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Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

I think i am slumming it with windows xp . I do wish i was computer literate, i am trying tho......very, as some would say 

Come sit with me in the Dunces' Corner.

Do i have to wear a hat ??   
Probably set off Summer again....

 I think our Dunces' hats would look more like this.

Oh I've missed such a fun evening in here tonight! I went to yoga and it was great, we have some more new members too El, I'm not sure why some can't see my videos but I'm very happy that you've converted them so everyone can see, thank you. Skylark, tell son I fully understand why he would to steal Bramble but she must stay with us lol I used to threaten to steal Stream all the time so I guess that's my comeuppance isn't it! Loved the storey about your grandfather El, it's rather special isn't it Sweet dreams all who've turned in for the night
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone. Weather is overcast and threatening to rain.

Glad you enjoyed your yoga class, Summer - much better than the last class, where nobody spoke to each other.

When I show the videos of Bramble to my future DiL, she will join the queue of people wanting to steal Bramble.


Mr Yogi's car is still at the insurance company's repair centre and they have said he can't expect it back until the 30th. As he is having to use my car to go to work, I have been car-less for 12 days with a further 4 days to go. I want my car back NOW!


Good morning everyone


It's been a wet morning, likely to rain all morning, then in the afternoon there's thunderstorms forecast. I have to go out this morning to see a client, then this afternoon I have another rivettingly exciting course to go to. It's at a local hotel and the carpark there is likely to be partially underwater so that could be fun.


El Loro

Good morning everyone, I think I might need to borrow the flippers for down here too.  We will need webbed feet if this goes on.  Interesting story of your grandfather EL, I had a trip to the Cutty Sark with my daughter's playgroup when she was small.  It took me right back yesterday to see it again on the news.  Haven't they made a marvellous job of it?


If we were to form an orderly queue of people wanting a play and a cuddle with Bramble, not to mention take her home with us, it would be very very long Summer, but you are the lucky ones as she has come to live with you.


I feel for you Yogi, you have car withdrawal symptoms, you will be dreaming about driving again.


Morning everyone.    Another wet and windy day here today!!


I enjoyed the story El Loro.  You have a very interesting family.  I'll have to join the queue to take care of Bramble, and also join the dunces as far as computers go.  I know nothing about computers and have to rely on No.1 son to sort things out when I get in a muddle.  Thankfully that doesn't happen too often.


Yogi, at least you have an excuse for not going out in this awful weather.  No car = no shopping. 


Have a great day whatever you are doing. 

Originally Posted by squiggle:



I feel for you Yogi, you have car withdrawal symptoms, you will be dreaming about driving again.


  On both counts, Squiggle.
Lovely flowers, Summer, thank you.
I can't wait to get my car back. When patience was being handed out, I think I must have been at the end of the queue.
Joyron, feel free to join the computer dunces, there's always room for more.
No idea why my font size has shrunk - you may need to get out your magnifying glasses.



Morning everyone x

Lovely pic Summer, i shall tell son he cant have Bramble  

Very wet here too  

I had to peer very closely at your post Yogi! I dont drive as you know, but i imagine it would be a great miss when you have to do without.

Had a very lazy morning , even watched Jeremy Kyle, that was an experience  So must get off my backside and get things done !

Have a good day all, and hope you survive the course El 



Soaking wet here, back from my client meeting this morning, have to get lunch now, then straight off to the course this afternoon. It's an accounting update course which will be about any changes in how company accounts should be done. Much of the course is likely to be of little relevance to what I do and I'm going because of continuing professional development requirements rather than because it's going to be of actual use to me. Most of the courses I go on are tax orientated which are more likely to be of use, but this course is generally boring.



El Loro

At long last I'm back from the course. Well, I've been in for almost an hour but had post and phone calls to deal with first.


The story of my afternoon goes as follows. Are you sitting comfortably? Well, then I'll begin.


I had had quite a hectic morning what with going to meet my client and having to draft a rather long letter to the Revenue re a client problem which the client rang me about 8.30 last night. I won't go into the details of the problem but it meant that I had to look through my paper files for the client, and also the accounts which I have done which I have either got on my computer or or a back up CD I made when I changed computers some  years ago. Let's just say that to draft my reply I needed to go all the way back to 1997 (not a typo) . I had a quick lunch, got my brolly, a pen to take notes with, my reading glasses, my wallet, my driving glasses and my car keys. Turned on the answer phone, went out of the house and got into my car.


And then I realised that I had forgotten one thing. Yes, you can guess, my house key In the past, I used to have a copy at my parents' house but obviously that's no longer the case. I had passed a copy to my neighbours but they have moved away. A couple of people from church had copies of my key to look after my house when I was hospitalised a couple of years ago and I had let them keep the copies in case I were to forget to take my keys. On the way to the course I went to one of the houses but no-one was in. I didn't have time to go to the other person's house as I had to get to the course.


