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Hi all, hope you have had a good day. been trying to get granddaughter,s InnoTab2 sorted out. You have to register it then download a whole lot of stuff. Not having the best computer hasnt helped ! Think i have it sorted, its going thru a lot of batteries tho, wondering if it was a good plan buying it !
Weather not too bad here just now .
Well done Yogi, getting the food in. I havent thought of it yet. having a very quiet time anyway so wont be needing much. 
Shame about the match being postponed El, my sons team beat Celtic today so there is joy here ! x

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
It's been pleasant thanks, not too crazy at work, went to M&S and then walked the dog. Had a lovely bath, a neighbour popped in and then we ate food Is it Nice to be home? I hope you don't have too many chores

That was nice. i am just trying to tidy up a bit, still not got all the cardboard, paper etc in the recycle bins, my hall full!  Hoping for a nice quiet day tomorrow, if thats possible ! x

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
Will tomorrow be calmer? You've just reminded me I need to take Out our wrapping paper too, the recycle bin was Full to the brim earlier but has been emptied

Hope it will be calmer! We have large communal bins here, getting to remember what goes where, with all the different coloured lids. Council good here emptying them, i should think so too the amount of Council Tax we pay! 


Good morning everyone


A sunny morning here for a pleasant change. There's another band of rain tomorrow then the forecast is for drier weather for the first part of January which should help lower the river levels.


Summer, there's always confusion as to when the Christmas decorations should be taken down. They are supposed to be taken down on Twelfth Night but when is Twelfth Night? Many people think that as Christmas Day is on the 25th, 12 days after Christmas Day is January 6th so take them down then.

The Church of England doesn't agree. In the past the season of Christmas started at sunset on the 24th. Midnight Mass generally starts at 11.30pm on the 24th. So the C of E considers that Twelfth Night is on the 5th January rather than the 6th. The season of Epiphany starts on the 6th. Having said that many churches still have at least the crib in place for the 6th re the visit of the 3 wise men/kings/magi.


El Loro

A past curate at our church refused to put up Christmas cards at home which depicted the 3 wise men at Christmas time and would only put them up on the 6th January to coincide with the start of Epiphany.


I wonder how many churches with crib scenes have the models of the 3 wise men at the opposite end of the church from the crib at the start of Christmas. Then over the period of Christmas move the models day by day a bit closer to the crib so that the models raech the crib by 6th January.

El Loro

Good morning everyone.  EL that curate sounds like he was taking things a bit far


Yogi all the food sounds delicious.  I hope the zoo animals are used to the noise of the fireworks now and don't get frightened.


I am going to pop the recycling box in the back of the car to run it up to the top of my drive as I don't think I can carry it, we didn't get a collection last week.


Off to church soon, have a good day everyone.


Love this picture, it's the look in the dog's eyes




Good morning everyone. It's very windy, up here.

Squiggle, lovely pics like that remind me of my youngest son (when he was a baby) and our first golden retriever, who were the best of friends.

I always take down my Christmas decorations on the 5th of January, but I'm never sure if it's meant to be the 5th or 6th.

Have a good day everyone.

Good morning it's actually sunny here today, I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts! Thanks for the epiphany information el, I'm sure my parents used to say 12 days after Christmas. Seeing as the 5th & 6th are the weekend, that seems like an ideal time to do it, I'll take our decorations down next Sunday. Then I will sulk for a week! Squiggle it sounds like there's a lot of recycling to carry, you're wise to take the car I've got some paperwork to take care of and then some housework, bramble has shredded a teddy toy of hers and there are bits of dark fabric & cotton all over our light carpet.. Enjoy church everyone and I'll catch up with you in a little bit
~Sparkling Summer~

Great picture, squiggle


The retired priest who led the service at church this morning announced that another grandchild had been born in his family. A girl born at 4.20 am on Christmas Day. The parents are naming her Aiofe (Irish Gaelic pronounced ee-fa and means radiant) Elodie (which is French).


Re Christmas decorations - there's an old superstition that if you forget to take them down on Twelfth Night you have to leave them up until next Christmas otherwise you will have bad luck.

El Loro
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