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I just want you all to know.. as you drift off.. sniffing a little into your handkerchiefs.. shedding a little tear for your dear departed Ben that it is actually JUST A TV SHOW!.. nobody died.. except possibly a sense of humour or two and.. in the end.. as I might shortly be banned when the folks in Seattle have stopped pissing themselves laughing that is, that it is not real life you know. 

To project your feelings and issues through characters on a screen whether a soap opera or BB11 is a bit suspect. This is just for fun.. have that tattooed  someplace important.. you really might need it someday!


Morning everyone.   You all fought a great campaign.  I didn't watch the programme or come on here last night and I'm quite glad I didn't.  It seems that our lovely, friendly thread got a bit nasty at times!!

In all honesty I have to say I'm glad that Ben is out of the house.  I think things are going to get very nasty in there and it will be better if he is not part of that.  If this new guy Sam causes even half as much upset for JJ1, Josie and Dave as they handed out to Ben then it will be great.

I won't be watching the programme anymore but will continue to Sky+ it in case I hear on here of something worth watching about Corin.  We must all now try our very best to get her through to the final.  Out of all of them I think she is the one who would appreciate the most the opportunity to be in the house with the returning HMs. 

Reference: Joyron
In all honesty I have to say I'm glad that Ben is out of the house. I think things are going to get very nasty in there and it will be better if he is not part of that. If this new guy Sam causes even half as much upset for JJ1, Josie and Dave as they handed out to Ben then it will be great.
I agree with you Joyron, things are going to get nasty in there and Ben is better off out of it. They are (very soon) going to have to start turning on each other.
I watched half an hour of LF last night and Sam's entry to the house has already ruffled John James' feathers, big time.

El Loro, thank you for the beautiful flowers.
I'm fine thank you Yogi.  I'm so glad I've stayed away from the forum for the last few days as it was all getting too much for me.  Perhaps we will now be able to have some of our old RL chats like we did in Freddie's thread.

I'm now starting to get excited about our cruise.  In just 10 weeks time we will be out on the water heading to the Med.  Cannot wait.  Have a good weekend whatever you are doing.  By the way I've had loads of tomatoes off my plants now!!
Hi everyone nice to see everyone up and about so early.  There is a large part of me too that is glad that our lovely Ben is away from the sheer nastiness of most of those horrible people in that house.

Thank you for your morning flowers El Loro, they are lovely.

The time will just whizz by now Joyron until your cruise, I am so pleased for you.  You and Yogi have done so well with your produce this year.

And Zaphod your post was insensitive to say the least.  We are not a bunch of saddos in here as you seem to think.  Yes we know its only a game show.  But Ben is a real person, as they all are obviously, with real feelings, many of which were trampled on mightily by the back stabbing crew he met in there.  We all worked very hard yesterday and the day before encouraging and voting and generally working as a happy little community with support from FM's who support no-one and other HM's.  You may have felt that your post was a real rib tickler but as my late husband used to say it was about as welcome as a pork chop at a barmitzvah.  Instead of sniping at us for not having a sense of humour you should think about whether your humour was appropriate in the circumstances.  Having said that I am sure you meant to inject some light heartedness at a very tense time but it was, imo, very poor judgement.  Still I have waggled my finger at you, you have had a little snipe at us, let's put it behind us now and not hold grudges either way.  I am sure you will not be banned and I for one would protest if they tried to do that. I am sure my fellow Buddies would join me in saying that you are always welcome to drop in and have a natter
Morning Squiggle.  Great post.  You really are a most forgiving person.  As I said to Yogi I'm glad I stayed away from the forum.  It did me good to have a little rest from it all as it was making me very upset at times (silly me).

Hopefully we can all get back to our lovely little thread now without any problems.  Will you be supporting Corin from now on?  I've read somewhere that some Ben's Buddies didn't feel the Corin fans gave Ben enough support but I don't believe that is true.

Hope to catch up later.  I've got No.1 son and the grandchildren here this weekend so I may not be about much later; hence my early morning visit. 
I'm glad you're back Joyron we all missed your posts.  No I shan't support any other HM's now, but I am so glad that I had a chance to 'get to know' Ben.  I thought he was such an interesting HM and a really great guy.  I envy anyone who is his friend, he would be such a lovely loyal friend who, I am sure, would make you laugh and give lots of hugs and kisses when you needed them. I still look forward to seeing Dave evicted.  As you know I am a Christian and to see that evil man in there spouting rubbish and pretending he is a man of God makes my blood boil.
Thank you for voting your Dameship (and all who voted to keep Ben in).  I have yet to see his interview and I look forward to doing that today but it would have been too upsetting last night.  Yes you can point and laugh if you like but I would have been so upset to watch it last night.  Thank you jackson for your commiserations.  I think on balance we are a little relieved that Ben is now out of harm's way.  There are some pretty big nasty beasts roaming around in there.  And Smarting Buttocks I hear what you say and you may very well be right but the timing was crap and the potential to cause upset makes you wonder whether 'the game was worth the candle' as the old saying goes.
Reference: Zaphod
I just want you all to know.. as you drift off.. sniffing a little into your handkerchiefs.. shedding a little tear for your dear departed Ben that it is actually JUST A TV SHOW!.. nobody died.. except possibly a sense of humour or two and.. in the end.. as I might shortly be banned when the folks in Seattle have stopped pissing themselves laughing that is, that it is not real life you know. To project your feelings and issues through characters on a screen whether a soap opera or BB11 is a bit suspect. This is just for fun.. have that tattooed someplace important.. you really might need it someday!

Well said, Zaph.
Ben will do just fine. I would love for him to have a talk show or something along those lines
I agree and its comforting to think of him being able to enjoy his life again with real friends.  It is a bit funny that there is such a load of numpties left in the house.  I shouldn't think its going to be long before JJ's crab eyes turn on Corin who stood up to him.  If she faces Josie or JJ on a 2 HM only week I would think the Tweenies will do the same to her as they did to Ben.
. I shouldn't think its going to be long before JJ's crab eyes turn on Corin who stood up to him. If she faces Josie or JJ on a 2 HM only week I would think the Tweenies will do the same to her as they did to Ben.
I think Corin would stand a chance against Josie, but I think every single one of the HMs would go if they were up against John James.
I think Corin would stand a chance against Josie
You could be right Yogi but somehow I doubt it.  I have been around and about in the last few days and everywhere you go the Tweenies think its real lurve between JJ and Josie (no don't laugh).  They know that if Josie went JJ would probably walk.

I just watched Ben's interview.  Its so funny yesterday this time I was desperate for him to stay.  Tonight I am so so pleased he has gone.  I looked from him with his cheeky little smile, not surrounded for once by people intent on bringing him down.  And then I looked at the people still in the house and I am tickled pink he is away from them.

You know what

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