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Update: heating still isn't working. Managed to raise the pressure to 1.5 but it still won't work. Engineer should be here within the hour. It is baltic in here!


Eldest son was driving to my house when a woman pulled out of a junction and hit his car. She tried to say it wasn't her fault!  Son phoned me and I went up to the accident site. After I calmed son down and spoke to her (she said "he just keeps talking at me") she realised that her vision had been obscured by a parked bus and had in fact joined the road when it had not been safe to do so. She has admitted liability and insurance companies have been informed.


Virgin guy has been and Tivo box and hub are up and running. The first hub he fitted was faulty and I was about to call Virgin when the engineer returned to check my V+ was still working properly. He replaced the hub and everything is working fine now.


What a morning!


Lovely pic of Bramble, I hope she enjoys her day out.


Squiggle you have reminded me about updating our Will situation. Hope you get yours all sorted.


Off to refill my hot water bottle.


Yogi, the important thing is that your son wasn't injured, just shaken. From what you've said, it sounds like it was the woman's fault entirely. Near where I live is a bus stop on the main road close by a junction. Anyone coming out on to the main road seeing a bus parked at the stop knows full well that it's impossible to see cars coming the other way and you have no choice bu to wait until the bus moves off.


It's strange how sometimes 3 things can happen one after another. Hopefully, as I post this, the boiler engineer is sorting out your problem.

El Loro

My brother and a friend are having a holiday this week in Lille. They went yesterday by Eurostar. If they had tried today they would have been unable to and all Eurostar services have been cancelled today because of heavy snow. It's very cold in Lille and I suspect that they won't be able to do much sight-seeing as a result. The worst of the snow does seem to be just south of Lille and the weather is slightly warmer by the end of the week so I doubt if they will have problems getting back. My brother knew it was forecast to be cold so he should be prepared for it.

El Loro

Been out for my 6 monthly routine blood pressure test and much the same as before. I always do my own readings beforehand as they are more reliable than the result there due to white coat syndrome.


I was due to pick up the records from a client tomorrow but her daughter is at home with glandular fever so it's postponed by a couple of weeks. When I go there I'll avoid drinking anything while I'm there (and I better refrain from kissing either my client or her daughter )

El Loro

Heating is fixed. The engineer thinks the electrician who installed the thermostat, may have transposed a couple of wires, so it is working in reverse. He turned it down a degree and the heating kicked in. He says he'll get one of their electricians to change it over the next time they are doing work in my house but at least we know what to do if it happens again. 


Lady driver's insurance have contacted son to confirm that she admits liability and he can now arrange to get his car repaied.


El, I hope the snow doesn't spoil your brother's holiday. When Mr Yogi retires, we'd love to take a couple of weeks to travel through France. Up till now, I've only been to Paris, and through the Euro tunnel on our long coach journey back from Poland, when there was the volcanic ash problem.

Good lord! I've only been gone a couple of hours and there's all sorts going on in here! Yogi I'm so glad that your son is alright and that your heating is working again, I hope you soon warm up. That's very fast work by the insurance people! Is there much damage to your sons car? El, thank goodness your brother got there before the euro star problems, I hope he still enjoys his trip regardless of the weather. I wonder if he'll be out in the snow?
~Sparkling Summer~

Yogi, I'm glad you have heating again but that wiring needs to be sorted as it doesn't sound very satisfactory. I'm not surprised the driver had to take responsibility for the accident as it's hard to see how she could get out of it.


Summer, as my brother didn't take walking boots with him he's less likely to do much if it involves much walking in the snow, I did warn him several weeks ago that winter was being forecast to stay much longer than usual. It's quite likely that some places will continue to get snow from time to time until late March, and even after then temperatures are forecast to stay below average.

El Loro
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Heating is fixed. The engineer thinks the electrician who installed the thermostat, may have transposed a couple of wires, so it is working in reverse. He turned it down a degree and the heating kicked in. He says he'll get one of their electricians to change it over the next time they are doing work in my house but at least we know what to do if it happens again. 


Lady driver's insurance have contacted son to confirm that she admits liability and he can now arrange to get his car repaied.


El, I hope the snow doesn't spoil your brother's holiday. When Mr Yogi retires, we'd love to take a couple of weeks to travel through France. Up till now, I've only been to Paris, and through the Euro tunnel on our long coach journey back from Poland, when there was the volcanic ash problem.



