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Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Why is everything I like, not good for me?!

Thanks for the link, El.

I didn't like posting that but because of the fact that we have candles in church I was aware that paraffin based candles can be a touch risky if frequently used. Beeswax and soy candles are made with natural indredients so don't have the same problem.


I have found through Amazon that scented beeswax candles are available.

This link takes you to a general listing of them.


I I found this one which is orange and cinnamon:

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Why is everything I like, not good for me?!

Thanks for the link, El.

I didn't like posting that but because of the fact that we have candles in church I was aware that paraffin based candles can be a touch risky if frequently used. Beeswax and soy candles are made with natural indredients so don't have the same problem.


I have found through Amazon that scented beeswax candles are available.

This link takes you to a general listing of them.


I I found this one which is orange and cinnamon:

No worries El, I suppose it's best to know these things.

I'll check out the beeswax and soy based candles.


Good morning everyone.

Raining this morning (not as heavy as yesterday's showers).

Glad work was a bit better, Ros. Macintosh Spice is one of my many favourites - although I've been struggling to find it recently.

I found this article about paraffin based candles on the BBC website:

I will still check out the soy and beeswax candle ranges though, and Yankee Candles do have plug-in room fragrance units which might be a good alternative to the candles.

Off to the nurse for my blood tests etc, will be back later.


Good morning everyone, I'm getting a little confused about the seasons are we back in winter again now?  Only I opened the bathroom window after my shower to let the steam out and the wind that blew in seemed to be coming from the Arctic!


Hope all goes well with the blood tests Yogi. 


I captured and released a spider this morning and from the markings on it I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't a false widow spider   I thought afterwards perhaps I should have killed it but I never kill spiders.


Squiggle, here's a BBC news item about false widow spiders.


I know there was a scare story a couple of days ago in the Mail about a woman almost losing her hand after being bitten by one but that is the exception. The false widow spiders only bite if they feel threatened, they don't go round looking for people to bite.


I too also hope all goes well with your blood tests, Yogi

El Loro

Good morning everyone.    It's another dull, miserable, damp day here today.  When are we going to get some sunshine back?  I've managed to stay in the warm and dry all week but I'll need to get to the shops tomorrow.  Just hope I can get there and back between the downpours!!


Hope all goes well with the blood tests Yogi.  Love you all. 


You could wear that hat El, it would match your feathers.


It went well at the nurse today, thank you everyone.

She told me that my ESR level (measures the level of inflammation in my body) is now down to 28, which is the lowest it has been for over 3 years. In Decenber, it was up at 130 and has been as high as 200.  Looks like the new tablets are working.


Squiggle, I have heard about those false widow spiders - I would have been freaking out!


Joyron, hope you don't get soaked when you are out shopping.


Summer, are you back at work today?

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Bramble's Mommy~:
Yes I'm at work today yogi im trying to decide whether to just bite the bullet and bring the puppy in with me tomorrow.. Either way she's coming on Monday. That's great news about your results, I'm so pleased for you are you sticking with those tablets then? El if you wear that umbrella hat for a month, I might consider it

I've got them for another two months, then they are going to review things.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

You could wear that hat El, it would match your feathers.


It went well at the nurse today, thank you everyone.

She told me that my ESR level (measures the level of inflammation in my body) is now down to 28, which is the lowest it has been for over 3 years. In Decenber, it was up at 130 and has been as high as 200.  Looks like the new tablets are working.


Squiggle, I have heard about those false widow spiders - I would have been freaking out!


Joyron, hope you don't get soaked when you are out shopping.


Summer, are you back at work today?

So glad it went well with the nurse today Yogi.  Long may those levels stay low!!!


Squiggle, if one of those spiders came near me I would have NO hesitation in thumping it with whatever was at hand!!


I will try and avoid the rain tomorrow but I need to go out and get some food in or we will have nothing to eat this weekend!!


Summer and El Loro, I don't think the head umbrella is really me. 

Originally Posted by Joyron:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

You could wear that hat El, it would match your feathers.


It went well at the nurse today, thank you everyone.

She told me that my ESR level (measures the level of inflammation in my body) is now down to 28, which is the lowest it has been for over 3 years. In Decenber, it was up at 130 and has been as high as 200.  Looks like the new tablets are working.


Squiggle, I have heard about those false widow spiders - I would have been freaking out!


Joyron, hope you don't get soaked when you are out shopping.


Summer, are you back at work today?

So glad it went well with the nurse today Yogi.  Long may those levels stay low!!!


Squiggle, if one of those spiders came near me I would have NO hesitation in thumping it with whatever was at hand!!


I will try and avoid the rain tomorrow but I need to go out and get some food in or we will have nothing to eat this weekend!!


Summer and El Loro, I don't think the head umbrella is really me. 

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