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Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
There's no doubt that mr summer is our pack leader lol but she tried to stare me down this morning and I had to hold her gaze longer to get her to look away, I swear she's testing us

Hold your ground with her, Summer.

There was a point where Keira decided she was going to do what she wanted, rather than what I told her to. I had to be very firm with her, and made sure she never won a battle of wills, then she came to accept that I was in charge.

Thanks yogi, it's quite nice to know that I'm not the only one that's been through it 

You'll get through it too, don't worry Summer.

Remember all the stuff that I told you Harvey did as a pup, and my son and Dil got through it with him.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
Is it home time yet?!!!!! I don't know what's got into these kids today but they've behaved like utter brats! I am grateful for the custom though, a nice hot bath and I'll be alright Squiggle I hope the pond both settles and refills, has it ever happened before?

Hope that's the last of the little horrors for a while, Summer.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

I wonder if there's any connection between squiggle's pond and the Dr Who Christmas special. Of course if you didn't see it you wouldn't have a clue what I was on about


I saw it.

Well give us a clue then

I thought El was referring to the frozen pond in Doctor Who.

Not that I think you have a bad governess frozen in yours.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Only the ice woman coming out of the pond in Dr Who could have caused disturbances in other ponds around the country over Christmas.


Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

I wonder if there's any connection between squiggle's pond and the Dr Who Christmas special. Of course if you didn't see it you wouldn't have a clue what I was on about


I saw it.

Well give us a clue then

I thought El was referring to the frozen pond in Doctor Who.

Not that I think you have a bad governess frozen in yours.

I was only watching with half an eye must have missed that .   EL I have enough problem with frogs I am definitely not up for governesses frozen or otherwise


Hi all, having a sit down whilst the tea is cooking. Why do planned quiet days never happen?? 
You got the tree down yet Yogi? Going to take mine down tomorrow. Granddaughter can help ,so she knows Christmas is over! She will be going to school this summer, can you imagine! How the time flies. 
Hope you all having a good day 


Skylark, I took my decorations down today. When I went shopping in Cheltenham this morning I could see that they had taken them down in the main arcade there. They will still have the nativity manger in church as tomorrow is Epiphany Sunday when the wise men finally get to their destination. For once Epiphany Sunday is on the 6th.


I had a sad letter this morning telling me that one of the managers I used to work with had died just before Christmas. He was 83 and was retired when our Cheltenham office was closed down and we were transferred to the Gloucester one. I had kept in touch with him over the years by exchanging Christmas cards. I had wondered if something had happened as this time I didn't receive one. I knew there was a possibility that he had died and had checked the announcements on his local paper website just after Christmas but at that time there wasn't one for him. There is now.

He never married and it was a cousin who wrote to me. It's a small family funeral at the crematorium which is 200 miles away from where I live. I've got in touch with a couple of other people, who worked with me and knew him, to let them know.

El Loro
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi all, having a sit down whilst the tea is cooking. Why do planned quiet days never happen?? 
You got the tree down yet Yogi? Going to take mine down tomorrow. Granddaughter can help ,so she knows Christmas is over! She will be going to school this summer, can you imagine! How the time flies. 
Hope you all having a good day 

It's all done, Skylark - it took ages though! I hate how bare the house looks now, it'll take a few days to get used to it.

I can hardly believe your granddaughter will be off to school this summer, the years are just flying past.


Sorry you've had sad news about your old friend, El.

good evening! Aw that's sad news El, it sounds like he was a lovely man. I hope he was happy with the life he's had Skylark, time sure is flying, I can't believe she's almost school age! Yogi & squiggle I hope you've both had a good day I've been a busy bee; last night after work I had to walk the dog and drive mr summer to pick up his car, by the time I got home and had a bit to eat it was nearly bedtime. I almost fell asleep in the bath, and went straight to my beloved duvet! Today's been busy again, and I had to take down at the decorations at work, then clean up the mess I'd made sawing up the tree. I recycled it It's lovely to be home, and to know I can lay in tomorrow
~Sparkling Summer~

Hi Yogi, we must have been posting around the same time. Yes the house does look bare doesnt it. I am keeping my lights around my mirror for a bit, they are so pretty i cant give them up, just yet 
Arguing(in a friendly way) with nana already about who is buying what for Gd going to school . I am getting the shoes! Its not till August 


That was a good long catch up EL   As Yogi says trust Nana to be thinking so far ahead still she's not a bad soul maybe a little too organised   Glad to hear you had a good day Summer.  We all have to be at church early tomorrow as they are bringing forward the time of morning service - it should be fun to see who makes it on time - and who doesn't I am sure we will all adjust in time.


Funny lot in this year's CBB, I am not sure whether I'm just not in the mood but I don't really want to watch any of 'em.


Hi squiggle x
Why the earlier service? Will it be the same time every week from now on then? 
Yes nana is a good soul , but maybe a control freak! She has a very important job, just wish she would leave it at the door tho....!
Not warming either to CBB, or any of the inmates..will watch bits and bobs though to see how they settle down...x

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