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Oh El, thank you so much, my mouth is watering at that cake. *drools*

I didn't have my caramel wafer, Summer, because my middle son arrived and brought me a Belgian Bun.

My car had a puncture. I had driven over a big screw at some point and it was embedded in the tyre and wrecked it. I wouldn't mind but we only bought the tyre a couple of months ago, and with the little mileage I do, it was still like new.

The nuts were on so tight that my kind neighbour had to help my middle son get the wheel off and put the spare on. All sorted now and I'll buy a new tyre on Monday.

^lol poor son hope his hands & ears are recovered soon- maybe a wafer will help! That's rotten about your tyre yogi, such a waste of tyre and money I hope the new one lasts until it's tread is gone I love Belgian buns too Good news; the boiler is fixed! And what a lovely bath I've just had It's the birthday meal tonight so I'd best go dry my hair. I managed to buy a cute pinny style dress with a spotty top for underneath in asda for only ÂĢ20, my wardrobe is in dire need of some replacements and I haven't spent any money on myself for well over 6 months now. Well, only birthday/Xmas gift money, so that doesn't count in the same way
~Sparkling Summer~

Glad your boiler is sorted, Summer.

Your outfit sounds lovely and a great price too. Hope you enjoy the birthday meal.

Squiggle, son says "the tyre is goosed!", which translates as beyond repair.

My spare is a brand new tyre, so we may put it onto the alloy and buy a cheaper (not remould) tyre to use as a spare. My car service and MOT are due later this month, so a new tyre is an extra expense we could have done without.

Off for a bath and to choose a book to read. Goodnight all, sweet dreams.

Hugs for Summer and any other night owls.

*night owls* Crikey! It's a lot later than I thought it was The night was lovely, good company but I wasn't impressed with the food, I wouldn't rush back nor recommend it Doesn't the angle & position of the nail in the tyre determine whether it's repairable or ruined? I had one once, it had been in there a while too before finally deflating. I'm sure I had to get a new tyre in the end Hope you all had a good evening
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, a really hard frost overnight, quite a shock as yesterday was such a lovely day.


Yogi isn't that always the way, just when you don't need to spend more money something like this comes along.  Summer what a shame the food wasn't anything to write home about


Grandson is coming to church this morning, speak to you later.  I hope it's not so cold where you are.

Good morning Dull and overcast but not cold here, a perfect day for cleaning the inside windows so I have no excuses for not doing it Squiggle I hope you both enjoy church today Yogi, how's your first weekend without chicks in the nest going? El I hope your brother is enjoying his stay. I heard on jazz fm last night an interview with the writer/director of Dancing on the Edge. The Louis Lester interview will be shown on March 10th and among other things, we'll learn more about Jessie & Carla, as Stanley interviews Louis at a time before the events of the main series. They played several of the songs from the show too, I thoroughly enjoyed listening Skylark I hope you are well and having a nice weekend
~Sparkling Summer~

Squiggle, it is a little bit strange atm but I'm sure I'll get used to it eventually.

Shame about your grandson, but as you say, he'll go when he's ready.

Summer, your post shamed me into cleaning my windows, the outsides were quite dusty!

My dad phoned earlier, needing help with booking flights on a website. I had to go onto the website and do a pretend booking (up to the point of payment), so that I could talk him through it. 47 minutes later and the flights are booked.

Skylark, I hope you are having a relaxing day to yourself.



Just dropped my brother off at the railway station. We had a pleasant week-end and I've still have a good 3 slices left of that cake My brother's coming here for a long Easter break arriving on Thursday (Maundy Thursday) afternoon and returning on Tuesday afternoon. It's longer than intended due to railway engineering works making it impossible for him to return on the Monday.


Summer, thanks for the date of the Louis Lester interview. I've just checked on the BBC schedule and it's on BBC2 from 10.30 pm to 11.35 on Sunday 10th as you said.

It says:

This hour long drama is a series of interviews undertaken by Stanley for his Music Express magazine. They take place at the peak of fame for the Louis Lester band and Louis, Jessie and Carla give an insight into their thoughts about fame as well as their personal stories. The interviews are intercut with footage of the band playing, whilst Stanley's voiceover gives his inner thoughts on the characters.

Louis and Stanley remember the First World War, in which Louis's father fought. Louis talks about what it is like to be a black musician in London, and they discuss the band's exotic attraction to the aristocracy. Stanley talks to Carla and Jessie, who open up about their upbringings and their feelings on becoming famous. And Louis describes a chilling story about a female fan, when what started as a prank phone call became something much more sinister.