The course was as exciting as I had expected. Part of it was about government proposals for the accounts for small businesses. You may remember that I have mentioned that before. I had looked at the proposals when they came out Summer last year and had made a response to my Institute which I know was incorporated in their response to the government. I had also looked at the announcement made at the Budget relating to very small businesses which were not limited companies. So I was in the rather strange position about being able to make a few comments about these at the course which either the course lecturer hadn't mentioned or actually didn't know what had been put in the Budget announcement.


I only stayed for the first half of the afternoon course as the second half was the audit update part and I'm not registered to do audits. I didn't stay for the coffee break as I needed to sort out being able to get into my house. (By the way, although there have been some hefty showers here this afternoon, so far no thunderstorms, and although the hotel carpark had lots of big puddles it was easy enough to avoid walking into any of them).


On the way back I returned to the first person's house. Still no-one in. Now I've only ever been to the second person's house once and that was over 2 years ago so I couldn't remember their address though I remembered roughly where they lived. The first person's house is close to the church. You will remember that we had the AGM on Sunday. It's a legal church requirement to have a copy of the church electoral roll at the back of the church for a period of time before the AGM and after the AGM. I remembered that from the days when I was the treasurer and knew the legal requirements for things like the AGM. So I popped into the church, had a look at the electoral roll and found his address. The electoral roll lists everyone who is on the roll, their address and when they went on to the electoral roll. At the annual general meeting for all C of E churches, there are actually two meetings. The first is the Annual Parish Meeting. At that meeting the churchwardens are elected - they are elected each year, can be elected for a total of six years, though this can sometimes be extended. Anyone who lives in the parish and is on the local council's electoral roll plus anyone on the church electoral roll can vote at that meeting. This is followed by the Annual Parochial Church Meeting which is where the bulk of the AGM takes place. Only those people on the church electoral roll can vote at that second meeting.


Anyway I got to the second person's house and he was in. He had no trouble in finding my key so that little problem was quickly sorted out

I didn't mention that he is one of the two churchwardens so will be heavily involved in the process of selecting a new vicar for our church. Over a couple of tea we had quite a good chat about this and I was able to give him my thoughts. Although I'm no longer on the parochial church council, I had been for many many years and had some knowledge of the process involved from the last time we were looking for a vicar. Neither of the current churchwardens were on the PCC at that time. I was also able to share with him my thoughts as to what we should be looking for in selecting a new vicar. He obviously will talk with other people who had good knowledge. The treasurer used to be one of the churchwardens at the time we were looking for a vicar so does have very useful information for them.


And then I went home. I think I better stop now as this is rather a long post, two full screens and I'm starting to get peckish as I had a slightly early lunch.



El Loro

Wow El, you have had a day and a half.

Glad you managed to sort out the client's problem, even if you did have to go back 15 years to find the information.

Sorry that your course wasn't more thrilling, but I guess it's better to keep up-to-date with things. Weatherwise, I'm glad that you didn't require the flippers and snorkel which I posted.

It was very lucky that you had left spare keys with a few people, otherwise you might have had to phone a locksmith.

None of my neighbours have a spare key for my house but my sons all have keys. Last year, when we went away with eldest son and DiL for a few days, youngest son had forgotten to take his house key with him when he set off for work. Knowing he has a habit of forgetting his key, I left a spare back door key (in a secret place) and sent him a text to tell him where it was. Only problem was, I had forgotten to remove the back door key from the lock (inside the house), so son couldn't get his key into the lock from the outside. After a few phone calls, we managed to get middle son and his fiancÃĐe to go over with their front door key and let youngest son into the house. What a palaver!

Have you any idea how long the process to find a new vicar will take? I hope you don't have to wait as long as our parish church has.

After your busy and eventful day, I hope you've had a nice meal and can now relax for the rest of the evening.



Good morning everyone


Thanks, Yogi, I had a nice feel and just chilled out for the rest of the evening.


I don't think any of us how long it will take to find a new vicar. Although some preliminary work can be done I think that the actual process cannot start until the present vicar leaves. There is a formal process which has to be followed but there is a 9 month period from when the formal notice of the vacancy is lodged up to the time that the selected person is "presented" to the Bishop for admission. But the vicar doesn't join the parish at that point, the vicar is formally instituted at a later date. This can take time as he/she would have to resign and leave from their present position. So my guess is that we will be without a vicar for a minimum of 5 months and quite possibly a year. The period of the vacancy is called an interregnum. The responsibility for running the parish rests with the chirchwardens. One of the exisiting churchwardens comes to the exnd of the 6 year maximum time of office next April. That can be extended where it is considered necessary, and he know that in all probability he will have to remain as churchwarden quite possibly for an extra 1 or 2 years (unless someone who has previously been a churchwarden is prepared to and able to be appointed). The instituiton service is a very formal service and is equivalent to a coronation.

El Loro

Good morning everyone. It's another overcast day and more rain is forecast. I need to do some weeding in the front borders but I don't think that's likely, unless I do it in these:


El, I didn't realise that appointing another vicar was such a lengthy process. I guess it is important to appoint the right person for each individual parish, so it would be wrong to rush things through - and, of course, the long-standing selection procedures have to be followed.

Anyway, at the end of it all, I hope you get the right vicar for your parish.


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