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Good morning everyone, now don't forget

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We hear you Spider, I have just voted 5 times, I will continue to do so regularly throughout today and tomorrow.  I am going to go ask our friends in Corin's support thread to place a few votes for Dave, we helped when Corin was under threat.
I am going to go ask our friends in Corin's support thread to place a few votes for Dave, we helped when Corin was under threat.
Morning Buddies I think they are already doing so Squiggle In fact, I think even some of those who aren't keen on Ben, still want Dave to go, so fingers crossed, but it is going to be a long couple of days!

hello shizzle and yogi, i told you how evil monk would be and reading the threads hes gone from ben yesterday to andrew today, andrew told him he thought it was between him and ben for eviction so look what evil monk does, stirs up trouble for both of them hoping to save his backside.
hes a nasty man and shouldnt be in with a chance of winning 100k

Reference: squiggle
What are the odds now, anyone know?
It's as grim news as possible: latest odds per Paddy Power are:
John James16/1

Which says that a large proportion of the voting public are against Ben.

As far as the eventual winner is concerned, at present Paddy Power has Corin at 9/4, John James at 3/1, Josie at 7/2, with the others behind. It looks at presnt as if its between those 3.
El Loro
Just popped in to wish all you Ben's Buddies good luck . I think BBLB today was much better for Ben than Dave, and tonights HLs ( spoiler ) seems the same? 

I've noticed... how much BB have invested in Ben - the "become Ben"  task, Ben's stand up routine outside etc. Whereas Dave is complaining he cannot get into the DR after waiting hours. I just hope it means  BB realise Ben is tv gold, whereas Dave is a sleazy conman who could become a liability and better get him out a.s.a.p. They DID put him up remember

So take heart chappies!

I will definitely spend at least a couple of quid voting Dave out!!
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