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Hi again I've just eaten one of the nicest Indian take away's I've ever had! And believe me, I've had many Aw well, I'll buy GD her hair accessories for school and you can all battle the rest between you they look sooooo cute when they first start school, all new uniforms Squiggle, I hope it's not too early that you have to get up El, sounds like a lovely chat, I hope you enjoyed it
~Sparkling Summer~

Your takeaway sounded lovely, Summer - although I'm not keen on prawns in hot dishes, the rest sounded great.

I was on my own for dinner and ended up eating a slice of fish I'd bought for son, who has gone out for dinner with his gf.

Look forward to your Chinese next week , Skylark. I was tempted to buy one for myself tonight but thought it best to use up the fish. Being sensible is no fun sometimes.


Good morning everyone.  Skylark it's all the idea of our minister, I think he just likes changing things, now we are the same as all the other churches.  Oh well it was decided on a vote and I don't really mind anyway as I am always there early.


Your takeaway sounds lovely Summer, and well done being sensible on those who were using up leftovers or economising.



Good morning everyone


Cloudy, mild and dry here.


Nice take away, Summer. I haven't had an Indian take away for some years now - I was a bit put off by the last one I had which was a chicken tikka masala which had so much colouring added that the sauce was mauve.


Squiggle, I hope your day isn't messed around too much as a result of your service starting earlier.


El Loro
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning EL, I was just thinking I have never had an Indian takeaway in my life and I don't think I ever will

My brother hasn't either. I don't think he's ever tried any Indian food and I'm not sure if he's even sampled Chinese food either. He's a definite "eats to live" person rather than "lives to eat" one.

El Loro

Good morning everyone. Was going to say weather is dry but dark and dismal, but as I was typing, some light rain started.

El, I'm not surprised the mauve coloured tikka masala put you off!

It's my baby's birthday today, so have family visitors arriving throughout the day, and may not be around much till tonight.

Joyron, if you are reading this, I remember we share this day for sons' birthdays and send you lots of love.

Have a good day everyone.



Good morning everyone, I had a lovely night's sleep, some weird dreams but very refreshing.  I'm not looking forward to it getting colder I'm enjoying the mild spell but above all else I don't want any more rain


Summer I'm glad you enjoyed Up! and glad you cried too (which means it wasn't just me )


Have a good day everyone

Good morning overcast but very mild here, we're forecast rain for this afternoon Yogi, good luck with that ironing! I've been putting off a bit too, and my laundry basket is almost overflowing. I love mr summer dearly but now he's back at work I will be able to get a lot more done around the house on my day off Squiggle, oh Lordy, I had such a lump in my throat watching Up, and my tears were still rolling long after they should have been! And again near the end too. It was sad for him, and I felt like i was glimpsing my own future too, if I'm lucky enough to have that many years with mr summer! I'm pleased it was funny and had a happy ending too
~Sparkling Summer~

Summer I didn't want to say too much in case others on here haven't yet watched it but I know just how you feel.  Tears were running down my face and then later on I couldn't stop giggling, lovely lovely film.  I have it on DVD and I shall watch it again.


Yogi will you listen to music or catch up with some TV while doing the ironing?  Anyway I hope it all goes smoothly couldn't resist   I was once watching a TV series about the Tudors while ironing when my daughter was a teenager.  I had quite a large mountain to get through and I didn't get it all finished before I took a break.  She was surprised that I hadn't finished it all but as I said to her "I have done a goodly portion"  well her face was a picture "A goodly portion!" What can I say?  I am very impressionable when I am watching a programme


Squiggle, I saw some of The Tudors television series. The episode which stood out was the last episode of series 2 (Destiny and Fortune) where Anne Boleyn (Natalie Dormer) awaits her execution and is executed. It was directed by Jon Amiel and was of a different quality and feel to any other episode I saw. Exceptionally high quality television with touches of genuine greatness.

El Loro

I agree EL it was a good series.  The whole Henry VIII story is endlessly fascinating isn't it?  I agree that Natalie Dormer was good in the role.  I think she managed to capture some of the elusive charm of Anne.  I remember reading a book about Anne Boleyn a short while ago where the story was narrated by her maidservant who was similarly enchanted by her.  I think the series I was watching on the TV at the time was maybe the Keith Michel series where he aged from a young boy to an old old man, did you ever manage to see it?  Henry was a monster, an endlessly fascinating monster but a monster nonetheless.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Summer I didn't want to say too much in case others on here haven't yet watched it but I know just how you feel.  Tears were running down my face and then later on I couldn't stop giggling, lovely lovely film.  I have it on DVD and I shall watch it again.


