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Oh dear.  We are on page 2 again!!  I suppose we will have to wait until all this BB nonsense is out of the way before we can be confident of staying on page 1.  It's infuriating all these people keep putting threads up about the programme which makes our lovely thread move to page 2!! 

Will try and get back later but sometimes I find it impossible to get onto the forum in the evenings. 
Good morning everyone, dull and drizzly here.  Sorry that you didn't get to see the Northern Lights Yogi.  El Loro thank you for putting that video on here.  It was wonderful to see it again.  God has made a breathtaking universe.  El Loro promise you will always keep fluttering down to join us in our thread, you brighten it up no end and we would miss you terribly if you were not here any more
Good morning everyone.    Hope this finds you well.  Glad to see you back Yogi.

Squiggle, I agree 100% with your comments about El Loro.  I hope he continues to flutter into our thread for a very long time.  He always has such wonderful snippets of information to pass onto us. 

On a BB note, I actually watched last night's HL show because of the task and I thought BB actually did quite a good hatchet job on JJ1 (suprisingly).  I think if everyone banded together it would be possible to get him out but unfortunately people are so split between him and Dave that it will be Rachel who goes. 

Hope to be back later. 
You can rest assured, I have every intention of continuing to flutter in here. . I'll probably keep the Parrot Sanctuary going, as some of the posts I make there are rather long, and if I started posting them here, they would take up too much space.

I hope you will try out that Grieg clip I posted, because although it is music only, the photographs shown during the clip make this exceptional, and a beautiful work of art.
El Loro
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