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Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Sorry! I fell asleep in the sofa mr summer just woke me and sent me up to bed Ducky appears most Friday nights so don't blame her on a Friday and you'll avoid sententious Sweetest of dreams yogi, moonie and everyone else Skylark, hope you're alright, come back soon

Nightems Sweet. Sleep well  


Good morning everyone.  Reading back through the thread gave me a chuckle, oh poor son's g/f Yogi, must have come as a bit of a shock to her.  You will breeze through your washing now.  I am loving the helpless female thing from both you and Summer, always worked for me


The wallpaper sounds nice and I love the way it picks up your accent colours.


Off soon to the crem, I think they are planning to keep it as joyous as possible, so no black, I am dressed in light colours.


Have a good day and I hope if there's rain (which is threatened for us) that you will dodge the showers.


Oh and an extra one for you Skylark you OK?  And Joyron

Good morning And what a miserable one too, it's grey, misty, drizzly and chilly! We'll have to make our own sunshine today Squiggle, I hope the funeral goes well, what a lovely idea wearing colours we had to for my grandmothers funeral, I wore a light pink suit and she would have loved it. I told mr summer I'm going to make everyone dress up festive for my funeral, no matter what time of year it is and to make my coffin look like a big present It sure would make everyone smile wouldn't it! If there's a gathering afterwards too, I hope that's filled with pleasant memories Yogi, I forgot to say last night that your wallpaper sounds perfect, I like your choices El, are you continuing with the churches accounts today? Good morning skylark and joyron I hope you're both having a good morning
~Sparkling Summer~
Wow el, that's a great idea! I would love that lol My mum wants her ashes scattered by a rocket, I believe they explode like fireworks in the sky.. She loves that idea. We're not morbid but we openly discuss that kind of thing in our family. Hope the remainder of the accounts are going well I just discovered that crufts starts today, it's snuck up on me, where's the year gone?! It's terriers today, I'll definitely have that on tonight Did I tell you that we're going to have some new additions to our family? No I'm not expecting lol mr summer is making arrangements to put 2 of these in my old rabbit hutch.. Polecats!
~Sparkling Summer~

Good afternoon everyone. Weather is wet and dismal today.

Squiggle, my nana didn't want black to be worn at her funeral, so my mum wore red and other mourners wore light and bright colours too. I hope all goes well today.

Summer, I have also discussed my funeral arrangements with my youngest son and he knows which hymns and songs I want played. He says he is my funeral DJ. Middle son thinks we are nuts!  I have also insisted that they buy an inexpensive coffin but not one of those wicker ones and only a spray of flowers on top of the coffin, not wreaths which spell out my name or mum. They could get one with Yogi on it though.

I an not being disrespectful or trying to trivialise funerals, it's just that when my brother died aged 34, my parents had never discussed funerals with him (for obvious reasons) and they found it so hard to imagine what he would have wanted. I want to make it easy for my lot when the time comes, although I am not planning on going anywhere for many years to come.

I love your Christmas themed funeral idea and El's reindeer drawn hearse would be perfect.


He used to have them and has always said my hutch would be a great ferret home. Now that I'm not getting any more bunnies, he Asked if I would mind a ferret.. I don't mind, i won't be cleaning it out  

el, I wouldn't let bramble and the ferrets loose together but she may need some training if she jumps up when we handle them, she was good with the bunnies but she grew up with them there. She's older now and may want to hunt them, but we'll have to wait and see. Usually she likes a good sniff and then is satisfied, I hope this will be the case.

i know nothing about ferrets, mr summer will need to teach me! He's chosen polecats because he doesn't like the albino ferrets, I agree that polecats are better looking 


until tomorrow then, thanks yogi I hope you sleep well x

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, much milder here, I have turned the heating off early and might stop it coming on again this afternoon.  I know it will turn colder next week though but from my window here I can see snowdrops and my daffs have just popped up in tight bud so Spring is just around the corner tra la!


Naughty naughty Bramble


It was a very short ceremony, the crem was packed full to bursting and the memory I brought away was the young mum's face afterwards, being hugged by people and her face half tearful and half joyful, very moving.


Good morning everyone. There is an icy cold wind blowing, up here.

