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Now that looks like a party! your son will be thrilled, hi skylark I can understand parents wanting their children to avoid a lot of sweets, but at a party?! I think that's a perfect time for some sweet treats No I don't suffer sinusitis yogi, thankfully, I've heard it's awful! I'm hoping its just a one off migraine. I actually feel alright now, I've shaken off the headache and just feel a bit tired but I'm alright I've been lucky! So what are you doing tomorrow yogi? Any plans? Squiggle, i just want to go home and watch movies now and it's all your fault lol
~Sparkling Summer~

Hi Summer, sounds like you just caught it in time. I know i go on about hydration, but do remember, especially when you are busy, to have a glass of water now and again.
Yes i know, no sweeties    A lovely cake though, a princess castle. I dont know who made it i must ask, it was a work of art. Still havent got granddaughter,s cake sorted yet, must get that organised soon.....x

Just saw that Summer  

Originally Posted by squiggle:

I'm glad to hear that Keira is back to her old self, just a thought I wonder if dogs get wind?  I know sometimes when you get trapped wind it's so painful and can make you feel really off.


Summer I'm really intrigued now, 2 face packs?


Aww a 'chase me round the coffee table phase'

Funnily enough, Mr Yogi and I came to the conclusion it was either trapped wind or some sort of colic pain she'd had.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
I too wondered if it was wind- great minds Ah big episode of corrie, I read in the paper that it was going to happen! Yes 2 face masks; The first is a deep cleansing mask, then I do a revitalising/moisturising face mask. My skin feels gooooooooooooooood I used to do it far more often, I really should make more of an effort

My skin has been very dry recently. I ought to do an exfoliating mask followed by a nourishing one to see if it might help.


Good morning everyone, a mixture of blue skies and clouds but quite pleasant here.


I had assumed that Karl would die in the fire, I know at least one person dies.


Tell me more about home facials Summer.  I have a face mask which I shall use soon, a Simple one which does help to banish the winter grey but yours sound good.  I don't think we get an Avon lady, can I get them from somewhere else I wonder, I wonder if they have them on the web or on eBay, I must do further research.  Does anyone use the apricot kernels face scrub thing - what's it called?  That can slough off all the dead skin too.

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