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Originally Posted by ~Sweet Bramble's Mommy~:
Sue is the darker haired one isn't she..?

She is, and is the one who often wears glasses.


I can't say that I have any present day entertainers/comedians that I really like, more that some are more tolerable than others. I think the bottom of the pile of the ones I can recall seeing would be Jimmy Carr who I cannot stand.


Squiggle, a hearbreaking account of your Ben

El Loro

Squiggle, poor Georgie and how cruel of her ex-owner to do that. I have no doubt though that she will find a family who will love her and take care of her.


You may recall that Penny, my parents' dog years ago was also a Labrador cross (but with a corgi), was abandoned, and found shivering under a parked car. Although she didn't look like Georgie she was black and had a white streak just like Georgie.


El Loro

Aww, poor litle Georgie, I don't understand how anyone could do something like that to a defenceless pup. Hopefully, Georgie will be rehomed with a family who will love her to bits.


I have managed to put up some coated chicken wire behind the shrubs and have blocked the tiny gap which Harvey somehow managed to squeeze through. My arms are scratched to bits by the cotoneaster and other shrubs. Anyway, fingers crossed, we have no more attempted escapes.


Well done, Yogi


Cheltenham's match this afternoon against Bradford really was a game of two halves. In the first half, Bradford dominated and went in at half time leading by the only goal. Bradford could easily have scored 2 or 3 more goals but the Cheltenham goalkeeper came to the rescue.


The Cheltenham manager realised that his strategy had been wrong and changed it. The second half was very different. Cheltenham equalised within the first minute and went on to win quite comfortably 3-1.


This result and other results means that Cheltenham are guaranteed to be in the promotion play offs with a game to spare. They can relax for next Saturday's match. I still think though that if they were to get through the play offs and be promoted they are not going to have a happy time in a higher division.

El Loro
I really don't understand how anyone could be cruel to a dog they deserve to be looked after and loved! Poor georgie Thank goodness people out there do fight to look after dogs and get them re-homed. Well done to Cheltenham, after their bad streak it's good to hear of something better for them I too think they should remain in the same division, at least for the next season Yogi I hope you have some good hand cream
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Summer, there were reports yesterday evening on the Social Strata help forum about big problems with the iPhone application. Brian Lenz later posted to say that the problem had been fixed.

Lovely picture of Bramble


Vile weather here as elesewhere - heavy rain and wind for much of the day. Besides the rain which has already fallen this morning (9mm per the Nailsworth weather site), I reckon there's another 20mm during today, so a good inch of rain. There is a flood warning (not surprsingly) for the River Severn running through Gloucester and I assume that the authorities have already put up the flood barriers. The Severn is expected to peak on Wednesay but although farmland may well get flooded, and potentially properties close to the river, the peak is forecast to be a third of what it was back in 2007 when Gloucester had the major flooding.


I'll be off to church soon, have a great day and take care if any of you have to go out in this weather.

El Loro

Good morning everyone, it's lashing it down and I too have to set off soon to get to church so I'd better get my wet weather gear ready.


Shea butter is so good, I have it in my shower gel and in my kitchen handwash and I couldn't get through the day without handcream.


I hope you manage to stay dry today and don't get blown away either as it's incredibly windy too 


Good morning everyone. It very chilly up here, even though the sun is shining.

Squiggle, I'm also a big fan of shea butter. L'occitane do a pure shea butter product, which is fabulous on very dry skin.

El and Squiggle, I hope you get to church, without getting soaked.

Sorry, I missed you last night, Ros. Hope your BiL is still improving and your work isn't too stressful atm.

Summer, how cute is Bramble in that pic? She is obviously very happy and completely relaxed in her new home.

