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Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
Oooooh lol oops I thought it was your other son! Phew, mr yogi won't need to pay for anything there then hehe A sunrise lamp lights up over 30 minutes, simulating a natural sunrise rather than a sudden flick of a switch!

Lol No, Mr Yogi has them well warned that his bank account can only cope with one wedding at a time.


^^^^^That sounds like a nice way to wake up.


Hi all, just having a sit down. Phew what a busy morning!
Aww thats nice Yogi, re the engagement , hope my son doesnt do the same tho  

Merry Christmas Dame x

Merry Christmas Summer x 

Glad the dogs got nice pressies. Mine has been munching on doggy chocs and waiting patiently for her dinner. She has been having a sniff now and again at the oven to make sure the turkey is still there 
Its lovely weather here, the sun is shining and very mild

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Merry Christmas Skylark. Hope you're getting 5 minutes to put your feet up.



BTW, I hope everyone now realises that it isn't my son who got engaged, it's one of his friends.

Merry Christmas Yogi . Now wouldnt it be a surprise if.... oh no on second thoughts...! x

That looks like a lovely meal, wont look anything like mine  

Hope you are having a nice day squiggle xx 

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Merry Christmas Skylark. Hope you're getting 5 minutes to put your feet up.



BTW, I hope everyone now realises that it isn't my son who got engaged, it's one of his friends.

Merry Christmas Yogi . Now wouldnt it be a surprise if.... oh no on second thoughts...! x

That looks like a lovely meal, wont look anything like mine  

Hope you are having a nice day squiggle xx 

Mr Yogi would have a fit!

Mmmm what a beautiful dinner yogi, thank you very much *tucks in* And very nearly my only dinner- we've had a power cut fortunately, it went off while we were out walking the dog, and we had decided to wait until we got back before cooking dinner. We're back on now though and dinner is in the oven We did feel sorry for the poor lads from the electric who had to come fix the local power supply though, they did look fed up The rain stopped for our walk and the sun came out, so we're happy. I hope everyone is enjoying their christmas, squiggle I hope all is well with you
~Sparkling Summer~

Oh no Summer, no one wants a power cut, especially not today. Glad it's sorted now and it didn't upset your dinner plans.


Velvet, I agree with Summer, those flowers are gorgeous and I'm sure Squiggle will love them.

I hope you are having a lovely Christmas, too.


Off to do the final preparations for our dinner, hope to see you all later.


Oh what a day for a power cut Summer , glad its sorted. 
Lovely flowers Velvet, so thoughtful. 
Enjoy your meal Yogi.  Ours was nice, traditional turkey and trimmings. 
I am now on my own for the evening , bliss!  Just going to clear up the devastation and watch some TV with a few chocs   . Looking forward to Downton Abbey 
Have a lovely evening everyone 


Skylark alone for the evening?! I thought I was seeing things then, how lovely for you! Hope you thoroughly enjoy it, I too am looking forward to Downton later Squiggle, I'm pleased to hear you're enjoying the day, and hope the evening is pleasant too I love just relaxing after the meal, I'm on the sofa watching the strictly special
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Velvet the flowers are lovely, thank you so much   Like you I am having a lovely quiet day, I have enjoyed it though. 


You coped wonderfully with the power cut Summer, those poor power workers, I hope their Christmas wasn't too interrupted.


Thinking of you all and sending you a huge



Sending a big hug back to you, Squiggle.


that jail looks like tremendous fun! I imagine you could fill a whole day and be very entertained there. What a shame you didn't get to see the castle, it looks beautiful. It's funny to think that some people actually live in castles!


i won't comment on Downton in case I spoil it for anyone


Sweet dreams yogi, I hope you enjoy Boxing Day  

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


I'm glad everyone is having a nice Christmas

Summer, I particularly liked your Bramble Christmas greetings


My brother and I are having a nice time. Yesterday evening I decided that we would watch a DVD that I had bought some time ago. If I say that it was a black and white silent film starring a dog called Uggie, then you realise that it was The Artist. Thoroughly enjoyable film and Uggie is great.


El Loro

Good morning everyone I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas.  Glad you are having a good time with your brother EL and that the film lived up to expectations.


How odd just now, on Boxing Day morning the telephone rang and it was one of those where your own number shows up and it is a voice text.  It was a sales call! So I had to go into my messages and listen and delete all to be told that some furniture store is having a half price sale, whatever will they think of next.