Wow sounds like a busy day all around.  Skylark lovely to see you back again, we were all worried about you hope you start to feel much better soon.  You could do with a holiday.


What a nuisance for your son Yogi, and thank goodness he wasn't hurt.


I loved the pine marten clip EL.


On my way back from the solicitors I got a phone call from my eldest grandson, it was his theory test today and he couldn't find the counterpart of his driving licence.  He thought he had it but it turned out to be his brothers.  We were just about to write off the test when his friend phoned me, she had it, so I rushed out of the house to pick it up from her and raced off to get my grandson and drove like a bat out of hell to the test centre.  We made it by the skin of our teeth and then the poor lamb failed.  He was gutted but I cheered him up and booked him in again for  fortnight's time.  We were stopped by a surf shop on the way back at traffice lights and there were some  uplifting signs in the window, one of which he really liked.  Tough Times Don't Last, Tough People Do, so I think he is going to make this his motto from now on, you know what he has been through.


All the best for your grandson, next time, squiggle xx
Have seen the ad lots of times El, i find it a bit disrespectful to be honest. To use that lovely womans image to sell chocolate doesnt sit right with me. But hey ho..the sign of the times. 
Signing out now, my eye not liking the glare of the computer.
Take care, goodnight everyone 


I see that that advert was premiered during Mr Selfridge which as I gave up after the first couple of episodes explains why I haven't seen the advert until now.

Skylark, I agree with you, it does seem somewhat disrespectful though her children sanctioned it.

It's less disrespectful than that travesty of an advert with Gene Kelly in Singin' in the rain a year or so ago.

El Loro

I'm back. I called Virgin and spoke to a nice chap, who said his name was John. He did some twiddly stuff at his end and sent my signal down a different channel (or something like that) and now it is all working well.

Skylark, I agree with you about the advert with Audrey Hepburn, it doesn't seem right somehow. It's sooooooooo good to have you back.

Bad luck about your grandson's theory test, Squiggle, but he will get there eventually. The things we have to work hardest for, are often the ones we appreciate most.

Don't worry Moonie, the wiring in the thermostat isn't dangerous, it is just making the dial work in reverse.

El, I loved Gregory Peck and hope that quote was one of his.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I'm back. I called Virgin and spoke to a nice chap, who said his name was John. He did some twiddly stuff at his end and sent my signal down a different channel (or something like that) and now it is all working well.

Skylark, I agree with you about the advert with Audrey Hepburn, it doesn't seem right somehow. It's sooooooooo good to have you back.

Bad luck about your grandson's theory test, Squiggle, but he will get there eventually. The things we have to work hardest for, are often the ones we appreciate most.

Don't worry Moonie, the wiring in the thermostat isn't dangerous, it is just making the dial work in reverse.

El, I loved Gregory Peck and hope that quote was one of his.

Yeeeey you made it 

The wonders of modern technology eh? 

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I'm back. I called Virgin and spoke to a nice chap, who said his name was John. He did some twiddly stuff at his end and sent my signal down a different channel (or something like that) and now it is all working well.

Skylark, I agree with you about the advert with Audrey Hepburn, it doesn't seem right somehow. It's sooooooooo good to have you back.

Bad luck about your grandson's theory test, Squiggle, but he will get there eventually. The things we have to work hardest for, are often the ones we appreciate most.

Don't worry Moonie, the wiring in the thermostat isn't dangerous, it is just making the dial work in reverse.

El, I loved Gregory Peck and hope that quote was one of his.

Yeeeey you made it 

The wonders of modern technology eh? 

 Thank goodness for John in the Indian call centre.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I'm back. I called Virgin and spoke to a nice chap, who said his name was John. He did some twiddly stuff at his end and sent my signal down a different channel (or something like that) and now it is all working well.

Skylark, I agree with you about the advert with Audrey Hepburn, it doesn't seem right somehow. It's sooooooooo good to have you back.

Bad luck about your grandson's theory test, Squiggle, but he will get there eventually. The things we have to work hardest for, are often the ones we appreciate most.

Don't worry Moonie, the wiring in the thermostat isn't dangerous, it is just making the dial work in reverse.

El, I loved Gregory Peck and hope that quote was one of his.

Yeeeey you made it 

The wonders of modern technology eh? 

 Thank goodness for John in the Indian call centre.

They know what you are watching when you are watching it, you know 

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I'm back. I called Virgin and spoke to a nice chap, who said his name was John. He did some twiddly stuff at his end and sent my signal down a different channel (or something like that) and now it is all working well.