Good morning I hope everyone gets to and from church without getting soaked It's windy but dry here so far, with rain due later apparently. Mr summer was feeling cabin feverish so we've already been for a 5 mile walk this morning. I thoroughly enjoyed it. We popped Bramble in the crate I'm currently waiting for her to fall into a post play sleep and then I'm going to pedicure the bunnies & clean out the hutch. Here's a lovely pic of her, which marks her 10 weeks age today; to everyone, I hope this Sunday brings you smiles
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

That's a lovely pic, Summer.

I showed it to middle son and he said I'm not allowed to show it to his fiancÃĐe, otherwise she'll nag him for one - she loves Border Terriers.

Aww what a lovely picture, I could easily lose my heart to her too.  If I could happily go on 5 mile walks I would be very very tempted.


at squiggle's photo.


The ex-curate of our church was formally installed at Salisbury Cathedral as the new canon precentor yesterday evening. His main job is to devise and arrange all the services at the cathedral. Although no service is involved he could well find himself rather busy on Tuesday as the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh are visiting the cathedral as part of their Diamond Jubilee tour. I didn't go to the service yesterday as I don't take to coach travel but some from the church did. The service seemed to go well, the main criticism seemed to be that the cups of tea after the service were not very pleasant.


And before anyone thinks about it, it is extremely unlikely that the ex-curate might come back to our church as vicar once the present one retires (which he said was in September today). He's only just started at Salisbury.

El Loro

Good morning everyone


There has been more rain here overnight, showers are forecast during the morning, but they should cease leaving the afternoon and early evening dry. I don't like the look of what is forecast here for late midnight. The next band of rain hits the south, and heavy rain is forecast from then until well into Tuesday morning. In the Gloucester area it looks as if there will 2 inches of rain in a few hours. This will be the first time the improved flood defences in Gloucester will be really tested. It seems likely that there will be flooding in places like Tewkesbury and Upton upon Severn but at present it doesn't look as if it will be as bad as the floods in July 2007.


El Loro
Good morning it's rained through the night but is dry here now. It's foggy & overcast so I wouldn't be too surprised if its going to rain again. Squiggle, I always think of angels when I see a rainbow They must be watching over you El, I heard on the news about gloucestshire, I really hope the improved flood defences work well and I hope everyone there remains safe & dry
~Sparkling Summer~

I have no idea why people are allowed to build houses on a flood plain, it sounds such a silly idea to me, but I do hope people who live near the river will be OK, it must be awful to be flooded.


Summer one of my friends has a lovely idea I think when it comes to rainbows she say she always feels like it's a hug from God with her on one end and God on the other, isn't that lovely?


Good morning everyone. Overcast and raining atm.

El, I hope the anticipated flood doesn't happen.

I hope your ex-curate enjoys the Queen's visit.

Summer, I did show Bramble's pic to my son's fiancÃĐe and she did say, "I want one". She showed me a pic of her parent's dog when he was a puppy, and he was very similar to Bramble.

Love the rainbow pic, Squiggle.

Mr Yogi went into the shower this morning and there was no hot water. Hoping the plumber will be able to come this afternoon and have a look at it.



Yes I never understood why houses get built in flood plains, I certainly wouldn't want to buy one near a river, no matter how picturesque. Squiggle I think the hug from god via a rainbow is a beautiful thought, your friend's feeling about it is lovely too I'm always reminded, when I see one, that we're not alone and are being watched over. It helps me keep faith Yogi oh no I hope the lack of hot water is temporary! Is it the whole house or just the shower?
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Bramble's Mommy~:
Yes I never understood why houses get built in flood plains, I certainly wouldn't want to buy one near a river, no matter how picturesque. Squiggle I think the hug from god via a rainbow is a beautiful thought, your friend's feeling about it is lovely too I'm always reminded, when I see one, that we're not alone and are being watched over. It helps me keep faith Yogi oh no I hope the lack of hot water is temporary! Is it the whole house or just the shower?

It's just the shower, thankfully. The bath and sinks have hot water and the heating is working, too, so it isn't too bad.


Hi Skylark, I'm glad your nephew has been well warned about the computer.

Hi Joyron, enjoy your sunshine.

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