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Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Joyron:

I thought Squiggle had taught you to like spiders Yogi!!! 

I haven't killed one since Squiggle used her powers of persuasion (neither has my youngest son) - but I still don't like them.

No powers of persuasion, not even Squiggle's, could be strong enough to stop me from killing a spider, especially if I was in the house on my own and had no one to remove it for me. 

Originally Posted by Joyron:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Joyron:

I thought Squiggle had taught you to like spiders Yogi!!! 

I haven't killed one since Squiggle used her powers of persuasion (neither has my youngest son) - but I still don't like them.

No powers of persuasion, not even Squiggle's, could be strong enough to stop me from killing a spider, especially if I was in the house on my own and had no one to remove it for me. 

If one of those False Widows ever puts in an appearance, I think I'd have to splat it. (Sorry Squiggle)

Originally Posted by Joyron:

I knew you would have to splat one of those spiders Yogi!!!


Hooray!!!  Just seen the local forecast for tomorrow and it looks as though it MIGHT be dry in the morning.  Note to me - get up early and get out shopping before the rain returns!! 


Good luck with the early morning shopping.

Checked the forecast for my area, we can expect showers for the next three days.


I am glad the blood test went well Yogi, I echo what others have said, long may the levels stay low.


I don't like spiders either.  That spider this morning did look different to the normal ones, it had light brown legs and a slightly darker brown body with light markings on it's back.  It was in the spare bedroom which is next to mine and after that story in the newspapers it did occur to me that if it was in my bedroom it could easily have got into my bed eek!


Oh and good luck dodging the showers tomorrow Joyron

Originally Posted by Joyron:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Joyron:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

What did you do with the spider, did you just throw put it outside?

IF Squiggle did anything other than "Thump" it then she must be silly. 

Nope, Squiggle won't have killed it.

Are you SURE???

Absolutely certain.

Squiggle better not come in here and say she stamped on it.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Joyron:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Joyron:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

What did you do with the spider, did you just throw put it outside?

IF Squiggle did anything other than "Thump" it then she must be silly. 

Nope, Squiggle won't have killed it.

Are you SURE???

Absolutely certain.

Squiggle better not come in here and say she stamped on it.

I'm sure she won't (even if it is only to save your blushes).  Don't normally get chance to interact but hubby's late coming home tonight.  May disappear quickly when he arrives. 

Originally Posted by Joyron:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Joyron:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Joyron:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

What did you do with the spider, did you just throw put it outside?

IF Squiggle did anything other than "Thump" it then she must be silly. 

Nope, Squiggle won't have killed it.

Are you SURE???

Absolutely certain.

Squiggle better not come in here and say she stamped on it.

I'm sure she won't (even if it is only to save your blushes).  Don't normally get chance to interact but hubby's late coming home tonight.  May disappear quickly when he arrives. 

It's been great having you here.

Don't worry about disappearing when hubby comes in, I'll know where you've gone.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Joyron:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Joyron:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Joyron:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

What did you do with the spider, did you just throw put it outside?

IF Squiggle did anything other than "Thump" it then she must be silly. 

Nope, Squiggle won't have killed it.

Are you SURE???

Absolutely certain.

Squiggle better not come in here and say she stamped on it.

I'm sure she won't (even if it is only to save your blushes).  Don't normally get chance to interact but hubby's late coming home tonight.  May disappear quickly when he arrives. 

It's been great having you here.

Don't worry about disappearing when hubby comes in, I'll know where you've gone.

At least he is SO late tonight that I don't have to cook!!!  What I was going to cook tonight has gone back in the fridge and I will cook it tomorrow, as long as he's not home late again!!!  

Originally Posted by Joyron:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Joyron:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Joyron:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Joyron:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

What did you do with the spider, did you just throw put it outside?

IF Squiggle did anything other than "Thump" it then she must be silly. 

Nope, Squiggle won't have killed it.

Are you SURE???

Absolutely certain.

Squiggle better not come in here and say she stamped on it.

I'm sure she won't (even if it is only to save your blushes).  Don't normally get chance to interact but hubby's late coming home tonight.  May disappear quickly when he arrives. 

It's been great having you here.