El Loro
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Yogi have a little look in the Bread Board thread, what a super idea, thinking ahead that is to when childish scribbles (otherwise known as great art by doting grandparents - been there, done that, got the T shirt) come along.  Well done on guiding your dad through the complexities of flight booking on the internet.

I've had a look and it's a great idea, Squiggle, and definitely something for the future.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

It's good that your brother will be back to visit you so soon, El.

Yes, it will make up for the visit I had to cancel a month ago because I had just come down with a cold.


After Easter my brother comes here near the beginning of May then there's quite a gap until late June. He would have been due to come mid June but won't because of the major music event taking place on the 15th and 16th of June at Gloucester Rugby Stadium. It is so major that trains to Gloucester at that time will be overflowing. Also as my house is about 2/3rds of a mile from the stadium the noise will be very noticeable.


Rick Wakeman Myths and Legends of King Arthur on 15th June followed by Journey to the Centre of the Earth on the 16th.

This will be the first time that King Arthur has been performed in 30 years. As a result people from around the world will be coming to Gloucester to be at the concert.


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

So you'll be able to hear the concert for free, El? Even if you don't want to.

Yes I don't know how much the tickets will be as they aren't yet available but I doubt if they will be cheap considering that every Rick Wakeman fan in the world will want to be there.

I bet they'll cost a pretty penny - and you'll be able to hear it all, just by popping out the back door.

Evening I cannot believe the time where has the day gone?! I'm glad I did clean my windows yogi because I'd have felt rotten if I'd have made you do yours and then not have done my own they look lovely now though. I went on a hoovering & dusting, mopping & throwing out rampage too, the whole house got it! It looks very nice now Then we did a 6 mile walk, and I've just had a long soak in the bath Squiggle, I hope you still enjoyed the service anyway, I'm sure he'll come with you before long did you have lunch after? El, I have slight brother envy of you, it's lovely that you and your brother get along like you do even more lovely that he leaves you extra cake after he's gone
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone. There's a lot of low cloud this morning. I haven't seen the forecast for today, but I am hoping it might brighten up later.

Sounds like you had a busy Sunday, Summer.

Mr Yogi is on leave this week so we are going to look for some paint for son's old bedroom and make a start on it. Mr Yogi hates decorating and I hate the mess it involves, so I think the atmosphere in my house might be less than harmonious this week.


Good morning everyone


Fair weather here today and tomorrow looks as if it could be the best day for some time. Needless to say, it turns wetter from Wednesday and back to cold weather by next week.


Summer, I did offer my brother some of the cake to take back with him but it's quite a fragile cake.


I was right about that photo in the Radio Times on yesterday's Call the Midwife - but will say no more.

El Loro

Good morning everyone, disappointing news about the weather EL, I know it's early March but it has been a long winter and I was hoping spring was just around the corner.  Enjoy the remains of the cake.


Good luck with the decorating Yogi.  I loved that coral pink that the German lady had in her dining room on Four In A Bed last week, I wonder what the colour was, I think it would look nice in my lounge, I am hoping to get some colour charts and track it down.  Come on here if you need to let off steam, I sympathise greatly, me and my hubby nearly came to blows putting together a super kingsize bed frame once.  In the end I had to walk away and he quietly solved it on his own


What a lovely dream Summer

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, disappointing news about the weather EL, I know it's early March but it has been a long winter and I was hoping spring was just around the corner.  Enjoy the remains of the cake.


Good luck with the decorating Yogi.  I loved that coral pink that the German lady had in her dining room on Four In A Bed last week, I wonder what the colour was, I think it would look nice in my lounge, I am hoping to get some colour charts and track it down.  Come on here if you need to let off steam, I sympathise greatly, me and my hubby nearly came to blows putting together a super kingsize bed frame once.  In the end I had to walk away and he quietly solved it on his own


What a lovely dream Summer

That's what it will be like in my house, Squiggle.

I saw your post about the greenfinches, I am delighted that you have seen some. With a bit of luck, perhaps there will be more about this year.


Summer, your dream sounds fab - and so much better than the ones I usually have.


El, I have listened to the whole thing, and it is a really beautiful piece of music.

The first movement was so uplifting and sprightly, it made me imagine little sprites dancing in a beautiful garden. I am familiar with the second movement and love it. The third movement is very light and airy and just as beautiful as the other two.

Thank you for posting it, I will listen to it again.

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