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I like the sound of Tilly, and I don't blame her for wanting to stay with you, as she seemed to have a fabulous time. What sort of dog is she, Squiggle?


El, Mr Yogi thanks you for your good wishes. He thinks the antibiotics are starting to kick in, so hopefully he'll feel better soon.

Youngest son is picking up my M&S order tomorrow, but I'm having to do the Morrisons run today. Middle son was in Morrisons yesterday and said it was very busy. I may need to put on battle armour before I go.


She is a mongrel, white with liver spotting and large sticky up collie sort of ears.  She is admittedly not the most beautiful dog in the world but she has a very sweet nature.  She is only 8 months old so still in her puppy 'let's explore the world, let me at it' stage.  If they hadn't homed her (from a friend's dog's litter) she would have gone to the Dogs Trust and they put them down after 18 months if they are not adopted, and as my daughter said she is not likely to be the first dog that people would want to take home, there would be plenty more ahead of her in the cuteness league.


Meant to say earlier Summer, what beautiful roses, Mr. Summer is an absolute star, you lucky girl.


Squiggle, you can rest assured that the Dogs Trust never put down dogs which are healthy no matter how long they have been there. I copied this from their website:


Hard to Rehome

Dogs Trust has a non-destruction policy, which means we never put down a healthy dog.

Although many of the dogs in our Centres find homes within a few weeks, some have more specific requirements which make it harder to find them a home. Our Special Dogs have been at a centre for six months or more, due to a number of reasons. Some do not like being in a kennel environment and so do not present themselves favourably but are fine outside. Others do have behavioural issues that can be successfully resolved away from the stressful environment of a rehoming centre, with effort and commitment on the part of the new owner. Sadly, some are simply regarded as just not ‘pretty’ and are not chosen because of their looks.

For those with issues that need special attention, Dogs Trust runs two programmes to support the training and welfare of the dogs.



The dogs that need a little extra learning go to our STAR unit.

Based at our Evesham Rehoming Centre, STAR offers dogs one to one training and teaches them how to cope with the stresses and strains of everyday life, teaching them to love people again.


The Sanctuary

Some of our dogs prefer not to live with people and these live in our sanctuary.

This large secure field with shelter, allows dogs to roam and form natural relationships within the group.

The dogs here are happy, content and living a life free of the stresses with which they have shown they cannot cope. They are fed regularly, health-checked and have human interaction with two dedicated carers.

El Loro
Originally Posted by squiggle:

She is a mongrel, white with liver spotting and large sticky up collie sort of ears.  She is admittedly not the most beautiful dog in the world but she has a very sweet nature.  She is only 8 months old so still in her puppy 'let's explore the world, let me at it' stage.  If they hadn't homed her (from a friend's dog's litter) she would have gone to the Dogs Trust and they put them down after 18 months if they are not adopted, and as my daughter said she is not likely to be the first dog that people would want to take home, there would be plenty more ahead of her in the cuteness league.


Meant to say earlier Summer, what beautiful roses, Mr. Summer is an absolute star, you lucky girl.

^^^^ I thought they never put a healthy dog down (that's what they say in the adverts). I didn't realise there was a time limit.

Anyway, at least Tilly was lucky enough to find a good home with your family.

Good afternoon It's very wet here, the river is swelling again too I can't wait to finish work Squiggle, I bet Tilly had a fantastic time at yours! Dogs do need to get into some open spaces don't they, I love watching bramble go crackers in the fields Yogi, I hope mr yogi feels better soon, chest infection sounds horrible, I hope the antibiotics kick in swiftly good luck with the food shop El, I hope your brother has a smooth & easy journey, I imagine he's looking forward to visiting
~Sparkling Summer~

Hi all, 

Aww Tilly sounds so sweet !
Lovely flowers Summer, lucky girl  

Hope Mr Yogi is feeling better soon, this virus appears to be hitting the chest so hopefully when the antibiotics kick in he will be feeling better. My son and sister not well either. 
Weather here awful, its been pouring since yesterday  . 
Just going out shopping again, 2nd time today, have to pick up some flowers and other things.
Will try to get back on later x
Nice you had a lovely day with family squiggle and hope your brother arrives safely El x 

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

She is a mongrel, white with liver spotting and large sticky up collie sort of ears.  She is admittedly not the most beautiful dog in the world but she has a very sweet nature.  She is only 8 months old so still in her puppy 'let's explore the world, let me at it' stage.  If they hadn't homed her (from a friend's dog's litter) she would have gone to the Dogs Trust and they put them down after 18 months if they are not adopted, and as my daughter said she is not likely to be the first dog that people would want to take home, there would be plenty more ahead of her in the cuteness league.


Meant to say earlier Summer, what beautiful roses, Mr. Summer is an absolute star, you lucky girl.

^^^^ I thought they never put a healthy dog down (that's what they say in the adverts). I didn't realise there was a time limit.

Anyway, at least Tilly was lucky enough to find a good home with your family.

That's what my grandsons told me yesterday, 'they say they never put a healthy dog down but there actually is a time limit', 18 months as I said.  We have a Dogs Trust Centre near us and they will be dealing with hundreds of dogs in that time frame so I can well believe it.