Don't worry about disappearing when hubby comes in, I'll know where you've gone.

At least he is SO late tonight that I don't have to cook!!!  What I was going to cook tonight has gone back in the fridge and I will cook it tomorrow, as long as he's not home late again!!!  

Not having to cook is a bonus.

Got to pick up son from the station but will be back later.

If you have to go before I get back, I hope you manage to get to the shops before the rain starts tomorrow.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

What did you do with the spider, did you just throw put it outside?


Originally Posted by Joyron:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

What did you do with the spider, did you just throw put it outside?

IF Squiggle did anything other than "Thump" it then she must be silly. 


Yes I put it outside

I knew you wouldn't have splatted it.


Goodnight Joyron.


Summer, enjoy your bath - I'll be doing the same soon.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

What did you do with the spider, did you just throw put it outside?


Originally Posted by Joyron:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

What did you do with the spider, did you just throw put it outside?

IF Squiggle did anything other than "Thump" it then she must be silly. 


Yes I put it outside

so would I - I never kill things - I even lift little flies off my book when I am reading it in the garden

Rocking Ros Rose

Good morning everyone.    Well the sun is shining as the forecasters said it would, but not for long!!  I'm off to the shops but will try and get back later.  Have a good day whatever you are doing.


Sorry about the spiders Squiggle but I just cannot touch them and IF I managed to put them outside I would just worry about them coming back!!  I would not want to splat anything else, although I don't particularly like the mice and sometimes even bats which get into our house.  One of the joys of living right out in the countryside!! 


Good morning everyone and spiders


Fairly sunny at present, showers expected later. At present it seems that the mornings are relatively shower-free, they seem to be mainly afternoon into evening.


Ros, I hope you have a better week next week at work.

Great chat last night re spiders between Yogi, Joyron, squiggle and Summer. I've never had a fear of spiders and can happily pick them up to take outside. I used to be chief spider catcher for my mother who didn't like them.


for Skylark.


El Loro

If any of you are anywhere near Liverpool this weekend, there are three giant marionettes there in a street show called Sea Odyssey. One of them is a 30 foot girl, another is her uncle, and the third is her dog called Xolo.


I have found this clip of the girl from a performance 3 years ago elsewhere:

and this clip of Xolo being washed:

El Loro

Good morning everyone. Sun is shining atm but showers are forecast.

Love the giant marionette clips, El.

My middle son is like you El, he can pick up the spiders in his hand and put them outside. My other two are scaredy cats like me, but thanks to Squiggle, we now catch the spiders with glasses and cardboard and put them outside.


Hope the rain stays off for your shopping trip, Joyron.

Ros, I hope today is better at work and you have a nice, relaxing weekend.

Summer, if you are taking Bramble to work today, I hope it all goes well.

Skylark, sending you a big hug and hope you are back soon, we miss you.

Good afternoon It's a dry but overcast day here today. In my spare time this morning I've been on the phone to my friend talking dog talk. There just seems so much to learn Bramble is at home with MIL today yogi, we've decided to bring her to work from Monday I do feel a bit like I don't know what I'm doing, but I've had some good advice and I'll have to just throw myself into the situation. I'm looking forward to having a weekend at home with nowhere to go and no money needing to be spent I do hope skylark is alright, it seems like ages since we heard from her
~Sparkling Summer~

Bramble will be fine when you take her to work on Monday, Summer.

Researchers have found that having a dog at work reduces people's stress levels and makes working more satisfying


You timed that well, Joyron, missing the wetness. I had to go to the post office this afternoon. The weather was OK when I left but by the time I left the post office it was raining, though not heavy and no thunder & lightning. I had taken an umbrella with me as I didn't trust the weather, so I didn't get wet. It was only a shower and by the time I got home the rain had stopped.


El Loro
Thank you so much for that link el, it's brilliant! I think long term, having her at work is going to be very rewarding we've been bonding tonight, playing/exercising, training/playing, disciplining and finally a really lovely gentle cuddle I also managed to open her mouth by myself for the first time. She's snoozing now so it's nice to come catch up with everyone. El I'm glad you took your brolly, it rained here too. Joyron I hope you have a lovely weekend
~Sparkling Summer~
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