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Though I did see Gone with the Wind at the cinema (many years after it was released). There was a cinema in Cheltenham which generally showed the less popular modern films and sometimes showed old films which is where I saw it. It's one of the few films which can only be properly appreciated at the cinema.


2001 is another film which I saw at the cinema. That is the only film I can think of where it is pointless watching it on television. El Loro rating for 2001. On televison 2 out of 10. At the cinema 10 out of 10.

El Loro

Good morning everyone


As almost everywhere else it's cold here. A grey sky, there may be the odd snow flurry but generally dry today. Little chance of any of the snow melting today. I've just knocked down some icicles at the front, a couple about a foot long.


Take care if you have to go out as it's icy out there.

El Loro

Summer, that should make your journey easier


Here there's been a very slight thaw as I can see that some of the snow has gone. I'll need to be careful though when I go to church tomorrow as the temperature is expected to be sub-zero overnight and not forecast to get above -1 tomorrow meaning that it will be icy out there.

El Loro

Yes I'm thinking the same EL.  It's so tricky to get out of the village, I don't think I dare take the lower road, I will have to try the upper road and hope.  They did do drainage work there last year so that hopefully the run off from the fields won't spread over the road and freeze into black ice.  To be honest if it wasn't for the baptisms I would probably err on the side of caution and leave it.


Not a chance Velvet, I'm gonna get there. I just want to get there without hitting a patch of ice.  One of my friends might need a lift and I would then have to get her wheelchair in - she is recovering from a back operation and this will be her first time back in church.  Also I am not missing the testimonies, so moving  


Evening all. Just a flying visit, I'm afraid.

I've had family visiting most of the day and this is my first chance to sign in.

I hope you are all keeping safe and warm, in front of the fire with some toast and hot chocolate, as shown in the pics above.

Squiggle, I understand your reasons for being determined to make it to church tomorrow, but please go carefully.

Off for a bath and hot chocolate - giving CBB a miss tonight, it's beyond boring.

Big hugs for everyone, night night.

Good luck tomorrow squiggle, I hope the roads are freshly gritted and you're blessed with a dry spell. I hope the christening is lovely Yogi, sweet dreams so far you've missed nothing exciting on CBB.. I got home easily, but feeling somewhat fed up today. I think I was a bit disheartened that so many people say stupid or sarcastic things whilst they watch you shovel snow, but don't offer to help. Or they'll watch you clear the street without offering but happily drive through after.. However, when I got stuck this morning trying to get in to work, 1 lovely gentleman took my snow shovel out of my hands and cleared me a path to drive through, directed me in, and stayed until I was clear of the problem That 1 gentleman's kindness is rare these days and I won't forget what he did
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, I can't believe how cold it feels and yet there is no frost and no ice on the pond.


Summer I'm glad that that lovely guy restored your faith in human kindness, he sounds lovely.  As for the others well I wouldn't like to be them would you?


I hope you manage to avoid the snow EL, any idea of how long this cold snap is going on for?   I will be very careful out there, I am going to take the upper road, and I don't have to pick up my friend as her friend Mike is taking her and his car has a hatchback.


Squiggle, the cold snap is for at least the next week. It may get a bit warmer for a time but the Met Office think that's temporary and will get cold again. The weather forecast site which comes out every year with forecasts of dreadful winters thinks the winttry weather will continue until April though only the Daily Express goes along with that site.

El Loro

Summer, that looks a nice pancake. I'll give the Earl Grey tea a miss as the only time I had any I really did not like the taste. Although bergamot is a citrus fruit, the taste of the tea was quite offputting.


Double baptisms at church today. I think quite of a lot of the older regulars were missing today because of the weather as numbers were a bit down on normal. Locally, the roads seem to be reasonably clear of snow. The side roads have some snow but not enough to cause problems, at least during daylight hours.


It is sleeting at present but doesn't seem to be settling. Next batch of snow locally is forecast to be during Tuesday morning which could make things a bit unpleasant as that's when my dental visit is and I have to travel to the other side of town.

El Loro

Good afternoon everyone. Weather is freezing cold. However, apart from a light flurry yesterday (which didn't settle), we have had no snow to speak of. I hope it clears soon for those of you affected.

Glad the baptisms were able to go ahead, El. It would have been a real shame if they'd had to be postponed due to the weather.

Squiggle, I hope you managed to get to church and back, with no problems.

Summer, lovely pancakes, thank you.

I didn't think I would be missing anything exciting on last night's CBB. This has to be the most boring series ever.

Eldest son and Dil (and big H) are visiting this afternoon, so I won't be around until night time. I hope you all have a good day, and stay warm.


I don't actually think I have ever been in here before 



anyways...  thought this was probably the best place to post this, as most of the people this applies to are regulars in here... 


tis actually a message from my Dad..   I must have mentioned to him at some point over the past few months that there were people online (here & FB) that had said they would say a prayer for my Mum, as he pulled me to onside earlier today and said... 


"please could you thank the people on the internet that have said prayers for your Mum...  it means so very much to us, and we believe its got a lot to do with how well your Mum is doing.  Please express my gratitude, and ask if they would mind including her still in the prayers from time to time"



bit of an uncomfortable one for me...  (as spiritually conflicted as I am).. BUT - for whatever reasons, I do believe that the strength my parents have had throughout this has come from their faith and the faith of those similarly minded people around them.    So thank you xx


I am so glad Ditty that your Mum and Dad have found comfort from their faith during this time.  I understand it is difficult for you when you are conflicted about the issue but I am sure that prayer works and in fact have lived through great illness for both my hubby and myself and I don't know where I would have been throughout all those years of hospital appointments, medical emergencies etc without my faith.  I will pray again for your Mum and also for your Dad that they will feel comforted and strengthened


What a lovely service this morning 3 great testimonies.  My friend's voice shook she was so nervous but she spoke well and looked so happy and full of joy and peace.  The younger guy who is a Frenchman spoke so eloquently and movingly about coming to faith and how it has changed his life - he wears a cross about 3-4 inches long at his throat on a cord and has a huge shock of jet black hair.  First time I had spoken to him this morning as my friend had asked me to sit down the front with her, and what a lovely guy he is.  The last to be baptised was the guy who is 83 years old.  He said he gave his heart to Jesus in 1959 and it has taken him a little while to be baptised   My other friend made it into church with just a walking stick, she looks so much better and it was lovely to see her being welcomed into the church family again.

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