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I like the picture of Bramble (and your caption EL ).


Our service this morning was about the flight into Egypt (when Joseph was told in a dream to take Mary and the baby as Herod was looking for Jesus to kill him).  Our minister told us of when a teacher told her class about the story and then asked them to draw a picture.  One little boy had drawn a plane, his teacher queried this and he said yes you told us to draw the flight into Egypt.  His teacher said are Joseph and Mary and Jesus on the plane?  He said yes in the cockpit.  His teacher counted 4 people, there is Joseph and Mary and Jesus, who is the fourth person?  The little boy said that's Pontius the Pilot

Originally Posted by squiggle:

I like the picture of Bramble (and your caption EL ).


Our service this morning was about the flight into Egypt (when Joseph was told in a dream to take Mary and the baby as Herod was looking for Jesus to kill him).  Our minister told us of when a teacher told her class about the story and then asked them to draw a picture.  One little boy had drawn a plane, his teacher queried this and he said yes you told us to draw the flight into Egypt.  His teacher said are Joseph and Mary and Jesus on the plane?  He said yes in the cockpit.  His teacher counted 4 people, there is Joseph and Mary and Jesus, who is the fourth person?  The little boy said that's Pontius the Pilot

Brilliant, Squiggle!

Love the pic too, El.

Summer, it looks like Bramble is reclining on the sofa, lady of the manor stylee.


Been out for lunch with hubby, then we nipped to the shops and bought a couple of outfits, in pink.


Good morning everyone. Weather is still windy and raining.

As you can see, I had an early rise this morning, thanks to Keira barking to warn me she had an upset tummy. I caught her eating something when she was in the garden late last night - I hate to imagine what she had found - but it is more than likely the reason for the upset stomach!


I finally got round to watching the film, Miss Potter, has anyone else seen it? I don't want to give anything away, so I'll just say I really enjoyed it.

Good morning it's very windy here today, and overcast but dry at present. Oh no poor Keira I hope she's very soon feeling better, I hate to think what she's eaten! Thank goodness she woke you instead of making a mess in the house, bless her. Bramble rolled in something so bad yesterday that I actually had to give her her first bath! She seemed to enjoy it Yogi, I saw miss potter at the cinema and thoroughly enjoyed it, it's a shame about the sad bit but whenever I go to the lakes I can't help but think "if it wasn't for that wonderful lady, much of this might not be here now" I love renee zellweger and I think she did a good job, I wondered if they chose her because of the huge Bridget jones success..?
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Good morning everyone. Weather is still windy and raining.

As you can see, I had an early rise this morning, thanks to Keira barking to warn me she had an upset tummy. I caught her eating something when she was in the garden late last night - I hate to imagine what she had found - but it is more than likely the reason for the upset stomach!


I finally got round to watching the film, Miss Potter, has anyone else seen it? I don't want to give anything away, so I'll just say I really enjoyed it.

I have Yogi, do you remember I told you it was on, I knew you would enjoy it


Why do dogs eat anything they find?  Silly creatures sometimes, I hope Keira feels much better soon.


I liked the Bridget Jones films too especially the first.


The weather is really dire here, pouring with rain and blowing a gale, I am intending to stay put.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Good morning everyone. Weather is still windy and raining.

As you can see, I had an early rise this morning, thanks to Keira barking to warn me she had an upset tummy. I caught her eating something when she was in the garden late last night - I hate to imagine what she had found - but it is more than likely the reason for the upset stomach!


I finally got round to watching the film, Miss Potter, has anyone else seen it? I don't want to give anything away, so I'll just say I really enjoyed it.

I have Yogi, do you remember I told you it was on, I knew you would enjoy it


Why do dogs eat anything they find?  Silly creatures sometimes, I hope Keira feels much better soon.


I liked the Bridget Jones films too especially the first.


The weather is really dire here, pouring with rain and blowing a gale, I am intending to stay put.

I do remember now, and you were right, I did enjoy it.


Keira is having a snooze atm. Her tummy seems to have settled down, but I won't feed her for a wee while, just in case.


Skylark, a Happy New Year to you and your family, too.


I made the mistake of watching that new BBC1 Sunday evening drama Ripper Street. I missed the first few seconds as I assume that there were warnings announced beforehand. It's not what I would expect from Sunday evening BBC1 drama and far too unpleasant for me. I'll try Selfridges on ITV which starts at the same time next Sunday. I know the new series of Call the Midwife is due to start in January but I'm not sure when, what day, or what time.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

I made the mistake of watching that new BBC1 Sunday evening drama Ripper Street. I missed the first few seconds as I assume that there were warnings announced beforehand. It's not what I would expect from Sunday evening BBC1 drama and far too unpleasant for me. I'll try Selfridges on ITV which starts at the same time next Sunday. I know the new series of Call the Midwife is due to start in January but I'm not sure when, what day, or what time.

I'm with you EL, I don't do gore (or zombies or vampires).  The title put me off as you can bet your bottom dollar that nowadays anything to do with the Ripper will be full of gore.  Selfridges seems more my thing and like you I look forward eagerly to the new series of Call The Midwife.


