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Good morning Sorry I vanished without saying good night last night, mr summer needed a post migraine early night so I was watching Bramble. She took scatty hour to a whole new level and charged around the garden like a loon she settled at bedtime as normal but I was so tired that I just flopped. Yogi I hope you are very soon to be reunited with your car The rivers here are flooded, they're up high. It's fascinating to watch but I hope they don't burst their banks. I may need to borrow some of your flippers
~Sparkling Summer~

Harvey has just done another of his Harry Houdini escape routines.

There is a small gap where the plants are not yet high enough and the border fence behind the shrubs is a small open wire one. Being the bruiser that he is, he has pushed his way through the tiny gap and gone off along the gardens. Luckily he heard me shouting him and came back to my neighbours garden and then I managed to persuade him to come back through the gap - with the help of my neighbour and a doggie biscuit.

He must have fixated on something like a cat, to make him push his way through, because he was very hesitant about squeezing through the small gap when I was fetching him back.

That's an end to the dogs sunbathing in the garden, until I can get some mesh/chicken wire to fill the gap. Keira is going to feel very hard done by, as she has never attempted an escape. She's a good dog, she is!

Oh no naughty Harvey!!! I've got some spare chicken mesh yogi, I'd give it to you but it's probably quicker for mr yogi to pick you some up I'm really pleased Harvey came back, it makes me feel awful when dog's run off! I keep practising recall with Bramble but I'm still a bit worried that she'll do a runner It's not raining here today so I hope the rivers subside a bit, I'm not sure what weather the higher ground has though.
~Sparkling Summer~

Morning xx

 @Pics and clip  

Naughty Harvey, glad he is back in one piece x

Migraines are awful, hope Mr Summer feeling better soon x 

No rain here at the moment, but was very heavy thru the night. I feel so sorry for those in areas that flood, the damage is awful  

Feel a lot better today so going to get some things done in the house. Be back later 


Penny was she was a puppy would run around the garden completely madly


Naughty Harvey


Summer, I hope none of us get floods in the next few days - 30 to 50 mm of rain is forecast for the south on Sunday and will be falling on already wet ground. My neighbours knocked on my door a few minutes ago to say they were going on a short weekend break this weekend. They will be staying in a caravan on a caravan park in Newquay. They couldn't have chosen a worse weekend. At least they won't be driving back until Monday when it should be drier.


El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Bramble's Mommy~:
Oh no naughty Harvey!!! I've got some spare chicken mesh yogi, I'd give it to you but it's probably quicker for mr yogi to pick you some up I'm really pleased Harvey came back, it makes me feel awful when dog's run off! I keep practising recall with Bramble but I'm still a bit worried that she'll do a runner It's not raining here today so I hope the rivers subside a bit, I'm not sure what weather the higher ground has though.

Thanks anyway for the offer, Summer.

We'll pick some up over the weekend and get the gap covered before Harv comes on his next daycare/sleepover visit next week.


Skylark, glad you are feeling better but make sure you don't try to do too much.

I agree with yogi, skylark I hope you don't over do it It's been a sunny lunch break, i stood outside with Bramble for a while, it was lovely. I carried her around when I bought my lunch too, it will help her get used to traffic El, I hope your friends don't have a father ted style caravan holiday it'll be such a shame if it rains heavy on them
~Sparkling Summer~

I watched today's episode of Doctors over lunch and during it they had some music which I've heard before and you probably have as well. I eventaully tracked it down and it's by Carl Orff (best known for Carmina Burana) or by his collaborator Gunild Keetman. The correct title of this piece is "Gassenhauer nach Hans Neusiedler" It's been used in quite a few films and on television.


El Loro
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

That piece is familiar, El.


Edit: When I said it was familiar, I meant I've heard it before, not that I knew what is was or who wrote it. You probably guessed that.

According to IMDB, that piece of music has been used in:

Badlands (1973)

Ratcatcher (1999)

Finding Forrester (2000)

Wanderlust (documentary) (2006)

It's also been used on television.

Of those films, the only one I've seen is Badlands which is how I was able to find out the name of the music. One of the tiny number of films which took what is a very grim tale of a young couple on a killing spree and make it into a haunting work of art.


Edited - apparently the music was reworked by Hans Zimmer into True Romance (1993) according to Wiki.

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro
Originally Posted by squiggle:

 I don't think I've ever heard that piece of music before, I have heard Carmina Burana of course and I have never seen of any of those films either.  I must be an ignoramus

I don't think you are an ignoramus at all I doubt if any of the films I listed are ones you are likely to choose to see. The only one I've seen is Badlands which I saw at the cinema when it was released. The director Terrence Malick is an American director who until recent times had made only 3 films in 3 decades and had achieved almost legendary status as an art house director and American actors would beg to be allowed to appear in one of his films. Recently it looks as if he's in the process of making several films which makes me wonder if he has succumbed to the power of money. His films seem to be mood pieces, slow, but the cinematography and use of music is exceptional.

El Loro
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Havent seen any of those films either. 

Weather has settled here, hopefully for the night !

Just been watching the work of the Scottish RSPCA , they do a terrific job. A staffy with diabetes was re-homed, i was nearly in tears, silly thing i am !