Yogi will you listen to music or catch up with some TV while doing the ironing?  Anyway I hope it all goes smoothly couldn't resist   I was once watching a TV series about the Tudors while ironing when my daughter was a teenager.  I had quite a large mountain to get through and I didn't get it all finished before I took a break.  She was surprised that I hadn't finished it all but as I said to her "I have done a goodly portion"  well her face was a picture "A goodly portion!" What can I say?  I am very impressionable when I am watching a programme

Squiggle, let's hope I am not so impressionable, as I watched an episode of Midsomer Murders whilst ironing.

I did once spend a whole weekend watching Poirot DVDs and found I was thinking in Poirot's Belgian accented English!


Almost forgot to ask if anyone watched Mr Selfridge last night? I wanted to like it but found my attention wavering at times. I'll watch the next episode before I decide whether to give up on it or not.


Squiggle, I've gone ahead and ordered a copy of the Keith Michell version though it will be some time before I watch it.


I saw Mr Selfridge last night. It's too early to reach any firm conclusion as to how good it is. It's certainly more watchable than that Ripper Street. It's bound to draw comparisons with The Paradise but if it came to deciding whether to watch Call the Midwife or Mr Selfridge, then it's definitely Call the Midwife.

El Loro

Just done 4 loads of washing, mostly bedding and towels, pity its lashing rain i like getting them out on the line.
I watched a bit of Mr Selfridge, but it didnt hold me. I was tired last night tho, so may give it another go. 
 Yogi and having the Belgian accent in your head .
I pick up accents very quickly, you should hear me when i come back from up north, i dont understand myself sometimes 

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Squiggle, I've gone ahead and ordered a copy of the Keith Michell version though it will be some time before I watch it.


I saw Mr Selfridge last night. It's too early to reach any firm conclusion as to how good it is. It's certainly more watchable than that Ripper Street. It's bound to draw comparisons with The Paradise but if it came to deciding whether to watch Call the Midwife or Mr Selfridge, then it's definitely Call the Midwife.

I've got the DVD on my shelf too EL, it's on my to-do list


Hope you manage to get the washing dry Skylark.  How do you dry it when you can't put it out?

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Squiggle, I've gone ahead and ordered a copy of the Keith Michell version though it will be some time before I watch it.


I saw Mr Selfridge last night. It's too early to reach any firm conclusion as to how good it is. It's certainly more watchable than that Ripper Street. It's bound to draw comparisons with The Paradise but if it came to deciding whether to watch Call the Midwife or Mr Selfridge, then it's definitely Call the Midwife.

I've got the DVD on my shelf too EL, it's on my to-do list


Hope you manage to get the washing dry Skylark.  How do you dry it when you can't put it out?

Dont have a tumble drier squiggle, i have no room for one, so its clothes horses in the hall, and those that clip on to radiators. The answer would be a combined washer/tumble drier. Thats on my wishlist too !


We had one of those washer/tumbler dryers in a holiday home we stayed in Skylark, the downside is that you have to wait ages for the washing to be dried before you can do another load.  I have a tumbler dryer but never use it as it is very expensive to run.  I have a heated rack which plugs in and dries clothes in about a day and costs only as much as a lightbulb to run.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

We had one of those washer/tumbler dryers in a holiday home we stayed in Skylark, the downside is that you have to wait ages for the washing to be dried before you can do another load.  I have a tumbler dryer but never use it as it is very expensive to run.  I have a heated rack which plugs in and dries clothes in about a day and costs only as much as a lightbulb to run.

Will have to check that out squiggle x

Originally Posted by squiggle:

What I have is very similar to this Skylark but I didn't buy it from that firm


Squiggle, I'll recommend one of those to my middle son and his fiancÃĐe, as they don't have room for a tumble dryer.

I agree with you about the combined washer/dryers and I noticed the drum also tends to be smaller than in a conventional dryer, so you have to split each washed load into two, otherwise it takes forever to dry.

I have a tumble dryer, which seems to be on permanently atm, and they are expensive to run.

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