Sadly EL we have to adjust to the standards prevalent nowadays and they are a world away from what we could expect 10 years ago, maybe even 5 years   I am very very picky nowadays, very little appeals to me in the series department and even ones that I think look good often turn out to have some sort of a sting in the tail.  I thought Mr Stink looked fun but it was written by David Walliams so I suppose I should have expected the lead character's mum to be a Tory hate figure

I wouldn't enjoy something like that either El, it's beyond me how people find that entertaining I saw an advert for Selfridges and it looked good, I hope I remember its on next Sunday- it could be my Downton substitute! Happy new year skylark & family I hope 2013 is going to be a good one for you I've just fulfilled a pact I made with my cousin last summer- to ride a bike before the year is out! It's been 16 years since I rode a bike, so I'm very pleased I didn't fall off lol I was a little wobbly to start with but I soon remembered how it works
~Sparkling Summer~

Well done, Summer

at your birthday picture for Lori. I wonder where you got the idea from


I hope everyone has a happy New Year (and, hopefully, not as wet as this one)


Squiggle, I didn't watch Mr Stink but according to Wiki, he does go to see the Prime Minister and is so offended by his attitude that he is rude to him.

El Loro
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi all, well done Summer!
Didnt watch Ripper Street, i was asleep! 
Had a hectic day , nice and quiet now. Son is off to a party , no jacket, again! This boy will just not wear them Quiet around here just now but i expect noise later on, with local pubs having late licenses.

My middle son was the same, and we had many battles over it. He wears jackets nowadays (aged 27), if that gives you hope for the future.


It's usually quiet around here, except for some people setting off fireworks after The Bells.

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

 Yogi ,only 8 years to go then!
Lovely photo of Bramble with her gift Summer ! x 
Having a nice quiet evening thanks, dont know if its old age but this year i just want a quiet time! 
Hope you are having a nice evening too squiggle x

We are the same, Skylark, just a quiet night in and the only drink on the go is some Irn Bru.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
I saw mr stink, and really quite enjoyed it El, I like Lori, so I wanted to do a more personal picture for her. I'm still laughing at Bramble in that pic, it's ideal for adding captions Skylark I hope you're having a nice quiet evening Squiggle, I hope you're having a nice evening too Yogi- how is Keira tonight?

She seems fine now thanks, Summer. I gave her some food at 4pm as she hadn't been sick since this morning, and so far she's been okay. *crosses fingers*

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

 Yogi ,only 8 years to go then!
Lovely photo of Bramble with her gift Summer ! x 
Having a nice quiet evening thanks, dont know if its old age but this year i just want a quiet time! 
Hope you are having a nice evening too squiggle x

We are the same, Skylark, just a quiet night in and the only drink on the go is some Irn Bru.

Me too! Got some cans, the plastic bottles go flat. Will be embarrassing if i do get visitors , no alcohol in the house! Dont expect any though..says she rather hopefully... x

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

 Yogi ,only 8 years to go then!
Lovely photo of Bramble with her gift Summer ! x 
Having a nice quiet evening thanks, dont know if its old age but this year i just want a quiet time! 
Hope you are having a nice evening too squiggle x

We are the same, Skylark, just a quiet night in and the only drink on the go is some Irn Bru.

Me too! Got some cans, the plastic bottles go flat. Will be embarrassing if i do get visitors , no alcohol in the house! Dont expect any though..says she rather hopefully... x

I've got a horrible feeling any bottles of booze we had were put up the loft when we did the kitchen - and they're still up there, so I better not get any first footers!

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

 Yogi ,only 8 years to go then!
Lovely photo of Bramble with her gift Summer ! x 
Having a nice quiet evening thanks, dont know if its old age but this year i just want a quiet time! 
Hope you are having a nice evening too squiggle x

We are the same, Skylark, just a quiet night in and the only drink on the go is some Irn Bru.

Me too! Got some cans, the plastic bottles go flat. Will be embarrassing if i do get visitors , no alcohol in the house! Dont expect any though..says she rather hopefully... x

I've got a horrible feeling any bottles of booze we had were put up the loft when we did the kitchen - and they're still up there, so I better not get any first footers!

Oh dear i can just see you raking about in the loft ! 

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

 Yogi ,only 8 years to go then!
Lovely photo of Bramble with her gift Summer ! x 
Having a nice quiet evening thanks, dont know if its old age but this year i just want a quiet time! 
Hope you are having a nice evening too squiggle x

We are the same, Skylark, just a quiet night in and the only drink on the go is some Irn Bru.

Me too! Got some cans, the plastic bottles go flat. Will be embarrassing if i do get visitors , no alcohol in the house! Dont expect any though..says she rather hopefully... x

I've got a horrible feeling any bottles of booze we had were put up the loft when we did the kitchen - and they're still up there, so I better not get any first footers!

Oh dear i can just see you raking about in the loft ! 

In my pyjamas!

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
I'm pleased to hear that Keira is looking perkier, lets hope she's over the worst of it now *crosses fingers*

I'm sure she is better, Summer.

If only she'd stop eating stuff she shouldn't!

Thats my New Year resolution 
Got my Santa PJ,s on !

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