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Oh darn El Loro doncha just hate it when that happens  

Love the Appalachian Spring vid by the way.  I have been watching the Squarest Teenagers in the World on C4 on Sundays about Amish youngsters on their Rumspringa (sort of gap year).  They seem such happy well balanced people and that whole self sufficient, close to nature and aware of God's presence seems to be a way of life that calls to us.  Many people for instance are cultivating their own produce and opting for a simpler way of life.  I do think its good to remember occasionally that possessions are just 'things'.  We need the basics of life, shelter, food, warmth and companionship.  Ooh I'm getting all philosophical now
This is a bit of a coincidence. You may remember all the work I had on my house over the past few months, including work on the flat roof. Well, I have been known to do the accounts and tax returns for people when I've got a bit of spare time away from here, and sometimes I do a bit of work for a colleague. He's just rung me wanting me to do the accounts for the man who repaired my roof. The roof man knows what I do and knows I do work for my collegue.

Now I can see what profit he made out of me
El Loro
squiggle, I've just looked at that website. It ssems as if it's Cadbury's attempt to get support for the 2012 Olympics by getting teams of players (Spots v Stripes) to compete in all sorts of "games" to see which side can do better. Some of the "games" are things to do in real life, some will be played online. It's early days and so far the only "game" is based on trying to throw things into something else such as throwing a piece of toast into a toaster.

So far, the advert is more imaginative than the "games" in my humble opinion, but click on the link above and judge for yourself. I can see this mainly of interest to school children and pub teams.
El Loro
Squiggle, I think Sam is okay, but nothing more than that.  He certainly stirred JJ1 and Josie up when he went in there and I thought he would be a breath of fresh air, but he's now settled into the normal"rut".  He needed to stay "naughty" to keep them on their toes but he has not done that.

Although our lovely thread keeps dropping off the page the threads that appear in it's place are just the same old stuff.  I can honestly say I have NEVER before wanted a series of BB to end but since Ben left there has been no one to tempt me to watch.  Don't get me wrong, I'm really glad that Ben left when he did because things could only have got worse for him.

As I've said several times, I'm hoping things will improve for the last two weeks when the old HMs go in but I have an awful feeling that BB will let us down yet again and it won't be anywhere near as good as it could have been; as should have been the case with this last series of BB. 
Joyron I am wondering whether the reason you are not liking Sam more is because you do not have LF.  I have watched him on LF and he seems a really sweet guy.  When I was watching the nasty nominations task the tarpaulin was getting very slippery and he made sure that Steve had a chair to sit on.  He suggested to BB that maybe he (or another HM) could do the actual bucket chucking for Steve if he told them the name of the chosen HM and then at the end he carefully rolled back the tarpaulin and helped Steve to stand.  Everyone else just left him.  Just a thought
Squiggle, I did actually see that incident as it was on at the time of the LF on tv in the afternoon.  I agree with you that Sam was very sweet in the way he treated Steve and he was the only one who took the trouble to help him at the end.

I would not mind Sam winning; otherwise Corin, Andrew, Mario or even Steve (who I think would be able to use the money wisely to get some proper legs).  I still think Corin would appreciate the final two weeks more than any of the others, although I must say her behaviour has been getting to me a bit of late.  I will be really disappointed if JJ1, Josie, JJ2 or Dave win.  I would prefer them to be out before the final week but I'm afraid that won't happen. 
how do we PM on here? I thought there was an option for it, but can't see anything
Hi Liverpoollass.
To do a PM left click on the little gingerbread man by the forum member you want to send the PM. You then get a little screen where one of the options may be "Start a Dialog with him or her". Click on that option to go the dialog screen and then proceed with the message. As it is possible for members to have the option set not to be able to receive dialogs, then if you select one of those members, the Start a Dialog option won't appear.

However there is a way round that which you should only use in an emergency. The member won't be one of your buddies, but you will see an option to add them as a buddy. Select that option, and there is a box in which you can send a message as part of that invite. However if the member also has selected the option not to receive email notifications, then that won't work either.
El Loro
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