That's why I didn't watch it, I knew I would end up bubbling.


I reckon you would have to have a heart of stone not to shed a tear or two when you see a dog happily re-homed, poor thing, dogs are so affectionate all they want is someone to give all that love to.


It's been a funny episode in Corrie, I thought Sally was really warming to the idea of raising Jack and then they have her saying she can't bear to be in the same room as him

Originally Posted by squiggle:

I reckon you would have to have a heart of stone not to shed a tear or two when you see a dog happily re-homed, poor thing, dogs are so affectionate all they want is someone to give all that love to.


It's been a funny episode in Corrie, I thought Sally was really warming to the idea of raising Jack and then they have her saying she can't bear to be in the same room as him

I agree with you on both points, Squiggle.

Wouldn't it have been better to have Sally being a good mum to baby Jack, instead of rejecting him?

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

I reckon you would have to have a heart of stone not to shed a tear or two when you see a dog happily re-homed, poor thing, dogs are so affectionate all they want is someone to give all that love to.


It's been a funny episode in Corrie, I thought Sally was really warming to the idea of raising Jack and then they have her saying she can't bear to be in the same room as him

I agree with you on both points, Squiggle.

Wouldn't it have been better to have Sally being a good mum to baby Jack, instead of rejecting him?

Hi squiggle, i agree too. 

I actually feel sorry for Kevin too, now thats a first ! 

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

I reckon you would have to have a heart of stone not to shed a tear or two when you see a dog happily re-homed, poor thing, dogs are so affectionate all they want is someone to give all that love to.


It's been a funny episode in Corrie, I thought Sally was really warming to the idea of raising Jack and then they have her saying she can't bear to be in the same room as him

I agree with you on both points, Squiggle.

Wouldn't it have been better to have Sally being a good mum to baby Jack, instead of rejecting him?

Hi squiggle, i agree too. 

I actually feel sorry for Kevin too, now thats a first ! 

Kevin was a good lad until that Natalie Barnes got her hands on him.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

I reckon you would have to have a heart of stone not to shed a tear or two when you see a dog happily re-homed, poor thing, dogs are so affectionate all they want is someone to give all that love to.


It's been a funny episode in Corrie, I thought Sally was really warming to the idea of raising Jack and then they have her saying she can't bear to be in the same room as him

I agree with you on both points, Squiggle.

Wouldn't it have been better to have Sally being a good mum to baby Jack, instead of rejecting him?

Hi squiggle, i agree too. 

I actually feel sorry for Kevin too, now thats a first ! 

Kevin was a good lad until that Natalie Barnes got her hands on him.

Are we allowed to speak of her on here 

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

I reckon you would have to have a heart of stone not to shed a tear or two when you see a dog happily re-homed, poor thing, dogs are so affectionate all they want is someone to give all that love to.


It's been a funny episode in Corrie, I thought Sally was really warming to the idea of raising Jack and then they have her saying she can't bear to be in the same room as him

I agree with you on both points, Squiggle.

Wouldn't it have been better to have Sally being a good mum to baby Jack, instead of rejecting him?

Hi squiggle, i agree too. 

I actually feel sorry for Kevin too, now thats a first ! 

Kevin was a good lad until that Natalie Barnes got her hands on him.

Are we allowed to speak of her on here 

hahaha Initially, I did put her real name in brackets and then thought nooooooooo, better not.


Good morning everyone. The sun is shining up here.

Sorry you are under the weather, Summer, hope you feel better soon.

Thank you for the breakfast goodies, I love that virtual breakfasts are calorie-free.

As the weather is nice, I am going to do some gardening today. I found some plastic coated wire fencing hidden away in the garage, so I intend to turn the back garden into Colditz, to prevent another Harvey style escape.


Good morning everyone


Summer, I hope your headache lifts soon and you feel better, and Skylark, I hope you continue to get better


Skylark, I don't mind Sue Perkins. I first saw her and Mel Giedroyc back in 1997/98 in their lunchtime show Light Lunch which at times had a surrealistic humour to it which I really liked. I saw her again in the BBC2 series Maestro which was the one where celebrities were competing to be voted as the best conductor (music that is, not buses ) and more recently in The Great British Bake Off reunited with Mel. I have seen that episode of QI before. In it, Stephen Fry absent-mindedly called her Mel much to his embarrassment. Alan Davies responded by calling him Hugh. I confess that I get Sue and Mel mixed up sometimes possibly because Mel Giedroyc has a Polish/Lithuanian father but looks more English looking than Sue (at least to me).

El Loro

Good morning everyone, I'm not a fan of Sue Perkins either in fact I don't think I like any of today's male or female comedians.  I think I remember too many better comedians from way back when - my generation was spoiled growing up with the talent we had not only in comedians but in entertainers, singers etc.


I hope you feel better as the day goes on Summer and thanks for the brekkie.  Good luck with the gardening Yogi.  Our beagle Ben must have spent his life auditioning for The Great Escape I think because he was always trying to tunnel under the fence.  Unfortunately in the end he did something to the vertebra in his neck which eventually led to his death - heartbreaking.

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