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JJ's unrelenting campaign against Ben is driving me round the bend
Could not have put that better myself.  I'm staying away from the programme and the HL shows for now.  Will catch up with any vital information on here.  If someone says there is something worth watching then I will know it's worth watching.  Otherwise I stay away!!!Signing out for the night.  Will catch up tomorrow. 
Hi Yogi

I thought of you when I heard a preview of a Panorama program tonight about ineperienced people carrying out medical procedures on pets. The preview was about a catheter being inserted in a golden retriever called Yogi. Although Yogi was not actually harmed, he was clearly distressed. Be warned that watching the following clip will be very upsetting This is a link to the video clip currently being shown on the Panorama website showing this happening

The programme is being showing at 9.00 pm
El Loro
Morning everyone.  Doesn't it just go to show who is desperate to win this show? JJ and Dave top of the heap, hope Andrew isn't going to be another one because the silly boy wants to wake up and realise that we, the viewing public, see it and will do our level best to get those people who behave in this way OUT as soon as they are up for eviction.
Morning everyone.    It seems we have all taken the same decision to stay away from the programme for now.  These horrible people will get their just desserts in time.  Wonder how they will feel when they come out and realise just how much we dislike them!!  Having said that I suppose it will be just like water off a duck's back, they won't accept that they are like that; they just been portrayed all wrong!!!

Didn't think I'd say this but I will be glad when the programme has finished and we can get back to our lovely "normal" chats about what we are doing in RL.

By the way Yogi I've now picked 6 tomatoes from my outdoor plants.  Will catch up again later.  Love you all. 
By the way Yogi I've now picked 6 tomatoes from my outdoor plants. Will catch up again later. Love you all.
Well done, Joyron.
I've got lots of tomatoes on the plants now, but need some more sun to ripen them, as they are still pretty green. I suppose I can always make chutney with them, if the sun doesn't come back.
I can't tell you how fed up I am of JJ, Dave and now Andrew having a go at Ben. I haven't even watched last night's HL show yet because I know it shows JJ going on at Ben for (in his opinion) failing to fuss round Keeley when she broke her ankle. I honestly don't know how Ben puts up with them. I would have exploded or walked by now.
Hi guys, I've just watched the highlights.  Now I know we are all Ben fans in here and I know I am probably wildly biased BUT I really thought while I was watching the situation after Keeley's accident that Ben came over as the only genuine one in there.  His accusation of JJ as an ambulance chaser was spot on. 

As long as you spot the bad edits that BB try to do to put Ben in a bad light, if you keep an eye on the other threads you can usually spot where they have tried to make Ben look bad, then Ben shines through as pure gold and the others so fake.  I was quite surprised myself really.  Mario fussing around and trying to deflect the argument, when he should have been supporting his supposed friend Ben.  Dave always too willing to do Ben down.  Rachel massively over-reacting and JJ just trying to come out the hero.  Even to the point that when Keeley was returning to the DR to go to hospital and Dave was carrying her JJ had to rush up and help Dave carry her.

And Ben can argue his own corner.  I know it can get to him when everyone is putting their twopennorth in but most of the time he speaks up for himself and takes no bull**** from all of those in there who are only too willing to hand it out.  And I notice that Corin never joins in when the rest of them try to make themselves look good at Ben's expense, good for you love.  So there it is, my opinion, and Joyron I hope it helps to make you feel a bit better about it
That was a great post Squiggle.  I suppose if I look at rationally I now realise my annoyance is caused by the fact that there is a probability that either JJ or Josie will win.  The HL programmes, and indeed the little LF that I used to watch, is so full of those two it has become boring.  I even felt like sending a really nasty email to Channel 4 telling them to stop pushing them in our face all the time and then realised that was a complete waste of time!!!

Much as I dislike some of the others, especially for the way they treat Ben, I think I could accept anyone else winning other than those two.  They all have their faults really, apart from Corin who I like a lot because she seems a kind, genuine, happy person who is relishing her time in the house.

I realise that Ben is not likely to win but I would like to see him there on finals night.  It would be great if Corin was there with him too.  Unfortunately if BB plays this out the way they want it will probably be Josie, JJ and Steve as the final three I fear.  If it's one of those that win then that will also spoil my viewing for the final two weeks when the old HMs go back in.  Well that's they way I see it anyway.  Sorry about the rant. 
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