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Hi all , cant beleive its Friday already! Got my 2 year old grandaughter today and its pouring rain, so dont know what to do with her, Was going to take her into town, oh well it will be painting and drawing again
Hi Skylark I remember when my youngest grandson was that age.  He couldn't get enough of Spider in the Bath, we had the video.  We watched every episode many times and he loved to be scared when the Spider popped out at the start and to be cuddled then when he was scared, lovely memories.
Lockes, forecasting Northern Lights is difficult. This is a link to a site which rties to do this. When you get to the forecast itself, you will need to select the Europe map and if the large map doesn't automatically change, refresh the screen.

You are likely to have to go to Iceland or the far north of Norway to have the best chance.
They are sometimes visible in Scotland, but the more northerly (and the further away from towns) the better.
El Loro
I've also sent requests to joyron & yogi likewise.
I have also accepted with pleasure El Loro.  Thank you.  Thank you also for the tip about pausing the clips before watching.  I will certainly try that next time something comes up.  It's really frustrating when the clip keeps stopping but I stuck with it for the Northern Lights clip because I wanted to see it right through to the end.  SO worth watching. 
Evening everyone.  Don't have time to watch the video now but will try and watch it tomorrow.

Seems like it's Rachel going tonight (boo hoo).  However she said she wants to go and wants the "after BB" experience so I'm sure she will be happy.

I've read that there is likely to be two or even three going on 20th August when there is a longer show.  I assume there will be a vote to save, so I suppose we might have to wait until then to see the final line up.

Wish we could have got rid of JJ1, Dave and Josie but it looks like they will be there until the end.

Signing out for the night.  Will catch up with you all tomorrow.  Glad we don't have to worry about Ben anymore.  He seemed happy on BBLB tonight. 
Hi Yogi, i am fine thanks. I had my wee grandaughter today, was going to take her up to town for start of the Fringe so she could see the pavement artists etc, but it was pouring down so had to entertain her in the house. My living room looked like a tip by the time she had finished all her painting etc. I love her to bits but boy is she hard work!  How,s you?
No probs Yogi, my son the same ! Oh well thats what we are here for eh? xx My daughter picked up the wee one, soaked, and my son came out his bedroom and had one look at her and said "oh is it raining"  She said "no i just had a shower and forgot to take my clothes off" . He said oh ok then and went back in his room!! He is 16 and has his own world   I dont drive so i put her in a taxi home , the wee one hates her raincover on the buggy . Kids eh? Bless them..
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