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Originally Posted by El Loro:

I'm off to see one of the 3 Polish female dentists I know to go through her tax return which I've rooted through her papers, filled in the cavities on the return and I just need to polish it off. I'm crowning it off by giving her my bill. I don't expect to have any problem in extracting the money from her.

Without anaesthetic?

Lol el Skylark, well done for braving the dentist I hope you enjoy dining tonight I managed to catch up with my best friend on Skype this afternoon, it was lovely we've made a plan to start saving so we can go do a spa hotel night later in the year. Meanwhile, the dog has been back in the dog house, for sinking her teeth into a DVD case whilst I was cleaning out the rabbit hutch and tidying the garden. This time, it was myself who enforced the punishment, last time it was mr summer. Hopefully she will know that I too am the boss of her, and naughty behaviour won't be tolerated! Flipping teenagers Speaking of fragrances, my favourite is Armani Code. But at ÂĢ50 per bottle, I don't buy it very often and I don't wear it for work, my last bottle is over a year old now and still has about 1/5 left in it Skylark's son must really like this girl
~Sparkling Summer~

This is what Fragrantica has to say about your perfume Summer (it's a great site)


Armani Code was introduced to women in the spring of 2006. It is based on harmony between orange blossom, fresh spicy notes of ginger and warm sandalwood. A luminous opening captures the essence of two different oranges - bitter orange from Africa and sweet Italian orange. In the heart of the composition Tunisian orange blossom absolute makes a magical floral fantasy in alliance with jasmine Sambac. Its sensual trail brings a sweet unity of orange blossom, vanilla and a drop of honey.

Armani Code for Women was created by Carlos Benaim, Dominique Ropion and Olivier Polge.


Had the dog out for a walk, its becoming very cold here, a cutting wind.
Hi Summer, thats nice to plan. My sister and myself are going to have a day away, and overnight, just to recharge the batteries. York may be the place atm. Sorry Miss Bramble having her attitude again, she is really trying you isnt she? I think the perfume son got was something with diamonds, Armani maybe ? Anyway it was expensive as per his income. She is a lovely girl anyway, so worth him being skint this month!
Haha El x 


It's becoming very chilly here too, Skylark. Brrrrrrrrrr!


Summer, if it makes you feel any better, Keira is also in the doghouse. Over the last few days, she has taken to plodding about on the empty, muddy veg patch - you can imagine the state of her paws with the weather we've had. I gave her a right ticking off, but she kept going back to it. She never went near when it had plants in it, so I have no idea what the attraction is now. Anyway, I've covered it with mesh, so hopefully that'll do the trick.


You might remember I mentioned my eldest son had his car scratched by some lowlife, well it's being resprayed atm, and guess who needs to borrow my car to go to work tomorrow?


Lol yogi I'm watching that now I don't understand it all either but it's nice to have on I'll post again in a sec about Keira Squiggle, that's a terrific description of Armani code, thank you! Makes a lot of sense to me too because I like all of those scents individually too. I was never one for designer perfumes, mostly out of principal, but also because I'm very fussy about fragrances and very much dislike most that I test I had a lot of time to kill at the airport once and wilts literally nothing else to do, decided to go perfume sniffing.. It was love at first smell I like the bottle too, a tacky bottle would put me off buying a perfume
~Sparkling Summer~
Yogi, maybe Keira likes the feel of the mud on her paws? Whatever the reason though, if you've already told her to get off it, she's naughty to go back to it. Is she sulking? When I finally released bramble from the confinement of her bed, she took the huff with me! When I ignored her she followed me around and when I tried to interact with her she shunned me. We are friends again now though, I returned her toy and played with her and now she's happily snoozing
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Yogi, maybe Keira likes the feel of the mud on her paws? Whatever the reason though, if you've already told her to get off it, she's naughty to go back to it. Is she sulking? When I finally released bramble from the confinement of her bed, she took the huff with me! When I ignored her she followed me around and when I tried to interact with her she shunned me. We are friends again now though, I returned her toy and played with her and now she's happily snoozing

She did sulk after I ticked her off, but she's like me and can't stay in the huff for long.

I'm glad you and Bramble are pals again. She's just pushing you to see how far she can go, and you are doing all the right things to let her know who is boss.


I dont know about you lot, but my dog can smell a fox a mile off, and any place they have been she rolls in it ???
Thankfully she isnt that big, but can imagine Keira with her large paws , having her nosy!
Been watching a bit too of the  Stargazing, its fascinating. I took GD to the museum, i think i said before, they showed how the stars were made, and we all made from stardust. She said when is the cartoons coming on, so the moment was lost 

Thanks yogi yes, I felt a bit mean scolding her and shutting her in the crate, and keeping her on the lead for her 2nd walk, and taking her toy off her, and making her stay on her living room bed.. But if I don't show her who's boss now, she's going to walk all over me! I wanted to end the day on a positive note so that's why I've let her off now, she had about 5 hours of being in the bad books so I think she got the message I've been to York several times now, mr summer has taken me for a few birthdays and although its always cold, there's plenty to see and do
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

I dont know about you lot, but my dog can smell a fox a mile off, and any place they have been she rolls in it ???
Thankfully she isnt that big, but can imagine Keira with her large paws , having her nosy!
Been watching a bit too of the  Stargazing, its fascinating. I took GD to the museum, i think i said before, they showed how the stars were made, and we all made from stardust. She said when is the cartoons coming on, so the moment was lost 

Aww, I guess stars just aren't as exciting as cartoons when you're 4.


