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Good I like it when everyone else has a good weekend too I think it's a few things yogi; robinsons fruit juices seem to be the no.1 target, but he did also eat 2 peach Melba cream cakes last week, and chocolate Easter eggs etc.. Combine that with being tired from a couple of sleepless nights with bramble crying and it's the perfect recipe for a migraine attack. It has been months & months since his last one so thats a big improvement. Last year he was getting several a week for months at a time thank goodness we have a very comfortable spare room that I can retreat too while he recovers
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Bramble's Mommy~:
Good I like it when everyone else has a good weekend too I think it's a few things yogi; robinsons fruit juices seem to be the no.1 target, but he did also eat 2 peach Melba cream cakes last week, and chocolate Easter eggs etc.. Combine that with being tired from a couple of sleepless nights with bramble crying and it's the perfect recipe for a migraine attack. It has been months & months since his last one so thats a big improvement. Last year he was getting several a week for months at a time thank goodness we have a very comfortable spare room that I can retreat too while he recovers

Poor Mr summer, that's pretty severe. Does he have prescribed medication he can take?

I should think your lovely spare room comes in very handy as a retreat.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Bramble's Mommy~:
(yes he does have meds now yogi but long terms use has side effects of.. Headaches! So he'll take them for a few months, ween off and *touch wood* is ok for a while.. )

That's like the tablets for motion sickness, which have a side effect of nausea.

Anyway, I hope he feels better soon.


Good morning everyone


Summer, no, we weren't at the same christening

Re Mr Summer's migraines - aspartame is a known migraine trigger and is in some of the Robinsons juices. Chocolate is another one but you probably already knew that. I'm glad the migraine attacks have lessened.


Welcome back Ros from your MM role

El Loro

Good morning everyone, a lovely bright morning but I think we are in for rain for the rest of the week. 


I loved the pics of Keira playing in the snow, and wow that snow was deep I haven't seen snow that deep for about 30 years.  Glad the christening went well but so sad for Mr. Summer that he had to put up with the migraine.  He seems to know what triggers it and how to put it right so that's great, hopefully he can stave them off again now.  I had to laugh at the medicine for motion sickness which can cause nausea, that really is a isn't it?


Sounds like the MM was very enjoyable Ros, you rogue - shaking fist smilie hope work goes OK.  If we all waited until we had something interesting to say this would be a very empty thread, why be different to the rest of us?


I got woken up this morning before 8 by one of those voice text phone calls which I found it impossible to take on my upstairs phone which seems to have turned into an antique now.  It is just a standard phone and I have cordless downstairs everywhere.  I managed to connect to my messages (1571) but then could not get it to recognise when I pressed 1 to access whatever message it was.  It turns out it was a helpful message to tell me - again - that my new Vodafone will be delivered tomorrow.  Time to get a cordless phone for upstairs I think, I can't now be bothered to use a phone where I have a cord which keeps getting tangled.


Skylark hope you are feeling a bit better now, thinking of you Joyron


Squiggle, how about this for an antique telephone

The phone I have upstairs is rather like yours with the cable tending to get itself into a twist,


I've just been out cutting my grass. Just to show how dry it has been this is only the second cut of the season and it had hardly grown in the last 2 weeks. I could have left it but with the forecast rain or showers from tonight every day for quite some time I don't know when the grass will be able to be cut again. It's rather ironic that they announce today that the Midland and the South West have been classified as drought areas. Both Severn Trent and Wessex have already said that they are not expecting to be imposing hosepipe bans.

El Loro

That's a fascinating tree EL, (and I like your typo because cherry trees in full bloom always make me feel cheery ) it looks to me like half a normal flowering cherry and half a winter flowering sort.  We used to have a winter flowering cherry that could burst into bloom at any time in the winter, very uplifting.


As for the phone that's exactly how my one seemed to me this morning.  Bloomin useless thing it would not recognise that I was pressing the number 1 button to hear my message no matter how many times I pressed it I've ordered a cordless one


They were saying on the Radio Devon gardening show that to leave the grass a bit longer (as in length not in between cuts) is a good thing to retain moisture.  And I reckon they are right because next door they have a ride-on mower and I noticed this morning it has cut their grass very short and it is already starting to yellow whilst mine is lovely and green.


Squiggle, I was driving past our church cheery () tree this morning and when I was shopping I was chatting with someone from church and mentioned our tree so was pleased to find a suitable picture to post here.


I don't blame you for changing your telephone for a cordless one.

I'm not too concerned about my grass as a good inch of rain is forecast for this area in the next few days.

El Loro

Love the pic of the cherry tree, El. I have never seen anything like it. I wonder if they have grafted two different cherry trees onto one stem.

Squiggle, I hope your phone isn't as old as the one in the pic El posted.


Mr Yogi and I went to The Riverside Museum, which is Scotland's new museum of transport and travel.

It is quite disconcerting when you see items from your childhood as exhibits in a museum - talk about making you feel old!

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Love the pic of the cherry tree, El. I have never seen anything like it. I wonder if they have grafted two different cherry trees onto one stem.

