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Squiggle, I hope you have a safe journey


I went out this morning to do a bit of local shoppin before the rain comes. It's dry at present but very windy. The felt over a neighbour's shed has come loose and could easily come off and blow away. My brother is due to come here tomorrow afternoon for another short weekend but that depends on trains not being affected between London and Gloucester.


El Loro
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Safely back now but if I hadn't promised a friend a lift I wouldn't have gone.  The conditions were terrible, as I crossed over the highest part the wind moved the car and I had to drive through a flood on the way back.

It's pretty scary when the weather condions are so bad. Pleased to hear you are safely home now.


Squiggle, I'm relieved you are safely back home


It's been raining here for just over an hour and is likely to do so for another 2-3 hours. In Gloucestershire so far, most of the problems seem to have related to fallen trees from the strong wind. There will be lots of surface water around.


Looking at the flood warnings on the environment agency website shows no severe flood warnings anywhere in England and Wales (doesn't cover Scotland). More locally, the Mythe gauge at Tewkesbury shows that the river is expected to peak tomorrow at about 4.1 metres (and that does allow for the current rain) That is nowhere near the level back in July 2007 when the water works at Mythe were flooded out and we were without running water for some 10 days.


No train problems between London and Gloucester at this moment in time but of course that could change as the rain moves eastwards.

El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
You haven't heard his victor meldrew style rants yogi But yes, he is a lovely man

Mr Yogi was doing one of those rants when he couldn't find his headphones for his ipad last night, and even suggested that I had moved them. I found them today, when they fell out of the tumble drier because the dumpling had left them in the pocket of his shirt. He's had some grovelling to do tonight.


Off for a read before bed, see you tomorrow. Sweet dreams, Summer.


Good morning everyone


I'm not aware of any major flooding problems in Gloucestershire though there are some problems around. Trains from London to Gloucester seem to be running OK so I'm expecting my brother to arrive a bit after 4. Today is forecast to be dry and it's sunny at present.


The cake I've bought is a chocolate black forest gateau made by Emma's Country Cakes which is a Gloucestershire bakery. I got it from the local Co-op - they stock it as part of their "Local Harvest" policy of supporting local suppliers.

El Loro

Good morning everyone, good news all around, mr. summer is a sweetheart (we wouldn't have expected you to pick anyone who was not summer ) mr yogi likes a grumble (don't we all ) and we always blame the nearest person to us, human nature, ipad earphones are very durable (and mr yogi has the cleanest pair for miles around ) and EL and his brother are going to be in cake heaven this weekend from the sound of it.  I hope your visit goes well EL.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, good news all around, mr. summer is a sweetheart (we wouldn't have expected you to pick anyone who was not summer ) mr yogi likes a grumble (don't we all ) and we always blame the nearest person to us, human nature, ipad earphones are very durable (and mr yogi has the cleanest pair for miles around ) and EL and his brother are going to be in cake heaven this weekend from the sound of it.  I hope your visit goes well EL.

He sure does - the grovelling was good though.

Mind you, there was a failed attempt to suggest I had planted the earphones in the tumble drier.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, I've just removed your recent post on that Couriers thread as the link you provided is identical to the one in the opening post and I didn't want others to tease you

I'm such a chump!

I'm sure I would have coped with the teasing, as I've had plenty of practice, but I appreciate the thought, El.

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi all, short visit, son is off today so we are scrubbing the kitchen. He is nice and tall so he is doing the top and i am doing the bottom! 
Catch up with you all later x 

Can you sent him round to me, once he's finished your kitchen please? I can't reach the top of my big fridge/freezer, even when I stand on a chair. Well, I can reach the top, but I can't reach the back half.


My brother has just arrived and is a bit damp as it decided to rain while he was walking here - according to the met office there was less than a 5% chance of it raining here this afternoon - it was only a shower though.


I won't be around much while he's here so have a great weekend whatever you are doing. We won't be doing that much over the weekend, just relaxing (and eating that cake - I'll report on my findings in due course )


El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
I was planning a quiet night in tomorrow as mr summer is out with BIL & co. but now SIL has invited me & bramble to join them after work.. I'm not sure what to do because I've been feeling unwell and would love a night in (I even have brand new pj's ready) but if I don't go, I'm going to miss out on a right laugh!

Tough decision, Summer. I hope you feel better soon.


Have a lovely weekend with your brother, EL.


Good morning everyone


Summer, I hope you are feeling better today


Dry at present here, but more rain forecast by the afternoon for the rest of the day. Another batch of rain forecast for Monday, then after that looks as if it will get dryer but about 4 degrees C below average for this time of year.


It's a yummy cake


This is going round the country in various church magazines including ours:


The new Bishop wanted a bird’s eye view of his new diocese, so he had an idea. He rang his local airport to charter a flight. He was told a twin engine plane would be waiting for him at the airport.

          Arriving at the airfield, the bishop spotted a plane warming up outside a hanger. He jumped in, slammed the door shut, and shouted, "Let's go!" At once the pilot taxied out, swung the plane into the wind and took off. Once in the air, the bishop spent several minutes enjoying the views, and looking for local landmarks. Finally he instructed the pilot, "Fly down the valley now and make low passes so I can take pictures of some of the best of the old parish churches."

          "Why?" asked the pilot.

          "Because I'm the new bishop,” he replied happily, “and I want some good aerial views of my diocese.”

          The pilot was strangely silent for a moment. Finally he stammered, "So, what you're telling me, is â€Ķ

          You're NOT my flight instructor?"

El Loro
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Afternoon Yogi, its my day off and its passing too fast! 
I am wrapping up some Christmas gifts. I am on the ball this year ! Nice having a quiet house to get on with stuff x 

You are doing well.

I have bought approx half the gifts I need to get, and have ordered a couple more today. My mum and dad are a nightmare to buy for because they always say they don't need anything.

Good afternoon Squiggle that bear hug looks so so good, I could just jump right in there! I'm not feeling terrible, but i don't feel great, so I'm definitely staying in tonight. Them lot are highly likely to be out until the small hours of tomorrow and I think I'd both be terrible company, and feel even worse tomorrow. Ive got tickets to a movie tomorrow evening too so I think I nice quiet night in will really do me good I just need to finish work and walk bramble first... El I'm pleased that your cake is yummy and hope you're having a good weekend Skylark, your son sounds like such a great lad Yogi I hope you're having a nice weekend, are you relaxing at home at all?
~Sparkling Summer~
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