Skylark, I agree with you about the advert with Audrey Hepburn, it doesn't seem right somehow. It's sooooooooo good to have you back.

Bad luck about your grandson's theory test, Squiggle, but he will get there eventually. The things we have to work hardest for, are often the ones we appreciate most.

Don't worry Moonie, the wiring in the thermostat isn't dangerous, it is just making the dial work in reverse.

El, I loved Gregory Peck and hope that quote was one of his.

Yeeeey you made it 

The wonders of modern technology eh? 

 Thank goodness for John in the Indian call centre.

They know what you are watching when you are watching it, you know 

They might get worried when they realise how many murder mysteries I watch.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I'm back. I called Virgin and spoke to a nice chap, who said his name was John. He did some twiddly stuff at his end and sent my signal down a different channel (or something like that) and now it is all working well.

Skylark, I agree with you about the advert with Audrey Hepburn, it doesn't seem right somehow. It's sooooooooo good to have you back.

Bad luck about your grandson's theory test, Squiggle, but he will get there eventually. The things we have to work hardest for, are often the ones we appreciate most.

Don't worry Moonie, the wiring in the thermostat isn't dangerous, it is just making the dial work in reverse.

El, I loved Gregory Peck and hope that quote was one of his.

Yeeeey you made it 

The wonders of modern technology eh? 

 Thank goodness for John in the Indian call centre.

They know what you are watching when you are watching it, you know 

They might get worried when they realise how many murder mysteries I watch.


Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I'm back. I called Virgin and spoke to a nice chap, who said his name was John. He did some twiddly stuff at his end and sent my signal down a different channel (or something like that) and now it is all working well.

Skylark, I agree with you about the advert with Audrey Hepburn, it doesn't seem right somehow. It's sooooooooo good to have you back.

Bad luck about your grandson's theory test, Squiggle, but he will get there eventually. The things we have to work hardest for, are often the ones we appreciate most.

Don't worry Moonie, the wiring in the thermostat isn't dangerous, it is just making the dial work in reverse.

El, I loved Gregory Peck and hope that quote was one of his.

Yeeeey you made it 

The wonders of modern technology eh? 

 Thank goodness for John in the Indian call centre.

They know what you are watching when you are watching it, you know 

They might get worried when they realise how many murder mysteries I watch.


 I'm watching repeats of Lewis atm. What are you watching?

Lovely to have you back skylark are you feeling any better? Oh squiggle, how frustrating for your grandson, I can heartily sympathise because I failed 4 driving tests before finally passing! The first 2 I failed miserably and the next 2 were pure bad luck! Make sure he doesn't give up, he'll get there Yogi is your house warm now? El, I'm pleased your check up went well, well done! Moonie I hope you had a lovely day..?
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:

I got the footie on the radio on the telly 

Which match?

Mr Yogi was watching the Barcelona game upstairs on his new Tivo box.

It was Cardiff v Leicester. It finished 1-1. WTG Mr Yogi 

 It's a man thing, isn't it?


My house is toasty warm now, thanks Summer.

I can guarantee Mr Yogi will have the ceiling fan on in the bedroom because he'll be too hot.

I hope Bramble enjoyed her day at your SiL's.

Off for a bath then bed, catch up tomorrow. Goodnight Moonie and Summer.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Lovely to have you back skylark are you feeling any better? Oh squiggle, how frustrating for your grandson, I can heartily sympathise because I failed 4 driving tests before finally passing! The first 2 I failed miserably and the next 2 were pure bad luck! Make sure he doesn't give up, he'll get there Yogi is your house warm now? El, I'm pleased your check up went well, well done! Moonie I hope you had a lovely day..?

I did have had a lovely day fankoo Sweet  I hope you have too

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:

I got the footie on the radio on the telly 

Which match?

Mr Yogi was watching the Barcelona game upstairs on his new Tivo box.

It was Cardiff v Leicester. It finished 1-1. WTG Mr Yogi 

 It's a man thing, isn't it?


My house is toasty warm now, thanks Summer.

I can guarantee Mr Yogi will have the ceiling fan on in the bedroom because he'll be too hot.

I hope Bramble enjoyed her day at your SiL's.

Off for a bath then bed, catch up tomorrow. Goodnight Moonie and Summer.

Nite nite Yogi. Sleep well 

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