I had a phone call this afternoon from an ex-client who needed copies of her accounts for 1999 to 2003 as she is making one of these PPI claims. Although I don't keep client papers back to 1999 I did make a backup of my client accounts on a CD so I was able to give her what she needed (and she insisted on paying me for my time)

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

I had a phone call this afternoon from an ex-client who needed copies of her accounts for 1999 to 2003 as she is making one of these PPI claims. Although I don't keep client papers back to 1999 I did make a backup of my client accounts on a CD so I was able to give her what she needed (and she insisted on paying me for my time)

Result! El and well done on such forward planning


Summer, I don't expect any of my clients to keep copies of their accounts going back to 1999 - HMRC only expect you to keep records for about 5 to 6 years. I work on a basis myself of keeping client papers for about 8 years. I just happen to keep my backup CDs in case I ever need to refer to old accounts. I could go back to 1995/96 if I ever needed to, not that it is likely.


El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
I've still got all of mine el, I don't know why but I just can't let myself destroy them I'm laying on the sofa, and the dog is on my head

I'm really grateful that Keira isn't on my head.


Summer, my middle son and his fiancÃĐe popped in to pick up something this afternoon. FiancÃĐe was wearing a jumper with a big Santa face on it - he had a white fluffy beard.

Last edited by Yogi19
Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

I had a phone call this afternoon from an ex-client who needed copies of her accounts for 1999 to 2003 as she is making one of these PPI claims. Although I don't keep client papers back to 1999 I did make a backup of my client accounts on a CD so I was able to give her what she needed (and she insisted on paying me for my time)

Result! El and well done on such forward planning



Good morning everyone, I am glad to hear that everyone is feeling a lot brighter and I hope that by Christmas Day you will all be feeling bright-eyed and bushy tailed


I have seen something I have never seen before, the liner on my pond is floating upwards   Now, bearing in mind that the pond is cut through bedrock, the only explanation I can think of is that the water table is so high that it is floating on water coming upwards through the bedrock.  I can't think of another explanation, can you?



good morning! It's actually broken through a little sunny here today, and the rain has dried up Yogi, sorry I didn't say goodnight last night, I was feeling rather rotten and went to bed straight after the strictly final I had a much better nights sleep last night though and am just going to have a lazy day today Hope mr yogi & son are able to get some rest too Squiggle that pup is adorable I hope, but doubt, bramble will sit still long enough for me to get a good photo of her with some gifts on Christmas morning El, I hope your brothers journey is a smooth one, how long will he be staying?
~Sparkling Summer~
He's a hungry heron then isn't he Perhaps your pond was easier for him to hunt, or he might have just fancied a change I can understand why you don't want to restock, it would be shame to waste your money and time What kind of fish did you used to have in it? There's a pond not too far from us, but I'm not sure what fish are in there I was disappointed in the week to have missed the great British bake off christmas special, but am delighted to discover the repeat is on right now
~Sparkling Summer~

Squiggle, I hope your pond is alright. A pity about that naughty heron


I hope those with bugs & lurgies continue to get better and will be well by Christmas Day.


Summer, my brother is due to arrive a bit after 1 and goes back Thursday afternoon so he's here for just over 4 days. I better make a start on lunch now otherwise he'll be eating raw food

El Loro

Shame about the heron stealing your goldfish from the pond, Squiggle. Sometimes nature can be annoying.

Re your pond liner, it does sound like there must be water pushing under the liner from the bedrock. (The word bedrock always makes me think of The Flintstones).

El, anything from Thorntons is delicious, in my opinion - enjoy the little cakes.

I hope you've been able to have a lazy day and feel better for it, Summer.

I've had a busy day but now feel I am ready for Christmas - some would say, just in time!


Hope you've had a more relaxing evening yogi I've rested all day, and managed a short albeit tough walk with bramble, I can't wait to get back to normal strength. I enjoyed some Christmas specials on TV too, I love anything that kirstie allsop presents El, those cakes sound delicious, I'm sure you both enjoy(ed) them We're going to do our m&s food shop at midnight, the store opens at 2 minutes past 12! I could have opted out but seeing as I don't have to drive and it's only the one shop, I've decided to go. I'd love to find some of those elusive crackling sticks I wonder how many other people will do the same?
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Oh, and it's one sleep to go

(runs and hides before Summer sees me)


Needless to say it's wet here today.


The Thornton chocolate cakes are nice.


I see that on the main television channels today it is possible to watch 4 versions of A Christmas Carol during today I did see the Patrick Stewart version on Saturday which was good and does follow the book closer than other versions though I did notice one bad omission. Near the beginning 2 gentlemen come into Scrooge's office collecting money for the poor and needed and he turns them away - that is as per the book. What is omitted is near the end when Scrooge has purchased the turkey and is on the way to church the book has him seeing the 2 gentlemen again and promising to give them all the money he should have given them over the years. It would have only taken a few seconds and was a bad mistake.


Have a great Chriatmas Eve and I hope that eveyone is ready for tomorrow

El Loro

Good morning everyone, hope everyone manages to get all the last minute bits in and then gets ready, hanging up their stockings in readiness for Santa's visit


Odd with the pond.  It looks like the water table has dropped and the pond liner seems to be more back to normal but now the pond only looks half full so I suppose water has drained from inside the liner too, ruddy daft after all the rain we have had


Squiggle, I'm pleased that your pond liner has settled some, I see a lot of rain is forecast for Thursday, perhaps the water level will rise then... El, I agree that Scrooges donation to the charity collectors should have been added to the end of the story. We watched the Albert Finney version last night I'm watching the NORAD track Santa website, Santa is getting ready to launch..
~Sparkling Summer~
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