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Good afternoon everyone. Still very cold so the snow hasn't melted yet.

Everything went well at the nurse this morning.

I've been clearing out drawers and cupboards - I now have two large bin bags full of rubbish and a large bag of clothes for the charity collectors. 

Summer, I hope you've managed to get some warm food and have heated up.


Yogi, I'm glad your visit to the nurse went well


Summer, many Western churches exclude Sundays as part of the 40 days of Lent.

Ash wednesday was 13th February this years so

wed Feb 13 to Sat 16 = 4 days

Mon Feb 18 to Sat 23 = 6 days

Mon Feb 25 to Sat Mar 2 = 6 days

Mon Mar 4 to Sat 9 = 6 days

Mon Mar 11 to Sat 16 = 6 days

Mon Mar 18 to Sat 23 = 6 days

Mon Mar 25 to Sat 30 (day before Easter Sunday) = 6 days

Total 40 days


So in our church after the main Sunday service we have coffee etc and biscuits and even if people have given up biscuits for Lent, we still have biscuits then.


So for people who have given up chocolates for Lent, it's for each person to decide whether or not to have a chocolate on a Sunday. Of course if someone ate lots of chocolate it would make Easter eggs from Easter Sunday less special.

El Loro
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Virgin engineer is coming to my house tomorrow to upgrade my decrepit modem.  According to Virgin, it's all singing and dancing, superfast internet - we shall see!

I wouldn't hold my breath if I was you Yogi 

I'm hoping for the best and preparing for the worst.

Mind you, it can't be worse than the modem I've got atm. If we get a power cut, it takes half an hour to warm up again.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Virgin engineer is coming to my house tomorrow to upgrade my decrepit modem.  According to Virgin, it's all singing and dancing, superfast internet - we shall see!

I wouldn't hold my breath if I was you Yogi 

I'm hoping for the best and preparing for the worst.

Mind you, it can't be worse than the modem I've got atm. If we get a power cut, it takes half an hour to warm up again.

It hasn't got valves in, has it Yogi? 

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Virgin engineer is coming to my house tomorrow to upgrade my decrepit modem.  According to Virgin, it's all singing and dancing, superfast internet - we shall see!

I wouldn't hold my breath if I was you Yogi 

I'm hoping for the best and preparing for the worst.

Mind you, it can't be worse than the modem I've got atm. If we get a power cut, it takes half an hour to warm up again.

It hasn't got valves in, has it Yogi? 

 I don't think so - but my DiL says she has never seen such an old modem.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

He was a Christian, Squiggle, and a very sweet man.

I thought he might be because of the way he gently treated you all to such an important symbol on that most holy of days


Is it still a modem and not a router Yogi?   I haven't had a modem for years.

You know what a numpty I am with anything to do with computers, however we appear to have a modem and a router.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Virgin engineer is coming to my house tomorrow to upgrade my decrepit modem.  According to Virgin, it's all singing and dancing, superfast internet - we shall see!

I wouldn't hold my breath if I was you Yogi 

I'm hoping for the best and preparing for the worst.

Mind you, it can't be worse than the modem I've got atm. If we get a power cut, it takes half an hour to warm up again.

It hasn't got valves in, has it Yogi? 

 I don't think so - but my DiL says she has never seen such an old modem.

Quite a while ago I 'negotiated' a doubling of my broadband speed to upto 20 meg, for the same price. I told them if they didn't 'offer me something' as the price had just risen, I would 'go elsewhere' 

I went on their website just recently and they will 'give me one of their new wireless hubs which will make my broadband speed upto 30 meg' The thing is I have heard that their new wireless hubs are rubbish, so will stick with old modem and my own router 

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Virgin engineer is coming to my house tomorrow to upgrade my decrepit modem.  According to Virgin, it's all singing and dancing, superfast internet - we shall see!

I wouldn't hold my breath if I was you Yogi 

I'm hoping for the best and preparing for the worst.

Mind you, it can't be worse than the modem I've got atm. If we get a power cut, it takes half an hour to warm up again.

It hasn't got valves in, has it Yogi? 

 I don't think so - but my DiL says she has never seen such an old modem.

