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Sorry yogi, I had to put bramble out before bed and then clean my teeth! Lovely colour scheme, then you can add a colour theme with soft furnishings if you wish to I'm eyeing up our hallway for a makeover and I was thinking a warm neutral tone too- the choices are exceptional now aren't they It's jolly good fun splashing testers everywhere too Sweetest of dreams yogi, sleep well
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, what a lovely start to my day watching the scene from Brassed Off and listening to that wonderful music.  What a loss Pete Postlethwaite is.


I like going to DIY shops, I hope you find just the colour carpet and paint that you want Yogi, do you have the colour fixed in your mind and then struggle to match it?  That's what I do I know just what I want and then it's a case of tracking it down.


It is the most beautiful morning and although I know we are due to get rain tomorrow this morning fills you with hope of spring just around the corner.

It's been a very foggy start here and now the sun has burst through and it looks like it's going to be a beautiful day I'm up early most days, I was just delaying getting out from under the duvet when I posted this morning my sunrise lamp has been a godsend this winter, but it's almost light when I rise now so it won't be needed for too much longer. I would rather go DIY shopping than clothes shopping, it's far less stressful and much more satisfying I've got a raging sore throat this morning, it resembles the colour of inside a live volcano hope that's all it'll be Skylark I too hope you are well and can pop in soon for joyron too, for if you see this
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Cloudy here but dry at present, rain forecast soon today and every day until Tuesday when it's more likely to be snow. 


Well done Summer on making a start on your Christmas preparations. My neighbours still have their outside Christmas lights in place (they don't switch them on though).


I had another email from a different client this morning which had a dubious link on it. I rang her and she's been up much of the night trying to contact everyone on her address book to warn them not to click on the link. She had been texted by someone about this at 2 in the morning and was exhausted.

El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Why do they need an independent examination?

Churches are charities. Although our church does not have to register with the Charity Commissioners as it is a C of E church it still has to comply with the Charity Commissioners rules on accounts. The majority of churches would have to have their annual accounts independently examined. Independent examination is a cut down version of an audit which would only be required for churches with substantially higher income than ours. Our accounts get filed with the local Diocesan Board of Finance covering Gloucesteshire rather than with the Charity Commissioners. The rules have recently changed so that if a church's income exceeds ÂĢ100,000 then it has to register with the Charity Commissioners unless they can convince the Commissioners that the increase in income was due to exceptional circumstances.


Oh, I've just noticed something in the church accounts - I better let the treasurer know

El Loro

Good morning everyone, good luck with the examination of the church accounts EL, does it take you long?


I am impressed Summer, starting your Christmas preparations so early, but it does sound a lovely task.  I keep meaning to getting around to putting my Christmas list in a format that will print directly onto labels, a friend of mine does it but when I looked at how to do it my brain fainted   I am sure there must be an easy way.


That is some cake EL - they missed off the violet   I used to make rainbow jellies for birthday parties when my daughter was small, they looked nothing in the mould but when you cut into them they were so pretty.


Have a good day everyone, hope the decorating goes well Yogi, and no arguments   Skylark hope all is OK.


Squiggle, I don't really make a note of the time I spend on looking through the church accounts as I do it in bits over several days.


In the past for a few years I dealt with the church envelopes scheme. Each year I had to run off sticky labels for everyone's envelope box. The details were on a Windows Access database and it wasn't an easy job as I was not used to using Access. Good luck with your efforts.


People making rainbow cakes seem to generally only use 6 colours and effectively combine indigo and violet - that's what Google results seem to show. Rainbows also have colours at either end - infra red and ultra violet but in very low quantity which the human eye can't see. Snakes and scorpions can see infra red, and insects can see ultra violet so their perception of rainbows would be different to ours.

El Loro
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