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Originally Posted by squiggle:

I'll probably record The Lady Vanishes too, I'm a big fan of The Queen but I've watched a lot of documentaries about her in the past so will probably give this one a miss.

I'll watch The Lady Vanishes and record a film which I've seen before and watch it with my brother when he visits over Easter. It's quite a surprising choice but it's Legally Blonde. I thoroughly enjoyed it the first time I saw it and Reese Witherspoon is no dumb blonde.

El Loro
Originally Posted by moonie:

I remember the time when you used to get the odd leak about the Budget. Now you get virtually everything before the Budget speech 

It was Gordon Brown who started telling us what was in the budget before the speech and also announcing what was going to happen to taxes over the next few years. That can make life a bit confusing for accountants like myself.

It's already been announced what the personal allowances and rates will be from April.

But it's a bit unknown for companies who pay corporation tax. There's the main rate and the small profits rate. The main rate has been lowered in recent years. It used to be 28% in 2010, currently 24% and will be 23% as from April. But the small profits rate which was 21% is currently 20% and no announcement has been made as to what the rate will be from April. If a small company has a year end of 30 September, it knows that on the current year it will pay tax at 21% for the first half of the year to 31 March but has no idea what the rate will be for the second half of the year. Is it going to be 20%, or is it going to be lowered, or is the chancellor going to say that as the main rate is now only slightly higher he's getting rid of the small profits rate? Apart from the chancellor, no-one knows.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

I'll probably record The Lady Vanishes too, I'm a big fan of The Queen but I've watched a lot of documentaries about her in the past so will probably give this one a miss.

I'll watch The Lady Vanishes and record a film which I've seen before and watch it with my brother when he visits over Easter. It's quite a surprising choice but it's Legally Blonde. I thoroughly enjoyed it the first time I saw it and Reese Witherspoon is no dumb blonde.

I agree, I really liked that film.  Have you ever seen My Cousin Vinny, in which there is a really dumb blonde (I think she was blonde) who surprised everyone during the trial scene, very amusing.


Good news if that does happen in the budget


Squiggle, I did see My Cousin Vinny quite along time ago. At present I can't remember seeing a dumb blonde in the trial scene. I do know that Vinny's on-off fiancee Lisa is summonsed by Vinny at the trial as a surprise expert witness on cars. But Lisa is played by Marisa Tomei and I don't recall her being blonde.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Squiggle, I did see My Cousin Vinny quite along time ago. At present I can't remember seeing a dumb blonde in the trial scene. I do know that Vinny's on-off fiancee Lisa is summonsed by Vinny at the trial as a surprise expert witness on cars. But Lisa is played by Marisa Tomei and I don't recall her being blonde.

That's the character I was thinking of, I couldn't remember if she was blonde or not but you know what I mean she was playing a character regarded as dumb by everyone but she wasn't.  I was obviously have a blonde moment there

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Some people have compared Legally Blonde to Clueless. I did start watching Clueless (which is supposedly based on Jane Austen's Emma) but after about 15 minutes I gave up before I threw something at the screen - it was that bad.

 ya vandal 

But I resisted the temptation. Instead I switched over and watched the test card which was considerably more intelligent than Clueless

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Some people have compared Legally Blonde to Clueless. I did start watching Clueless (which is supposedly based on Jane Austen's Emma) but after about 15 minutes I gave up before I threw something at the screen - it was that bad.

 ya vandal 

But I resisted the temptation. Instead I switched over and watched the test card which was considerably more intelligent than Clueless

Just got back from a 6m walk that resembled this... And it threw it down with snow too! El that's brilliant news about the pension, I'm really pleased for you Great news about Keira too she has very good taste in sweeties Lol at clueless, I liked it when I was an idiot teenager, my mum renamed it "brainless" My SIL recommended "Easter Parade" with Judy Garland- what do you all think of it?
~Sparkling Summer~

I love films from that era good family entertainment and as you say such catchy tunes. A very favourite memory of mine my sister was 10 years older than me, she used to take me to the pictures so I would have been 7 and she would have been 17 going to see On Moonlight Bay with Doris Day and Gordon McRae, and then singing the songs on the way home, I sang harmony.


Good morning everyone


Not warm here but some sunshine today.


I saw The Lady Vanishes last night and it's quite good. However it should have been called "The Wheel Spins" which was the name of the original book as it is based on the book rather than the film versions. So the scene with Miss Froy's name appearing on the window on the train is not there, Miss Froy is not a spy, and there are no shoot outs at the end. So don't watch it waiting for these to happen as they don't. I won't say any more but the various people in this version are the same as in the book rather than as in the films.

El Loro

Good morning everyone, a really beautiful Spring morning here, I do hope it lasts a while.


So sorry to hear you had a migraine Summer, on a Monday morning too hope your headache clears too   On your Love Films list do think about adding some Doris Day/Gordon MacRae movies, especially On Moonlight Bay and the sequel By The Light Of The Silvery Moon, here is a little taster, a Christmas theme too


Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Are Charters And Caldicot in the book El Loro? Thanks for explaining! I wo't comment on last night just in case.

No, they are not. They were Hitchcock's invention. The two characters subsequently made 3 films where they were the leads. The two actors Basil Radford (Charters) and Naunton Wayne (Caldicott) made other films where they appeared together most notably in Dead of Night.

El Loro
oh squiggle that's a lovely clip thank you! <--- 282! I'm going to put both films on my list right away and it will be a pleasure to watch them both I'm ok thank you I think I've got off quite lightly with the migraine, compared to what mr summer suffers especially. I have eaten far too much naughty foods lately so I'm actually grateful to my body for telling me off
~Sparkling Summer~
It's ok El, that's sleeps, not days Coffee is definitely not my trigger because I never drink it, but I have been eating too much cheese this last week and I know I'm intolerant to it. Luckily this is only my 2nd ever migraine, so I'm not going to start worrying. Mr summer gets them something terrible and has spent a long time finding his triggers, a sweetener was the hardest to fathom but since he stopped drinking diluted sugar free fruit squashes, his condition has improved a lot. Thank you for the link El, it's very interesting reading, especially since migraines can be quite mysterious
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Did you see the bit about bending/stopping el..? I was placing a draught excluder and when I stood up, the migraine started! I wonder if that may have had anything to do with it.

Summer, you don't suffer with sinusitis, do you? I sometimes get terrible headaches with it, and it gets much worse if I bend forwards. Hope your headache goes off soon.

I watched The Lady Vanishes last night and thought it was quite good. I'm sure I must have seen the Hitchcock version at some point but don't remember it.


Hi all Hope the headache has eased Summer, and it doesnt turn into a migraine, awful thing to suffer. 
Glad Keira is well now, Yogi x
Didnt watch The Lady Vanishes, i knew i would compare it to the Hitchcock original! I do miss Call The Midwife on a Sunday evening  
We are fans here too of marshmallows! Had some yesterday after the party granddaughter was at. It was a lovely party for the children but no sweeties! The mum doesnt like children to have them, so we bought some on the way home!
Weather here, cold, dark and sleeting at the minute 

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