Squiggle, I hope your phone isn't as old as the one in the pic El posted.


Mr Yogi and I went to The Riverside Museum, which is Scotland's new museum of transport and travel.

It is quite disconcerting when you see items from your childhood as exhibits in a museum - talk about making you feel old!

Tell me about it I learned to touchtype on a typewriter like this - stop pointing and laughing everyone   I went to a private secretarial college, aa one-woman enterprise and we were her last ever intake before she retired.  She had these old 78rpm records we used to have to learn to type to - they played the William Tell Overture and they were so old that this creaky voice used to bellow at us "start after I have counted to 7 - 5,6,7" - no beginning  and everyone else started and I collapsed in giggles I only have to hear the William Tell Overture nowadays and I am back there.




Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Love the pic of the cherry tree, El. I have never seen anything like it. I wonder if they have grafted two different cherry trees onto one stem.

Squiggle, I hope your phone isn't as old as the one in the pic El posted.


Mr Yogi and I went to The Riverside Museum, which is Scotland's new museum of transport and travel.

It is quite disconcerting when you see items from your childhood as exhibits in a museum - talk about making you feel old!

Tell me about it I learned to touchtype on a typewriter like this - stop pointing and laughing everyone   I went to a private secretarial college, aa one-woman enterprise and we were her last ever intake before she retired.  She had these old 78rpm records we used to have to learn to type to - they played the William Tell Overture and they were so old that this creaky voice used to bellow at us "start after I have counted to 7 - 5,6,7" - no beginning  and everyone else started and I collapsed in giggles I only have to hear the William Tell Overture nowadays and I am back there.




^^^^^ Now that is definitely a museum piece.

From now on, whenever I hear the William Tell Overture, I shall think of you and your ancient typewriter.


Brilliant clips EL I somehow don't think that the first guy was typing the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog do you?


The other two are deceptively clever, they look so simple but are really very skilled pianists.  I loved Victor Borge (so did my hubby) and I have never seen the Marx Brothers, only Groucho.  Thanks for posting

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Brilliant clips EL I somehow don't think that the first guy was typing the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog do you?


The other two are deceptively clever, they look so simple but are really very skilled pianists.  I loved Victor Borge (so did my hubby) and I have never seen the Marx Brothers, only Groucho.  Thanks for posting

Somehow I think it unlikely he was typing quick brown fox etc either


If you've never seen a Marx Brothers film, you should try one. They were my father's favourite comedians and their early films are good. They are not for all tastes as they tend to rely on anarchic wit rather than on slapstick. Duck Soup seems to be regarded as their best film where they land up by being in charge of a bankrupt country.

In their films, Groucho tends to be in charge of the mayhem, Harpo always plays the dumb clown (he wasn't really dumb) and could be rather childish (often would play the harp in a musical interlude) and Chico plays psudo Italian and played the piano in musical interludes. Margaret Dumont appeared in many of their films as Groucho's target for his jokes or his love interest. In the early films, the fourth Marx brother Zeppo appeared as well. He generally played relatively straight roles.


There was a fifth Marx Brother - Gummo - who appeared in vaudeville acts with the others before they went into films. He never appeared in any of their films.

El Loro
evening all I tried to pop in a few times earlier but kept getting interrupted with texts, phone calls or customers! Squiggle, I think a cordless phone upstairs would be very useful El, Great tree, I love funky nature I'm so tired tonight, so I'm off to bed as early as I can- I'm just waiting for mr summer to shower before I head up and he puts bramble to bed for yogi, skylark, joyron & ros Sweet dreams all
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Bramble's Mommy~:
evening all I tried to pop in a few times earlier but kept getting interrupted with texts, phone calls or customers! Squiggle, I think a cordless phone upstairs would be very useful El, Great tree, I love funky nature I'm so tired tonight, so I'm off to bed as early as I can- I'm just waiting for mr summer to shower before I head up and he puts bramble to bed for yogi, skylark, joyron & ros Sweet dreams all

Hope you get a good night's sleep and feel refreshed in the morning, Summer.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Skylark, I hope you are feeling better and can come back soon.

Joyron, pop in when you can.

Ros, I hope there is some improvement in your BiL's condition, and that your first day back at work wasn't too bad.

Signing out now, goodnight all.

aww the same from me

first day back OK - training day - BIL slightly better but no sign of him leaving hospital yet thank you yogi

El - love that clip


summer sorry you are so tired 


night EL joyron skylark squiggle summer yogi

P.s - still reading the book - i am reading others as well

Rocking Ros Rose

Good morning everyone. It is raining cats and dogs up here. I've checked the extended forecast for the next 10 days and it is expected to rain for nine days. Don't think there's any chance of a drought in my area.


I'm glad your BiL is a bit better, Ros. It must be a difficult time for your SiL, too.

Your comment about reading multiple books at the same time, reminded me of my youth, when I often had three books on the go - one for downstairs, one for the bedroom and one for the train journey on my way to work. My dad thought I was nuts.


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