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Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:

Going to bed, feel awful hope a bath, honey & lemon remedy and a good nights rest will be enough to get me through tomorrow. Please pray I have help at work  


love you all and hope the rest feel well again soon x

Aww Summer, hope the bath and honey and lemon help. Get well soon.

Did someone say christmas meal?! Afternoon everyone very wet & gloomy here today, but hey, the world didn't end this morning I had a good rest last night, and have been taking lemsip capsules this morning. I don't feel good, but they work well and I've been ok at work so far Hope the meal goes well squiggle, what's the menu?! El, when does your brother arrive? I've been wanting to try those crackling sticks from m&s that everyone keeps raving about, but they sell out really fast and I've not seen any yet
~Sparkling Summer~

Summer, I hope you can get through today and hope you can take things easy

My brother is due to arrive in time for lunch on Sunday. It's just as well he wasn't travelling today as there are big problems with trains coming from Paddington station due to a fire by the railway line - that's may be cleared up by later afternoon today.


The world is ending today, at least children's television on BBC1 is. End of an era. A small tribute - this programme is almost as old as me and is one of my earliest memories from television - the ending has particular poignancy today.

El Loro

Summer, children's television has been on BBC1 (or the British Broadcasting Company when there was just the one BBC channel) for many many years, certainly before I was born. The digital television BBC channels for children continue (CBBC and CBeebies) but ends on BBC1 today, and the bit on BBC2 in early January. It's because of BBC cutbacks and because a lot of children are used to watching CBBC and CBeebies either on television or iPlayer. In recent times something like Blue Peter got shown first on CBBC and repeated a day or so later on BBC1. There's no cutback on the number of children's programmes made, just them being repeated on BBC1 and 2.


I don't know what will get shown on BBC1 in their place, but I doubt it it will be very exciting.

El Loro

Hi everyone. Wet weather up here and some flooding on the roads.

Managed to get Keira to the groomers - 3 hours it took, to make her gorgeous for Christmas.

Apart from buying lots of lovely food, which I will do tomorrow, I am all set for Christmas.

I hope you are feeling much better today, Summer. My two invalids have gone to work but they are both still feeling really poorly.

Squiggle, I hope your Christmas meal with the family has been fabulous!

El, will there be no more children's programmes on BBC?

Andy Pandy was a firm favourite of my late brother. I was more of a Woodentops fan. Happy memories.

Have my Christmas cards arrived yet, it seems a while since they were posted?


Yogi, not on BBC1 or BBC2, just on CBBC and CBeebies.


As a very young child I had a diet of Watch with Mother.

On Monday there was Picture Book:

On Tuesday there was Andy Pandy

On Wednesday there was the immortal Flower Pot Men (flobbadobb - weeed):

On Thursday Rag, Tag and Bobtail:

and on Friday The Woodentops:


For obvious reasons, the number of complete episodes on Youtube is very limited and the video quality is a bit degraded.

El Loro
evening It is a shame about children's tv, but yes of course, it makes sense. A lot of children have sky too and there are many channels for them to choose from Yogi, I've taken lemsip max capsules today, they really helped me get through work, if recommend them for your invalids We set a new record today for busiest day ever, and it's definitely going to be our highest earning week ever. It definitely covers me not working Christmas Eve I've come to bed early again but I'm feeling a lot better than last night, I must have a strong immune system! I hope you're all enjoying the day, I'm pleased the world didn't end
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Ooh I will have a trawl through those lovely memories tomorrow, hope everyone had a good day, we had a lovely family day and a lovely dinner, I feel a bit like this though, speak to all you lovely people tomorrow


Great pic, no words required, Squiggle.

Glad you had a lovely day with your family.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:

Ooh did they have the one with the dog in front of an aga? I love that one


mr summer is a gem isn't he, I'm very lucky. He bought both his sisters and his mum 12 red roses each too!

He's a real gem.


Yes, I'm sure they did have the print with the dog in front of the aga.

I think the pet shop has just started stocking the prints because I would have noticed if they'd had them before now.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
Does she refuse to go out in the rain? Bramble doesn't mind it at all, her coat is fully thick right now so she probably doesn't even feel the rain

She doesn't mind if it's only light rain, but if it's pouring she won't go out. We bought her a coat but she's not keen on wearing it, she does her pleading "take it off me" face.


Good morning everyone


It's wet out there - take care everyone who has to go out today.


Mr Summer is a nice man giving all those roses


Nice doggy pictures, Yogi and Summer.


Paddington is now back to normal after yesterday's fire problems so my brother shouldn't have travel problems tomorrow (subject to any caused by today's rain).

El Loro

Good morning everyone. It's still raining up here.

Fingers crossed the weather doesn't affect your brother's travel plans, El.


Got to go do some food shopping today, and I'm not looking forward to it. Mr Yogi usually comes with me to do the Christmas food shop, but I don't think he feels well enough today. Doctor says he has a chest infection and has given him some antibiotics. Son is feeling a bit better though.


Yogi, good luck with the food shopping. I did mine yesterday first thing. I went to the M&S one at the outskirts of Cheltenham as there is a carpark there and I had more than usual to get. It was pretty crowded even at 9 in the morning and I got most of what I needed though I still need to get milk and bread but I'll get that from the local Co-op either tomorrow after church or Monday.


I hope Mr Yogi's chest infection clears up with the antibiotics in time for Christmas.

El Loro

Good morning everyone, it's absolutely tipping it down and the water is starting to gather on the roads and even the pathways around the house, I do hope it stops soon.  It's so miserable interfering with everyone's travel plans and last minute shopping too.


And on top of that all those with chest infections and horrible sniffles still I hope everyone gets where they are supposed to be and that the festivities aren't spoiled by it all.


My family brought their dog Tilly over yesterday.  She normally lives in their tiny flat with a little pocket handkerchief back yard.  Well she went mad, she tore around the house (because she can run all the way around it) and all you saw was a white blur, she found a stick, she investigated all the smells, and followed the trail left by the dogs next door. Luckily she didn't chase the sheep down in the bottom field, evidently she is frightened of all animals and like Keira she doesn't like the rain, luckily it was dry yesterday. She kept dashing in covered in mud (they had put an old towel down by the patio door) and generally acted as if someone had given her the greatest Christmas present ever.  Only downside she didn't want to go home again (I could picture her saying "no, let's live here!")


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