Quite a while ago I 'negotiated' a doubling of my broadband speed to upto 20 meg, for the same price. I told them if they didn't 'offer me something' as the price had just risen, I would 'go elsewhere' 

I went on their website just recently and they will 'give me one of their new wireless hubs which will make my broadband speed upto 30 meg' The thing is I have heard that their new wireless hubs are rubbish, so will stick with old modem and my own router 

Oh no, I think it's a hub I'm getting tomorrow!

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Virgin engineer is coming to my house tomorrow to upgrade my decrepit modem.  According to Virgin, it's all singing and dancing, superfast internet - we shall see!

I wouldn't hold my breath if I was you Yogi 

I'm hoping for the best and preparing for the worst.

Mind you, it can't be worse than the modem I've got atm. If we get a power cut, it takes half an hour to warm up again.

It hasn't got valves in, has it Yogi? 

 I don't think so - but my DiL says she has never seen such an old modem.

Quite a while ago I 'negotiated' a doubling of my broadband speed to upto 20 meg, for the same price. I told them if they didn't 'offer me something' as the price had just risen, I would 'go elsewhere' 

I went on their website just recently and they will 'give me one of their new wireless hubs which will make my broadband speed upto 30 meg' The thing is I have heard that their new wireless hubs are rubbish, so will stick with old modem and my own router 

Oh no, I think it's a hub I'm getting tomorrow!

In that case, good luck. I hope what I have heard is wrong 

thanks yogi, sweet dreams I'm pleased to hear that your nurse's visit went well and I hope the engineer sorts you out with a fantastic upgrade tomorrow El, I like the sound of excluding Sundays for lent, but I couldn't bring myself to break my resolution. I love the challenge of not giving in to temptation. I feel cleaner for it somehow too . Squiggle, I have a book somewhere about what's in chocolate and how it gets you addicted etc, it has a section about why your body stops craving it after all those nasty addictive chemicals in it, are out of your system. Therefore, you are liberated Having said that, I will still have an Easter egg I've been painting clay holly leaves! And I just HAVE to show you my friends tree; She had a similar one at christmas and has decided it's staying up all year, with different decorations each month... I love it Hi moonie if you're still up I'll be in the manor Got to go, there's a bus coming! Goodnight all Skylark where are you?!
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone. I fell asleep at 10pm and woke at 6am, so I'm a bit of an early bird.

It'a absolutely freezing here - and made worse by the fact my heating isn't working! I've had a look and the pressure has dropped. I know there is a little valve which I can turn to raise the pressure to the correct level but I've forgotten where it is. I'll phone middle son in a wee while and hopefully he'll be able to talk me through it, or send out an engineer.

Have a good day all.


Good morning everyone


Very cold here. There are snow flurries here but unlikely to cause any problems.


Yogi, I hope the results of the replacement hub prove satisfactory. Your current 20mb maximum rate should increase to 30mb maximum rate. The majority of users of the hub use it as wireless based. I understand that it is still possible to use the hub on a wired basis though. Although there are people who have had problems with the hub I suspect that the problems would reduce if the hub was wired rather than wireless.

The current modem is not capable of supporting more than a 20mb rate but the hub can support a lot faster than 30mb should you ever decide to go for a faster rate.

El Loro

Good morning everyone, it's horribly cold here, I certainly hope you get your heating working again soon Yogi, far too cold to be without central heating.  Good luck with the Virgin set up today.


Lovely picture of Bramble, I hope she enjoys her outing and you enjoy your lie in Summer.  You must be right about the addictive quality of chocolate because I definitely used to crave it from time to time and now I don't even think about it.


I've got to venture out (very unwillingly) soon, as I am off to sign my updated will (how to portion out my vast riches )


Yogi, I hope you can sort out the pressure in your boiler fast as it's freezing

I keep the boiler instruction booklet near the boiler. With my boiler (a Worcester combi) there's a plastic key which has to be pushed in a particular hole on the underneath of the boiler. It has to be pushed in quite firmly and then I have to turn it to increase the pressure. Once it's reached the correct pressure on the pressure guage (1.5 on mine) I turn the key back to stop the pressure rising any further. Because it's hard to push the key in I just keep it in the hole in an off position. Although the pressure did cause problems in the early days I haven't had a problem for a long time.

El Loro
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