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I've returned from my hypnotherapist client having completed the work. She had Oscar there (her grandson aged about 3) so there were one or two distractions . He is recovering from the trauma of seeing his spiderman vehicle being run over in the road. The driver has been arrested and is in prison. Oscar said that the police had told him that the driver was a very naughty man.(I think there may have been slightly more to this than I was told).


Squiggle, I hope the rain holds off for Thursday. I like your picture today - it's one of those which you need to watch for about 15 seconds to see the complete thing.

El Loro

I'm sure Oscar will recover very quickly, he didn't seem to be really traumatised. When his grandmother told me, I said that on the way to her cottage as I was starting to cross the main road on the zebra crossing a car coming along just drove over the crossing on the other side without bothering to see if someone was already crossing the road. The car wasn't that close to me but a second or so later, things could be very different. I had stepped on to the crossing so that's a definite highway code infringement (code 195) - 3 penalty points and up to ÂĢ1,000 fine.


My client then told me that an elderly man had been knocked down on that zebra crossing a week or so and was hospitalised.

El Loro

Oh I've only ever seen Goodnight Mr Tom once, I will keep a look out for it.


That sounds like a near miss EL, glad you are safe.  I was crossing over a junction with lights last week and it was just as well I wasn't going fast as some guy in a big van came hurtling over making a right turn, he definitely must have crossed at red.

I'm grabbing a few now yogi with m&s pate, crackers & chutney and a mini trifle Been a busy day. Hope you sleep well goodnight It seems there are just too many dangerous drivers around, I frequently get overtaken driving in my own street- it's a 30 zone and I swear some do 50-60 down it! I must confess I take pleasure in making them slow down whenever possible
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Cloudy but dry at present. Rain is forecast later ad infinitum.


In the episode of Only Connect on Monday was a snippet of this song. It comes from the 1937 film Broadway Melody of 1938. Judy Garland was either 14 or just 15 at the time and had previously sung the song at Clark Gable's birthday party.

El Loro

Good morning everyone. Weather is similar to yours, El.

Glad you go some time to relax, Summer. Is this a really busy time for you, with people wanting their hair cut for Christmas? I'm getting mine cut on Friday afternoon - and Keira is going to the groomers on Friday morning, so she looks (and smells) lovely for Christmas.

Morning Mild and damp here but not horrid Yes yogi, it's our busiest week of the year, which is tiring but then I get myself all Christmassy excited at night and end up staying up later, so by Saturday I will be very tired! It's all jolly good fun though so I do enjoy it I bet Keira will look & smell gawjuss after her pampering!!!! :hugs: for all of you
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

The wreath looks really beautiful, well done Summer.

The app wreath looks very nice, too.


Squiggle, I hope you are back home soon, out of the wind and rain - with a nice cup of tea to warm you up.

Agreed it does look beautiful Summer, well done.


Yes back home again, it was really awful out there and I don't think it's going to be any better tomorrow.


Squiggle, I'm glad you are back home and hope that the weather isn't as bad tomorrow.


Here it's been relatively light rain during the morning and had actually stopped. Still rain around but unfortunately the worst in my area is throughout tomorrow though my area is in the yellow Met Office warning rather than the amber.


I drove to the local post office this morning as I had to return some papers to a client. There were quite a lot of papers and I put them in a huge padded envelope (340mm by 445mm). Because of the Christmas mail I sent it by Special Delivery so it should get there tomorrow or at worst Friday. Postage cost ÂĢ9-75. (The client's fee is one of my higher ones so the cost isn't an issue).

El Loro
*night owls* I hope everyone had a good day. Squiggle I hope the rain stops during the night Yogi, I hope Keira has been enjoying her presents I've been at SIL's tonight and Miss Bramble stole some garlic bread when I left the room she'll smell delightful tomorrow I'm sure she also helped me wash my hair over the bath, sorted out their laundry and fetched them their mail! I mailed 2 parcels today- 1 was a calendar for my mum, full of Bramble photos I was told that tomorrow is the last day for christmas deliveries. El, the cost of sending parcels doesn't seem to be too bad lately, and yet p&p costs for online shopping have soared this year! It's been a nice day here but the wind has really picked up tonight and it's started to rain. The outlook for tomorrow isn't good. I think I've caught a cold too, I've got a croaky voice and I've been sneezing lots tonight. I have a strong vitamin tonic, lets hope it can help me fight off any germs Sweetest of dreams all, leaving a little hug for skylark
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Remarkably enough at this precise moment it's dry here! It's been a wet night and more rain is forecast.


Summer, I know you don't live in Scotland but I saw this on the BBC website yesterday about some people there being ripped off with online delivery charges because of where they lived:


I could have saved some money on the postage on that package yesterday but my client wanted the papers back as he had some bankings to do.


Summer, I hope your potential bug hasn't materialised


Squiggle, I hope the weather doesn't cause you problems on your journey today.


Skylark, I hope your bug has cleared up and life is a bit less hectic.

El Loro

Oh poor you Summer, that's not good timing, hope the vitamin tonic works wonders.


It has been raining all night long but I had a practice run yesterday when buying the chickens and my coat is pretty good at keeping the wind and rain out so I shall rely on it today.


One of my ladies doesn't want to take her walker but will rely on my arm to help, which should make it a bit easier, hooray!  Having said that I hope she's going to be OK she is very brave but is awaiting an op on her back.


All I can say about postage costs is don't post books to Canada, I sent a largish Post Office padded bag with 5 books in and the postage came to over ÂĢ14


Hope everyone else is doing well, thinking especially of you Skylark, and that last minute Christmas preparations are going well.



Good morning everyone. Weather is wet and dismal.

Squiggle, I hope all goes well with transporting your friends today.

I love the Santa pic.

Summer, sorry to hear you have the dreaded lurgy, get well soon. Mr Yogi has it too.

Still waiting on three parcels - they ought to have arrived before the 19th, but still no sign.

Will be back later.



Awful timing with everyone going down with the dreaded lurgy, I hope that everyone can all shake it off before Christmas Day.


Back safely, it poured down all day and the roads are getting flooded, had to drive through huge great pools of water although I tried to dodge to the other side of the road whenever there wasn't something coming.


In the end neither lady used their walkers so it all worked out well and I had 3 to run home.  Had such a lovely laughter-filled afternoon, we ate well, did a Secret Santa, played silly games and there was a gift from the group to our most mischievous member (one of my ladies) a penguin onesie which we insisted she tried on, she loved it and has headed off home to surprise her hubby


Hi all, been catching up with wrapping stuff and trying to get on top of things. Still have a list of things to do and buy 
Sorry to hear of those ill, its bad here, some cant get GP appointments as they are ill too . My son back from work earlier saying he feels so tired and a sore throat ...........
My neighbour is doing some work in his house, just hope the constant banging stops soon...its going in rhythm with my headache   Dont know if i spelt that right i cant think straight !  

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi all, been catching up with wrapping stuff and trying to get on top of things. Still have a list of things to do and buy 
Sorry to hear of those ill, its bad here, some cant get GP appointments as they are ill too . My son back from work earlier saying he feels so tired and a sore throat ...........
My neighbour is doing some work in his house, just hope the constant banging stops soon...its going in rhythm with my headache   Dont know if i spelt that right i cant think straight !  

Oh no, that's how it started with son and hubby. Hope he is okay, Skylark, and I hope your neighbour stops banging about, too.


@ the penguin onesie. Well done on negotiating your way through the flooded roads, Squiggle.



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