Squiggle, to lose a child is the worst thing, my thoughts are with the baby's mum.

Summer, I'm pleased to say Keira doesn't eat poo but our first retriever did on occasion - revolting habit!

My car is in for its MOT today. I am anticipating the worst and hoping for the best. * fingers crossed*

Off to paint the edges before Mr Yogi starts painting the three bedroom walls. I may be away some time.

I've been naughty Seeing as I know I'm the killer in the murder mystery tomorrow, I decided to see if there's any I formation online about the game, in order to help me get away with my crime I have indeed discovered a blog, where some silly lady has revealed all the answers of her party I'm hoping no other guests tomorrow have done the same, and technically I don't think I've cheated.. but I do know who's a secret CIA agent, a secret spy and a secret jewel thief! All potentially helpful bits of information I'm so naughty!
~Sparkling Summer~

Ooh Summer you are SO naughty   I like it, full report required - we will debrief you


Good luck with the MOT Yogi, I am sure all will be well.  Do you have a steady hand with the edges or do you use masking tape, I am intrigued by that stuff they advertise which stops paint bleed.


EL they have such a strong faith the young couple and 3 very young children that I think they will be fine.  When you think of the problems that wee one would have faced it makes you glad to know that he has such a happy life ahead of him, in heaven.


EDIT: The pond is suddenly heaving with frogs, we only got a few before but now it's frog soup in there and they are making such a racket.

Last edited by squiggle

Evening Summer and Moonie. Glad Bramble is out of the dog house.

It's been a busy old day. My car needed a few bits done before it passed the MOT, and it had a service too. Running like a dream now.

We have given the bedroom walls two coats of emulsion but I fear it is going to need another one tomorrow. Mr Yogi's face was like this when I broke the bad news. I did all the edges and fiddly bits and I am starting to ache. I think a bath with some lavender bubble bath will be needed later.

Originally Posted by moonie:

Hiya Yogi   

Fancy working poor Mr Yogi so hard 

It sounds like he's the one who needs the lavender bubble bath   

Noooooo! He's only been using the roller. I have been stretching to do the edges at the ceiling and crawling about the floor to do the edges at the skirting boards. I need the bubble bath more than him.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Hiya Yogi   

Fancy working poor Mr Yogi so hard 

It sounds like he's the one who needs the lavender bubble bath   

Noooooo! He's only been using the roller. I have been stretching to do the edges at the ceiling and crawling about the floor to do the edges at the skirting boards. I need the bubble bath more than him.

Tis very very hard work rolling though 

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Hiya Yogi   

Fancy working poor Mr Yogi so hard 

It sounds like he's the one who needs the lavender bubble bath   

Noooooo! He's only been using the roller. I have been stretching to do the edges at the ceiling and crawling about the floor to do the edges at the skirting boards. I need the bubble bath more than him.

Tis very very hard work rolling though 

 So Mr Yogi tells me.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Hiya Yogi   

Fancy working poor Mr Yogi so hard 

It sounds like he's the one who needs the lavender bubble bath   

Noooooo! He's only been using the roller. I have been stretching to do the edges at the ceiling and crawling about the floor to do the edges at the skirting boards. I need the bubble bath more than him.

Tis very very hard work rolling though 

 So Mr Yogi tells me.

I hope he tells you that often that you start to believe him 

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Hiya Yogi   

Fancy working poor Mr Yogi so hard 

It sounds like he's the one who needs the lavender bubble bath   

Noooooo! He's only been using the roller. I have been stretching to do the edges at the ceiling and crawling about the floor to do the edges at the skirting boards. I need the bubble bath more than him.

Tis very very hard work rolling though 

 So Mr Yogi tells me.

I hope he tells you that often that you start to believe him 

 No chance!

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Hiya Yogi   

Fancy working poor Mr Yogi so hard 

It sounds like he's the one who needs the lavender bubble bath   

Noooooo! He's only been using the roller. I have been stretching to do the edges at the ceiling and crawling about the floor to do the edges at the skirting boards. I need the bubble bath more than him.

Tis very very hard work rolling though 

 So Mr Yogi tells me.

I hope he tells you that often that you start to believe him 

 No chance!


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