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Squiggle, the words baptism and christening tend to be interchangeable. Our church does use the word baptism and on the Church of England website it says:


In baptism, we thank God for his gift of life and publicly acknowledge his love. In the Anglican Church it is common to baptise young children; this is sometimes known as christening.

Baptism is a 'sacrament' (holy ritual to symbolise grace) in the Christian tradition that is traced back to Jesus himself being baptized in the river Jordan."

El Loro

The difference I suppose between the C of E and Nonconformist churches I suspect EL.  As a Baptist, although I attend an evangelical church nowadays which does hold baptism services, we tend to think of baptism as full immersion believers' baptism and we tend to regard the sprinkling of water as a christening.  As I said, semantics.  We don't muck about in the Baptists though, under the water you go , as Jesus did when He was baptised by John The Baptist.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Oh noooo!  Is this the future? I just got a spam text, trying to interest me in some unclaimed inheritance

Squiggle, as you can guess it is a scam:


A few months ago I had a letter from a "banker" in Hong Kong saying that a relative had died in a hiking accident in mainland China and the banker was holding a large of money which the relative had past to him for investment. If I didn't make a claim for the money it would go to the State - he offered to go 50:50.

El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
My my, squiggle did I tell you how you're looking great lately? I've got fresh pj's on and I'm waiting for a pizza delivery

I'm going for a bath and will get my PJ's on after X Factor. I'm recording Downton tonight.

Enjoy your pizza.


Goodnight all, see you tomorrow.

Last edited by Yogi19
Good morning everyone. Weather is wet and cold, up here. Haha Squiggle, good idea to padlock your purse, now that you have your big inheritance to look after I might go for a look round some clothes shops today - then again, I might not. I hate clothes shopping! Fingers crossed the weather improves for your granddaughter's holiday, Skylark.
Good.. Ooh it'll turn noon before I finish this post.. So, good afternoon It's a bleak, cold, wet, miserable day here and it's not due to change until tomorrow. I'm pleased we took my mum out to the beach yesterday because its not an option in weather like this! Skylark I hope everything goes smoothly at your check up today and hope the little one & co. have a safe journey
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Lady Summer~:
Good.. Ooh it'll turn noon before I finish this post.. So, good afternoon It's a bleak, cold, wet, miserable day here and it's not due to change until tomorrow. I'm pleased we took my mum out to the beach yesterday because its not an option in weather like this! Skylark I hope everything goes smoothly at your check up today and hope the little one & co. have a safe journey

Well said Summer, me too Skylark


Summer, the weather has eased up here though is a touch windy. The worst of the flooding in Gloucestershire has been in Cinderford, Coleford and Dursley but not in Gloucester.


The BBFC have passed a film for release on 23 November. It's a German film but has been dubbed into English. I have no knowledge as to if this is any good or if it will get a wide distribution but it may be of interest for Skylark's granddaughter (and of course Summer ).

El Loro

Good morning everyone


At present it's dry here and a mix of cloud and blue sky. It's breezy and there is the posibility of showers later. Rain expected overnight. I hope the weather improves for all those where the weather is dreadful.


at squiggle's picture. Sometimes at the bank if the cashier asks "is there's anything else I want" I reply "Yes, could I have a million pounds"


El Loro

Morning all x
Weather here wet and windy.
All went well at check up, thanks. Got soaked on the way back though  Couldnt get back on yesterday the computer is in sons room and he had friends in. He was off work because of high winds . 
Nana sent text to say weather awful where they are, they couldnt have picked a worse week  
Thanks El, will keep an eye open for that film, she loves the cinema.
Hope the weather isnt too bad where you all are  

Good morning The rain hasn't stopped all night long and we've got floods here! I got to work alright but poor mr summer took 2 hours to do a 30 minute drive. It's lightened off and is brighter now, lets hope the water has a chance to subside now Skylark I'm pleased your check up went well, how are you feeling today? Yogi, stay in if you don't need to go out today Squiggle and el, things look more promising down there on the weather forecast, I hope it's all true for
~Sparkling Summer~

Weatherwise Gloucester seems to be not too bad compared to the rest of you. It is blustery here and there has been a light shower and there are likely to be more to come. Rain is forecast for the early hours tomorrow morning but not at the same level as elsewhere today. Local forecast is indicating around 10mm which shouldn't cause serious problems.


I think the weather improves locally for the rest of the week.


El Loro
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