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Hello everyone.
I've been reading through some of the threads and it sounds like Dave, John James and Rachel have been giving Ben a hard time again.
In one thread, someone called Dave "Judas", and quite honestly I think he really is a Judas. It is so apparent that he tries to deflect attention onto Ben just before nominations. What a total snake in the grass he is.
As soon as he is nominated, I will be voting for the ratbag.
Good morning Yogi, chin up now.  Let's hope Ben has a better day today.  I am definitely a glass half full type of person and one thing I do know, those who are dig dig digging at Ben are showing themselves up big time.  I have seen so many people on here say why doesn't Ben bite back.  The reason is Ben is so much nicer than any of them, would you change him anyone?  Love to you all, speak to you all later. Buddies you are a strong bunch
I hear what you are saying Squiggle.
I think I get so fed up because I am having to sit and watch them systematically try to grind him into the ground (or in John James' case, until he forces Ben to walk).
I hate to see gang mentality in action, it makes my blood boil, and my rage at the back-stabbing by Judas (Dave) knows no bounds.
BB should put them all up for eviction, so that I can vote Dave out and get my blood pressure back to normal.
I think I get so fed up because I am having to sit and watch them systematically try to grind him into the ground (or in John James' case, until he forces Ben to walk).
I honestly believe that the more they try the worse they make themselves look.  Look how hated Dave is on here now.  I know that Ben is a strong and lovely guy, even in a worst case scenario where he felt forced to walk he still stands head and shoulders above the likes of Dave.
I honestly believe that the more they try the worse they make themselves look. Look how hated Dave is on here now. I know that Ben is a strong and lovely guy, even in a worst case scenario where he felt forced to walk he still stands head and shoulders above the likes of Dave.
I'll take comfort in that, Squiggle.
Hi Buddies I do wish Ben would distance himself from Dave & JJ!!!!!  On LF at the moment they are sat in the snug discussing Josie & Corin.! JJ seems to be wanting to distance himself from Josie since JJ2 arrived, and spend time with *the boys * aka JJ2   And is also sticking the knife in Corin cos he reckons she fancies JJ2!! I had to turn it off, again!  I reckon Ben will be up this week, and am praying that he is up against either Rachel or Dave, cos hopefully then he will be safe. My worst fear is that it could be Ben and Corin up..
Afternoon everyone.   Sorry I've not been around sooner but I had to catch up on all those jobs I left this weekend!!  The pile of ironing seemed neverending.

I see nothing has changed on here.  Ben is still being got at.  Dave is up for eviction for talking noms (but could save himself in the SAR).  The one interesting thing I did read somewhere was that some are saying the new JJ going in is a good thing as it could split old JJ's voters, who might move over to new JJ.  That could be a good thing as it makes a win less likely.

Will try and get back later. 
Afternoon Joyron.
Glad you had a good weekend, it's a shame you have to catch up on the housework now.
You could be right about the new JJ. Anything which impacts on John James' tweenie vote, is a good thing as far as I'm concerned.
I am delighted that Dave is up for eviction and I'm keeping everything crossed he doesn't win the SAR task.
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