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Yes I've become an expert at that lol I have vanish spray for instant use, then wash them straight away with a bit of vanish powder thrown in. Sometimes it may take a couple of washes, but the stain does eventually fade.. I should just stop putting clean clothes on when I eat curry, I never learn Hope your tea turns up soon, you must be hungry!
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
Yes I've become an expert at that lol I have vanish spray for instant use, then wash them straight away with a bit of vanish powder thrown in. Sometimes it may take a couple of washes, but the stain does eventually fade.. I should just stop putting clean clothes on when I eat curry, I never learn Hope your tea turns up soon, you must be hungry!

Mr Yogi is a nightmare for spilling food on his clothes. We have threatened to buy him a big bib to wear while he eats.


I am starving, so I hope they hurry up.

I want to get into my PJs but I have a horrible feeling that I'm going to get one of those, "Is there any chance you could come and pick us up?" calls.


Lovely reading back, Vanish is my friend too and I am always dropping food down my front too, I decorate my bazoooom with a teatowel when I eat now well it cuts down on the stain removing I have to do.


A perfectly balanced meal Summer instead of your sadly missing paella, weetos for starter, onion rings main and Ferrero Rocher for pud - perfect


And I also do the raincoat over night things if I have to do any late lifts for the boys, in fact we were on our way out last night running them down to a friend when another of their friends turned up so they all stayed here for a while and then went off together on one bike (don't ask me how they managed that I don't have a clue)


Good luck with the Christmas shopping Yogi, not too many crowds I hope and you manage to spot perfect presents.


Have a good day everyone, off to the hairdressers soon, my hair has been a bit unmanageable this time so I hope to persuade her to cut the layers a little shorter.


Good morning bright and a little milder here today Yogi I'm pleased you got your curry hope you manage to figure out what it was so that you can order it again sometime This is for you.. Good luck with the shopping! I just picked up a few parcels this morning; wire rings for wreaths, red fleece fabric for crafts and a beautiful flask for mr summer- it's shaped like a big gun cartridge. He can take it when he goes clay pigeon shooting It's a surprise gift so i hope he likes it Lol at squiggle, I like your stain prevention plan I really should start doing that, I could make a festive bib!
~Sparkling Summer~

Hi all, at last i can sit down for a bit! Been a bit hectic here. got daughter staying for a bit so its all go!
Been doing a bit of Christmas shopping today, just the small stuff, lots of smellies and a few selection boxes.and tins biscuits & chocs.  My feet are sore  
I like the new Debenhams ad, and the music too  

I feel like a curry tonight 

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Winter Wonderland~:
Hehe that's very true, he's marrying a sensible girl I bought some tree decs today too, I'm making over my white tree with silver decs. It's usually decorated with red, gold & green

You'll need to post a pic when your tree is done.

My tree decs are red, gold and green - Mrs Traditional, I am.


Good morning everyone


A poem by Eric Chilman, a soldier in the East Yorkshire Regiment, written in 1917.

“After Days”

When the last gun has long withheld
Its thunder, and its mouth is sealed.
Strong men shall drive the furrow straight
On some remembered battlefield.

Untroubled they shall hear the loud
And gusty driving of the rains.
And birds with immemorial voice
Sing as of old in leafy lanes

The Stricken, tainted soil shall be
Again a flowery paradise-
Pure with memory of the dead
And purer for their sacrifice


El Loro
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