little piece of information might add to the jigsaw that the police are already working on because of course if they have tried this with me I won't be the only one.

I'm sure you are right and others will have been hit by the scammers, Squiggle. 

I have made too much soup, I keep forgetting I am only cooking for two now.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Hope you enjoy your soup Yogi, it sounds delicious.


Thank you all for you concern, I have changed all the passwords that I think could be vulnerable and am busy doing a full scan of the computer.  I even went into Google maps and had a peep at the address they had used, typical sort of address you would expect, South London, and a house divided up into flats.  What I hope is that maybe my little piece of information might add to the jigsaw that the police are already working on because of course if they have tried this with me I won't be the only one.

I'm sure you are right and others will have been hit by the scammers, Squiggle. 

I have made too much soup, I keep forgetting I am only cooking for two now.

Holds dish out......

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Hope you enjoy your soup Yogi, it sounds delicious.


Thank you all for you concern, I have changed all the passwords that I think could be vulnerable and am busy doing a full scan of the computer.  I even went into Google maps and had a peep at the address they had used, typical sort of address you would expect, South London, and a house divided up into flats.  What I hope is that maybe my little piece of information might add to the jigsaw that the police are already working on because of course if they have tried this with me I won't be the only one.

I'm sure you are right and others will have been hit by the scammers, Squiggle. 

I have made too much soup, I keep forgetting I am only cooking for two now.

Holds dish out......

Help yourself, there's plenty to go round.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Hope you enjoy your soup Yogi, it sounds delicious.


Thank you all for you concern, I have changed all the passwords that I think could be vulnerable and am busy doing a full scan of the computer.  I even went into Google maps and had a peep at the address they had used, typical sort of address you would expect, South London, and a house divided up into flats.  What I hope is that maybe my little piece of information might add to the jigsaw that the police are already working on because of course if they have tried this with me I won't be the only one.

I'm sure you are right and others will have been hit by the scammers, Squiggle. 

I have made too much soup, I keep forgetting I am only cooking for two now.

Holds dish out......

Help yourself, there's plenty to go round.

Ladles soup into dish. Fankoo 

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Hope you enjoy your soup Yogi, it sounds delicious.


Thank you all for you concern, I have changed all the passwords that I think could be vulnerable and am busy doing a full scan of the computer.  I even went into Google maps and had a peep at the address they had used, typical sort of address you would expect, South London, and a house divided up into flats.  What I hope is that maybe my little piece of information might add to the jigsaw that the police are already working on because of course if they have tried this with me I won't be the only one.

I'm sure you are right and others will have been hit by the scammers, Squiggle. 

I have made too much soup, I keep forgetting I am only cooking for two now.

Holds dish out......

Help yourself, there's plenty to go round.

Ladles soup into dish. Fankoo 

You are welcome.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

The weather presenter on the BBC Midlands news this lunchtime could become the national weather forecaster judging from her name:

Sara Blizzard


We need a nationwide search for a new weather presenter, someone with a name like Sunshine would be my suggestion.


Yogi there is no such thing as too much homemade soup!

Link copied to your clipboard.