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Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Afternoon Yogi, its my day off and its passing too fast! 
I am wrapping up some Christmas gifts. I am on the ball this year ! Nice having a quiet house to get on with stuff x 

You are doing well.

I have bought approx half the gifts I need to get, and have ordered a couple more today. My mum and dad are a nightmare to buy for because they always say they don't need anything.

I still have more to get. I can imagine its hard getting for your parents. 

Hi Summer, sorry you are not feeling that great. A nice relaxing night in with your feet up may help x  Yes son is a good lad, takes a bit of nagging at times but we get there in the end !


I am glad you are managing to get on well Skylark.  Yogi I am sorry your day is not working out like you planned .  Summer I am sure Bramble will look after you, animals can be very sensitive as to when we need a little comfort. That movie combo gift sounds like a good idea, something a little different.


I just watched a good film 'My week with Marilyn' I think the actress got an Oscar for it, it was the closest I have ever seen to someone getting the innocence with the sex symbol.  Such a complex character Marilyn Monroe and one that you instinctively 'feel' for.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
Ooh p.s. I got SIL & BIL a cinema gift box, it's 2 movie tickets, a chocolate pack & a combo platter for sharing. A good deal for ÂĢ20 and presented in a lovely box. I thought it'd be something different

I like that. Is that available in all cinemas Summer? My nephew is 18 next week that would a lovely gift for him, he loves the cinema and he could go with his girlfriend. Are the tickets open or do you have to have specific days? x

Skylark, the gift box is from cineworld and is open, it has to be used by the end of march and although it states that its for a 3D movie, a 2D movie is perfectly acceptable. My other SIL says its a brilliant gift! Squiggle, I've got my week with Marilyn on my love film wish list and am looking forward to seeing it- I LOVE Michelle Williams! She was Jen in Dawsons Creek Yogi hope things turned around for you after you signed out this afternoon
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, it's dry here at the moment but very very threatening clouds so I don't think the rain will hold off until the end of the day, I hope we don't get so much rain this week, conditions down in the South West are really bad with trees down and floods everywhere.


I am glad you got the evening to yourself Yogi and I hope that you too had some time to yourself yesterday Skylark.  Summer I hope you are feeling much better this morning.  I am glad the cake was delicious EL and hope that the weekend with your brother is going well.


Just dropped my brother off at the railway station. He's back here in 4 weeks over Christmas.


At church today we had one of the classic American hymns:


The preacher today included this little joke which I have heard before:


The Pope just finished a tour of the East Coast and was taking a limousine to the airport. Since he'd never driven a limo, he asked the chauffeur if he could drive for a while. The reluctant chauffeur pulled over along the roadside, climbed into the back of the limo, and the Pope took the wheel. The Pope then merged onto the highway and accelerated to over 90 mph to see what the limo could do. 

Suddenly, the Pope noticed the blue light of the State Patrol in his side mirror, so he pulled over. The trooper approached the limo, peered in through the windows, then said, "Just a moment please, I need to call in." 

The trooper called in and explained to the chief that he had a very important person pulled over for speeding. "How do I handle this, chief?" asked the trooper. "Is it the Governor?" questioned the chief. "No! This guy is even more important!" 

"Is it the President?" asked the chief. 

"No! Even more important!"

"Well, who the heck is it?" screamed the chief. 

"I don't know, sir," replied the trooper, "but he's got the Pope as his chauffeur."

El Loro
thank you yogi I hope you had a good day and sleep well El I'm pleased to hear your brother is coming for Christmas these next 4 weeks will fly! Skylark & squiggle, I hope you two had a good weekend I'm pleased to say that although my throat is still sore, I feel much better today! I think the rest last night did me the world of good. I had a lay in, walked bramble, did a bit of sewing (elf boots) and went to the cinema. It was lovely See you all in the morning
~Sparkling Summer~
Good morning It's raining heavy here and the ground is soaked, some roads are starting to flood. I drive to work cautiously, much to the annoyance of an idiot who tried to over take me as I slowed for a little flood, then changed his mind when he realised the situation Squiggle, how is your local area doing? The radio says it's worst down there
~Sparkling Summer~
Good morning everyone. Weather is dry ATM and very chilly. Squiggle, I noticed on the news that your area has been hard hit, so I hope everything is okay with you Summer, there are some real idiots out there who never alter their driving to suit the conditions. Pleased you got to work safely El, glad you had a good weekend with your brother and not long to wait for his next visit Got a couple of parcels arriving today with more Christmas gifts, so I am getting there (slowly) with my Christmas shopping

Good morning everyone.  Up here on the north coast the last few days have not been too bad but only a few miles away things are really bad and over most of the rest of Devon and Cornwall and most of Somerset too.  Just an hour's drive from me a friend from Facebook was driving yesterday and posted 'don't go out unless your life depends upon it'   Like most places there is nowhere for the water to go as the ground is so flooded and still more rain comes.


