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Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Goodnight squiggle, and i apologise for not returning the one i have  I will do xx

I will be the talk of the Steamie ,again 

If they're talking abuot you, then they are leaving someone else alone.

I always say i am worth taking about, why not 
Weighed myself today, lost a stone  A viral infection not to be recommended as a diet, hopefully i dont put it back on when i feel like food again..........x

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Goodnight squiggle, and i apologise for not returning the one i have  I will do xx

I will be the talk of the Steamie ,again 

If they're talking abuot you, then they are leaving someone else alone.

I always say i am worth taking about, why not 
Weighed myself today, lost a stone  A viral infection not to be recommended as a diet, hopefully i dont put it back on when i feel like food again..........x

I almost wish I could catch it.  Not really!

That is quite a drastic weight loss in such a short time, no wonder you have been feeling so bad.

good morning I've got a moment of calm during a crazy morning; mr summer woke with a bad migraine, he's currently laying down and trying to not throw up. It's snowing, which was fun at 6.30am in my pj's. Luckily, bramble didn't seem too bothered by it, but we do have to wipe her paws every time we come back inside. (she's asleep right now) I'm heading to Suffolk tonight, after work, so have been getting my overnight bag ready too.. Hope you all have a lovely weekend I'll try to pop in of I can but you may not see me around much. Skylark, hope you feel a little better today
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone. Weather is dry and bright.

Poor Mr Summer, hope the migrane wears off quickly.

Was snow forecast for your area, Summer - I thought we had seen the last of it. What did Bramble think of the snow? Keira absolutely loves it.

Have a fabulous time tomorrow at Ava's christening. I'm sure it will be a special day for all of you.


Good morning everyone


Summer, I hope Mr Summer's migraine lifts soon and that Ava's christening goes well


I'm not surprised that there has been snow up north in places - it was forecast that there would be wintry showers today particularly in the east. Here there was early rain, it's cloudy at present. Temperatures for my part of the country are about 5 degrees cooler than average for this time of the year and are likely to continue like that for the rest of April.


El Loro

Good morning everyone, cold and grey here today.  We will be thinking of you today Summer, hope the christening goes really well.


Skylark I have totally lost track, no need to apologise, in fact do please pass whatever book it is on to someone else   Books are like merry-go-rounds aren't they?  No fun unless they are moving on.


Had my phone bill in this morning, outrageous for the amount I use it.  I am constantly having to phone my grandson at the moment and although I am only on for a short while each time because it's to a mobile it certainly adds up.  I have rather stupidly remained with BT but I think it's honestly time to seek a cheaper provider now so I will canvass opinion to see whether anyone has found a good reliable provider that doesn't cost the earth.  I stayed with BT because I thought you can always pick up the phone and speak to someone straight away but with BT that's all changed now and it's the choose out of the 4 following options like everyone else.




Squiggle, the cost of landline to mobile phones is supposed to be coming down over the next couple of years.


As I have to use Virgin cable because my landline is too faulty for broadband use (You'll remember the problems I used to have) I'm out of touch with what other phone companies charge. Virgin isn't the cheapest but to date I've never had problems with them apart from two times when the broadband went down for a couple of hours but that was exchange problems rather than with my equipment and on both times Virgin sorted it out within a reasonable time. I do know that in some of their packages they  include free calls to mobiles but only mobiles on the Virgin network.


El Loro

Thanks for your help EL.  I have had a busy morning and what I have done is this.  I averaged the cost of my calls with BT and it worked out at ÂĢ42 per month over the last year.  I have changed my call plan to basic, free calls to UK landlines, caller display and 1571 all for ÂĢ19.50 per month.  And I am going to route all my mobile calls through Vodafone now where I can get Friends and Family for ÂĢ5 per month.  I am getting a free Blackberry on a monthly plan for ÂĢ10.50 2 years, 100 free minutes per month and internet usage.  I am also passing my old phone over to my youngest grandson who only has an Orange phone at the moment and therefore cannot easily call the rest of his family who are all on Vodafone.  Therefore I should be better off each month with much easier ways for us to stay in touch and a free phone.  The best way round for me I think   I checked my phone bill and all my billable calls were to mobile phones.


After a dreadful March, Cheltenham have picked up and have won their latest 2 matches. They have 3 matches left. Their next match in a week's time is away to Oxford. Cheltenham and Oxford are amongst the teams fighting for the promotion play offs and if Cheltenham beat Oxford they are guaranteed to be in the play offs regardless of their last two matches.


El Loro
evening Just letting you know I arrived safely the journey was very good Looking forward to the christening tomorrow Yogi, bramble seemed very curious about the snow lol her head tilts when she's weighing up something.. So cute she went outside quite happily in it though, and let me wipe her paws as we went back in. Does Keira jump around in the snow?! My bunnies do for everyone, hope you all had a restful Saturday
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone. Another bright and sunny day.

Squiggle, glad you got the phone thing sorted out.

El, did you see my reply about the paintings you posted the other day? Was I correct about the artist - even though I didn't know their actual name?

Summer, Keira does bounce about in the snow, she loves it. I'll try to find a pic for you.

Have a wonderful time at the christening. Ava is a very lucky baby to have you as her godmother.

Skylark, hope you are on the mend and have got your appetite back.

I have the family visiting today, so I may not be around very much.

Hope you all have a good day, whatever you are doing.


Good morning everyone, a lovely bright morning here and I hope it is also where you are Summer so that the sun will shine on Ava as she is welcomed into the Christian family


It's nice to hear about how all the dogs (and bunnies) like the snow.  Have a good day with the family Yogi I do hope you are on the mend now Skylark


Enjoy your Sunday everyone.


PS Looking forward to Tuesday when my new    (lilac girly! ) Blackberry comes.  If anyone has a Blackberry and can give me some hints I would be grateful.

Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

PS Looking forward to Tuesday when my new    (lilac girly! ) Blackberry comes.  If anyone has a Blackberry and can give me some hints I would be grateful.

They make great crumble

Not the most helpful hint I know but I've never used a Blackberry.

This seem to be the starting place to look for info:


Have fun with your Blackberry, Squiggle - and lilac is my favourite colour.


Ooooh, I wonder if Summer was at your church for the christening, El.

Now that certainly would be a strange coincidence.


Just waiting on middle son and his fiancÃĐe's arrival. I've prepared everything for dinner, so I'm having a quick five minutes to myself, and a wee cup of tea.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Everyone, lock up your valuables - Ros has been unmasked as the thief who stole the Orb of Knowledge - I think she may have done a runner with it



Originally Posted by squiggle:

I hear Ros is now on the run, come in here you will be quite safe with us


Signing off to read now, leaving a big for any passing night owls (and fugitives)

I think Ros needs to come back here so that we can rehabilitate her.


Had a nice day with the family. Eldest son and Dil also came for dinner.

On days like this when I have everyone for dinner, I really appreciate my dishwasher.


Goodnight Squiggle, enjoy your book.

Evening Lol lots of Ava's! It would have been funny if El was at the christening, i wonder if he would have said hello? there were 3 christenings during our service too, and a total of 11 during the day There was a Lottie-May, a Lloyd, and of course our Ava It all went very well although she cried when they put on her, she was due a feed and getting a bit impatient All in all it was a lovely weekend Skylark I hope you have been resting up and are starting to feel better Yogi, I'd love to see a pic of snow Keira Sweet dreams squiggle hope your book is enjoyable
~Sparkling Summer~
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