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Hi JAF It's sunny here... which is just as well cos the tumble dryer part of my washing machine has broken down, and they can't come to fix it til Tuesday! i feel really sorry for Ben and his lack of sleep.  I have been suffering from insomnia for ages now, and it really does get you down.... never mind being locked in there with that lot and being picked on constantly!!!! I hope he doesn't walk.... but I can't say I would blame him if he did.  I thought Andrew might have provided him with a *soul mate*, but quite frankly he seems as bad as the others at times....
Ben and John James have agreed that they have noticed a change in the characters of David and Mario.

Ben explained to John James that the increasing feeling of isolation he was experiencing was partly down to best friend David's new-found popularity.

"This is maybe not a nice side of my character, but since Dave became universally liked and mainstream in the last few weeks it’s became harder for me," he said.

"He’s suddenly cool and he’s been accepted by a group that didn’t previously. I feel like he’s starting to get a bit annoyed with me because he’s an ultra positive person... he was my safety in the house."

John James agreed with Ben's estimation of David before turning his attention to Mario and what he perceived to be too much of an interest in playing the game.

Revealing that he had previously considered sacrificing himself for Mario by volunteering to be nominated in 'Save & Replace' tasks in his place, the Australian housemate said: "I don’t know if I can stick my neck out for someone who's that much into the programme itself than the actual friendships."

Ben added that Mario "over-thinks" how the public perceive the various housemates. "That can change in a heartbeat," he said. "Everyone who walks out of here could get good, could get bad you just don’t know.

"I think he sometimes thinks that because he's easy-going and generally well-liked that that will transpire through to the public."
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