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Summer, this is from the BBC iPlayer help pages:


All you need to have is a good internet connection and be located within the United Kingdom.

We recommend that you download our dedicated BBC iPlayer App which can be found in the iTunes store for an optimised service. Alternatively, point your iPad browser to


This is a link to the BBC iPlayer help pages showing the results for a search on the iPad in case there are other things you want to check up on.


El Loro
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Thanks Yogi and Summer x 
I shall try my best to do a good job! No starring role for granddaughter either, she is too blonde! Now trying to find pipe cleaners, daughter says she knows where to get them, now why is that a surprise 

Any good craft shop should stock them - Hobbycraft do.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Thanks Yogi and Summer x 
I shall try my best to do a good job! No starring role for granddaughter either, she is too blonde! Now trying to find pipe cleaners, daughter says she knows where to get them, now why is that a surprise 

Any good craft shop should stock them - Hobbycraft do.


thanks yogi I'm just climbing in to bed myself I'm really really cold tonight Hobbycraft definitely do pipe cleaners, and I'm sure I've seen them in asda living & tesco's, both have small craft sections. Final thought for the day; poinsettia's! Popular at Christmas, vibrant colours.. I quite fancy buying one this year but i've never had one before- Has anyone here had them? Do they require a lot of work to keep them alive? Hope everyone sleeps soundly and dreams lovely things
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Another cloudy but dry morning here, though the cloud might break up a bit later on. Looks a thoroughly soggy day up north though.


I see there's a new Back to Top link at the bottom overnight. There have been other changes but mainly behind the scenes ones which don't really make much difference.


El Loro

Good morning everyone. Weather is damp and overcast.


Summer, I've never had a poinsettia but I think they are a wee bit tricky, once they have finished flowering. Worth giving it a go though.


Off to the theatre tonight with my Dil, her mum and sister. Going to see 9-5, which was also a film. The music and lyrics were written by Dolly Parton, so I'm looking forward to it.


Good morning everyone, a wee bit colder here this morning.


Poinsettias are lovely but I think they are mainly a plant to enjoy over the Christmas season and after that once the bracts start to fall it's an awful job to try to get them to flower again the next season.  I think I did once try it but failed, they are lovely and Christmassy though and that wouldn't put me off getting one, the creamy white ones are nice but the red is just so Christmassy.


Enjoy the show tonight Yogi, sounds like an entertaining night out.

Good morning Oh my goodness, it's a glorious day here! Ive already done a big walk with bramble and didn't really want to head home just yet. I have lots of housework to do though, and need to wash my hair. MIL has a friend going to hers today with a puppy so I'm taking bramble over to say hello. Here's miss bramble herself today; Hmm, ok, I would hate to get a plant and throw it out after xmas, but I think I'll buy a poinsettia anyway and see if we can take good care of it
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone, much colder here today but no fog (although someone down in the valley is doing their best to make their own with a bonfire).


It's horrible when you can't get the computer to do its thing Skylark, I keep having trouble at the weekends I couldn't get on at all on Saturday night and Sunday was about as bad.  I have now checked the master socket as well as all my broadband filters.  I am starting to suspect my ISP might be not providing the bandwidth I need (my brain starts to go foggy if I try to work out what might be the cause).  I have done a Ping test which tells me that my line is very good so everything seems to be tickety boo at my end.  I do have my eye on another ISP so I will monitor the situation and see whether I need to try another ISP and whether that will be any better.  It's a real pain though when all you want is to get on the internet trouble-free - it's not as though I download loads of movies or anything I just want to access the internet, very frustrating.


Good morning everyone. Weather is very low cloud and light rain.

El, it was foggy here last night but had cleared by the morning. Hope it doesn't linger where you are.


Skylark and Squiggle, sorry you are having computer/broadband problems. I'm afraid I haven't a clue about techie stuff, so can offer no words of advice. Hope you get things sorted soon.


I thoroughly enjoyed last night's show. Glasgow audiences have a reputation for being hard to please - but they were all on their feet at the end of the evening to show their appreciation. The whole cast was excellent, but the big surprise of the evening for me, was Bonnie Langford. I was never very keen on her and certainly didn't rate her, but she was brilliant - and very funny.

Weekly grocery shopping awaits me, but I shall return!

Afternoon a busy start for me today! The local christmas street lights are being put up so I feel very excited today El, I'm surprised about the bus, there's usually an evening crowd. I know earlier on, scatt got booted out and couldn't get back in so maybe the others had problems too..? Either that or they were having such a good chat that they forgot- you may have noticed sprout was on top form last night Yogi I'm pleased you enjoyed the show were you singing along? Skylark & squiggle I hope both your techy problems are soon fixed. I spent 2 hours last night on the phone to my mum trying to solve a computer problem of hers.. It turns out she had somehow duplicated herself a Facebook account and was logged in to the new one, which had no contacts. She has a new email address and doesn't grasp that she still needs to log in using her existing registration details.. Originally she was claiming that she had no Internet at all, I'm still not sure how that was so lol It's all sorted out now and she's very happy again
~Sparkling Summer~
Hehe yogi, I'm not sure how patient I was, but we did laugh about it after Every time something like this happens I make her write down her log in details and tell her to keep it near the computer.. And she doesn't! She even has 2 memo boards full of unimportant stuff that's been on there years, but still doesn't pin the stuff she needs on it Good news about my car; it's fixed! it needed a new clutch and they said they had never ever seen one so close to snapping completely and to think I only felt the problem 36 hours before I decided to stop driving it! Thank god it didn't snap when I was driving it, especially as bramble is nearly always with me in the car these days I hope everyone has had a lovely day and that you're all looking forward to the weekend. How fast they come around!
~Sparkling Summer~
El, I'm lucky that mr summer refused to let me drive it to yoga and loaned me his car. I then only had to drive it a short distance to the garage. Phew! Unfortunately, they had to disconnect the radio battery to fit the clutch, so we now need a key code to activate the radio. We're not sure where to find the code, mr summer thinks it will be in a book somewhere in the car.. If we can't find it we'll have to pay the main dealer for a new code.
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone. Overcast but dry atm.

Summer, I hope the new clutch wasn't too costly, and you find the radio code in with the original paperwork/handbook.

I forgot to tell you, when I was at the theatre on Wednesday, we went for something to eat before the show. The restaurant had a cocktails' board, and one of them was called a "Bramble".

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