Re the rolling in poo, our first retriever loved to roll in cow dung. As we live very close to a farm, it was a bit of a problem. I can remember eldest son's horror when we made him bath her after a rolling session, because it was his fault as he had left the gate open and let her get into the field.

I'm sure I read somewhere that the dogs are trying to put their scent on top of the other poo - like marking their territory.

Good morning Definitely colder here, I'm pleased I brought a hat! I forgot my gloves though Yogi I didn't know the dogs nose moves the iPhone app only shows static images, I love the ones that move so I wish I could see them I hope you get your car back for tomorrow I'm at work today, got my nice colleague in so it'll be a fun day
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, a nice bright cold morning, no frost but looks like we could get some soon.  I know we are going to get rain this afternoon - when I am out and about of course


Summer you are doing very well - they are so like children in their various stages.  I was just thinking I am oh so glad that we don't have to do all that scent marking stuff, rolling in cow poo doesn't appeal   I wonder what's going through Keira's mind, I think Skylark is right and she can smell some animal that's paid a visit.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, a nice bright cold morning, no frost but looks like we could get some soon.  I know we are going to get rain this afternoon - when I am out and about of course


Summer you are doing very well - they are so like children in their various stages.  I was just thinking I am oh so glad that we don't have to do all that scent marking stuff, rolling in cow poo doesn't appeal   I wonder what's going through Keira's mind, I think Skylark is right and she can smell some animal that's paid a visit.

It certainly does not appeal!


Love the video clip of the steam train, El.

We have a transport museum in Glasgow and I love the old trains, buses and trams.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, a steam train going through the London Underground will be extremely rare and only on special occasions. Originally steam trains would have been used but the smoke from the burning coal filled the tunnels and the stations and would have made travel rather unpleasant and unhealthy.

I grew up in Loughton in Essex.  I remember when I was very small, probably up to about 7 or 8, steam trains running alongside the Central Line.  I don't know where they went to but there was a line about 50 yards from the tube line on which they ran, I think it ended near the coal yard.  There was a footbridge across the track and my brother and I and our friends loved to be on the bridge when the train went through and be surrounded by a cloud of steam.  Happy memories.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, a steam train going through the London Underground will be extremely rare and only on special occasions. Originally steam trains would have been used but the smoke from the burning coal filled the tunnels and the stations and would have made travel rather unpleasant and unhealthy.

Yes, it wasn't an eco-friendly mode of travel.


I have a memory of being at Central Station in Glasgow with my paternal grandmother when I was around 3 or 4 and I'm sure there were steam trains in use at the time. Or maybe I dreamt it!


According to Wiki, steam trains were eventually withdrawn from London Underground during 1960/61 from the Metropolitan line. 


When I was young and lived in town I often saw steam trains on the railway line and did travel on them. They were commonplace until 1962 when they started to be withdrawn and British Rail ended their use in August 1968.


Of course steam trains are still in operation on private lines as a tourist attraction. Locally, the best know is the Gloucester Warwickshire Railway. At present the line operates from the Cheltenham race course past Winchcombe and ends at Laverton which is near the Gloucestershire/Warwickshire border. It's part of what was the line from Cheltenham to Stratford and I remember travelling to Stratford on that line as a child. They are working on extending the line and currently working on extending it to Broadway.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

According to Wiki, steam trains were eventually withdrawn from London Underground during 1960/61 from the Metropolitan line. 


When I was young and lived in town I often saw steam trains on the railway line and did travel on them. They were commonplace until 1962 when they started to be withdrawn and British Rail ended their use in August 1968.



If they were still in use until 1968, then my memory may have been correct.

Afternoon all, a busy but pleasant day. Loved reading all your steam train chatter today, I went on a steam train at beamish museum last year- a very enjoyable experience Squiggle I didn't know you grew up in Essex, I was born in that county my g'ma grew up in manor park, ilford and moved into the country as a child because of her fathers poor health... Funny how life moves us around. Where was mr squiggle from?
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Afternoon all, a busy but pleasant day. Loved reading all your steam train chatter today, I went on a steam train at beamish museum last year- a very enjoyable experience Squiggle I didn't know you grew up in Essex, I was born in that county my g'ma grew up in manor park, ilford and moved into the country as a child because of her fathers poor health... Funny how life moves us around. Where was mr squiggle from?

I'd like to visit the Beamish museum, it looks really interesting.

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