I am glad you are feeling better Summer, sleep is an amazing cure for the body - allows it to heal.  Some idiot drivers on the road are an accident waiting to happen, I am always happy when they go past me


I liked the story EL very funny   I am glad your brother is coming for Christmas.


Have a good week everyone.


Aww R.I.P Dinah.  What a lovely film The Railway Children is, i have watched it many times.

Glad you  are feeling better Summer x 
Thats nice El, your brother is coming for Christmas . Have you decided  on the menu yet? 
Just off out to do some shopping. Nephews birthday on Friday said i would get the cake so will order it. Havent decided on the theme, he loves Dr Who so maybe she could put a tardis on or something 
Bye for now x

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yes, Dinah Sheridan did seem a lovely person. She also played the part of the mother in the 1970 version of The Railway Children.


She really was the ideal mother in that wasn't she EL?

She was. It was a nice touch in the 2000 version for Jenny Agutter to become the mother in that. Then in 2030 Jemima Rooper to play the mother if they make it again.


El Loro

Aww, RIP Dinah.

The Railway Children was my youngest son's favourite book when he was small. I must have read it dozens of times. Much as I liked the book, I was quite pleased when he was old enough to read it for himself.

The film (Dinah version) stayed true to the book and son and I loved it, too.


Warning! I am about to go into rant mode.

I ordered a couple of items from Asda Direct and received an email to say one of the items would be delivered today via Hermes. I waited in all morning and son was at home too, and I expected to have to wait in all day for the delivery.

An email arrived from DX to say they had tried to deliver a parcel but I wasn't available to sign for it (complete and utter lie, as nobody had knocked on the door all morning and we also have Harvey staying and he barks like mad if someone knocks the door), and would I call their (not freephone) number to rearrange delivery. I phoned the number, got an automated service which gave me a new delivery date for tomorrow, then said there was a problem with that dateand I would be transferred to a customer service person. Left hanging on the phone for ages, running up a bill and still never got to speak to anyone.


Phoned Asda and was told that my parcels were being sent out separately and with 2 different couriers. I was told not to expect the DX parcel until the 28th/29th, so why the heck were DX claiming they had tried to deliver it today?

Asda guy said he would contact DX to sort out the problem and I asked him to tell them in the strongest terms that I did not accept that there had been an attempted delivery today and was fuming at the lack of customer service when I called.

Good news, the Hermes parcel has arrived, as was stated in their email.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Thanks Squiggle. It was the blatant lie about attempting to deliver it which really rankled, especially as I had cancelled plans to wait in for it.

Anyway, I'm calm now, how are things with you?


I'm coping Yogi thanks, but again a bit of a funny day, well at least I made a start on my Christmas cards

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Thanks Squiggle. It was the blatant lie about attempting to deliver it which really rankled, especially as I had cancelled plans to wait in for it.

Anyway, I'm calm now, how are things with you?


I'm coping Yogi thanks, but again a bit of a funny day, well at least I made a start on my Christmas cards

Well done on starting the cards. I have bought mine but that's as far as I've got.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
yogi that's so infuriating!!!!!! I'm pleased you finally got to speak to someone and lets hope it'll be sorted out now. I cannot stand it when they lie, I've had those "you weren't in.." Cards put through our front door, when I've been standing right behind it, and knew for sure there hadn't been a single attempt to knock

That's happened to my eldest son, too. He ran out after the driver and was given the excuse that he was behind schedule so didn't have time to knock the door and wait for people to answer. Can't remember which courier it was though.


Yogi how annoying and frustrating for you 
Well done on starting the cards squiggle  I have most of mine bought but not started writing them yet. I have been looking for a "Grandpa" card but no success as yet. 
El, yes you wont be wanting to be cooking a turkey as there will just be the two of you.  My butcher taking orders now, but i cant decide what we are having yet, will probably go for the turkey, again!!

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Yogi how annoying and frustrating for you 
Well done on starting the cards squiggle  I have most of mine bought but not started writing them yet. I have been looking for a "Grandpa" card but no success as yet. 
El, yes you wont be wanting to be cooking a turkey as there will just be the two of you.  My butcher taking orders now, but i cant decide what we are having yet, will probably go for the turkey, again!!

Hi Skylark.

Youngest son insists on traditional Christmas dinner every year. Mr Yogi says we'll change the menu when son moves out (whenever that might be!).

thanks yogi, I did I drove through small floods and detoured, but I got home safely You've all just reminded me that I need to get a card for mr summer! I've been so busy making things that I forgot I need a card just for him *makes note to self* Right, I'm ready to show you all my almost finished hand made costume! It's not perfect but considering I've never ever made clothes before, I'm pleased with it; The dress needs some detailing at the neckline The boots look better on my feet because I put flat shoes on first and I've attached 2 little loops inside the hat so I can slide a hair grip through on each side and hopefully clip it into my hair! I'm just waiting for some red tights to be delivered..
~Sparkling Summer~
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