Yogi have a good day with the clan, and I hope everyone's else's Boxing Day is a happy happy time.

Good afternoon and happy Boxing Day I've just had my first go at clay pigeon shooting! I went to fire the traps for mr summer and he had 4 spare cartridges so he taught me how to fire the gun, I didn't hit anything but I came very close twice. I think if we had a few more cartridges, I could have hit 1- maybe another time Just off to walk bramble, hope you're all enjoying the day
~Sparkling Summer~

Hi all, hope you have all had a nice day. Thank goodness for the rain, my visitors left early! Enjoyed the day , but nice to relax, the last few weeks have been exhausting in one way or another.
Annoying, squiggle, getting calls, they never give up do they.
Never tried clay shooting Summer, my only time was on a fairground and missed, many times 
Hope you have a had a nice day Yogi
Just clearing up, again!! and settling down.
Have a nice evening everyone x 


Evening all.

It's been a busy and rather noisy day with eleven people in the house.

I think everyone enjoyed themselves and had plenty of food, so all is well.

One minor mishap when my mum distracted me when I was taking something out of one of the wall units in the kitchen (she is a fusser of the highest order). I managed to knock down a full tub of Lo-Salt which landed on my glasses on the bridge of my nose and I now have a small cut. If I also end up with two black eyes, I'll be walking around like this to disguise them.

Summer, Mr Yogi used to go clay pigeon shooting when we lived right up in the north of Scotland and he thoroughly enjoyed it. At least no animals get killed when they shoot clay pigeons.

I hope you've all had a good day and are now having time to relax.

Skylark, I think Monarch of the Glen was filmed on the Ardverikie Estate.


Just night owling to say goodnight, I hope everyone's enjoyed Boxing Day I've just had a lovely evening at MIL's, my favourite cousin in law was there Yogi I hope you're not too sore now, maybe some sudocreme will help heal your cut quickly Skylark I hope you get some relax time tomorrow El, I hope you & your brother are enjoying yourselves Squiggle- the other sunday when I was on the sofa poorly, I had to move a comfy bramble off my legs to answer the phone, thinking it was MIL, only for it to be someone from sky! I said "no no no! I feel poorly, leave me alone!" And hung up they are such a pain and I hope they leave you alone too Sweetest of dreams all Sweetest
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, Yogi I hope your poor nose heals up soon, I should imagine it could be a sore spot if you wear glasses


I know just what you mean Summer, I couldn't believe it when I had to go to all the faff to check my messages to find out they were trying to sell me something.


Hope you managed to get some relaxation time after your visitors left Skylark.


I have seen that film EL, great fun it was too.  Over the holiday I saw a short film from Dreamworks, only about 10 minutes long it was called 'First Flight'.  If you ever see it on again do watch it everyone, I found it charming.


Good morning everyone. It's raining again.

My nose is a wee bit tender and there is slight bruising under my eyes, but it looks more like I've had a few late nights rather than two black eyes. *phew*.

Squiggle, I hope there are no more marketing calls, they are so infuriating on any day of the year but it's beggars belief that they are pestering people on Boxing Day.

When I was hand delivering Christmas cards to neighbours, I noticed most now display "No Cold Caller" notices (issued by our Council and approved by the police). It's a pity there isn't something similar for telephone callers. I suppose the Telephone Preference Service is the nearest thing we have, but it isn't failsafe.

As you may know, I watched Jamie Oliver's 15 Minute Meals programme (in the CDWM thread with Baz and Pengy) and bought his book. To make most of the recipes you need a food processor, and I no longer have one as Mr Yogi threw it out when we did the kitchen. He said I never used it - which was true! Anyway, I got some money for Christmas so I will now trawl the internet looking for one, and can start thrilling Mr Yogi and son with some new recipes. I got Gordon Ramsay's new book and Nigel Slater's Kitchen Diaries, too.

Have a good day, everyone. Will be back later.

Good morning What a wet miserable day! I hope it brightens up. It's been a quiet start to our first day back at work, so far. Yogi, I had to giggle when I read about your food processor we've got 3 slow cookers..! you should find a bargain processor in the sales Thanks for the animation recommendations, I've made a note of both. I love animated features despicable me was a good one, and there's a sequel coming out this summer
~Sparkling Summer~
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