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Maybe its a generational thing Baz, but I just don't understand how being nasty is considered entertaining. Perhaps I'm thick but I simply don't get it
Maybe Yogi.... although I think you are a bit behind me in the generational stakes  But seriously, I really don't get it at all I like the occasional bit of agrro... just to liven things up a bit.... but this time it is way out of hand for my liking.... and just makes me feel so uncomfortable that I switch off....
I thought it was Corin.... but I'm not sure any more
I haven't got a clue Baz. You'll have to excuse me, my head's a bit ATM.
My DiL dropped off their dog today, for me to look after.
He was in the garden with my dog, and somehow managed to escape.
One of the neighbours thought she saw a golden labrador heading towards the farm at the end of the road - and this particular farmer has already shot one dog, which was in a field with his cows.
I can't tell you how worried I was. Luckily the lady at the end of my road had him in her garden, so I got him back.
My son and DiL treat him like their baby, they would have killed me if anything had happened to him.
They might still kill me when I have to own up to losing him.
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