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Originally Posted by ~Sweet Bramble's Mommy~:
How are Harvey & Keira today? Velvet, if they're Christmas fairies and elves, then yes, I'm well away Baz says I'm "one of a kind" there's gotta be more like me though

They were fine. The weather stayed dry so they were out in the garden most of the afternoon.


BTW, I hope there are more like you, 'cos you're a wee gem.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Bramble's Mommy~:
Lol I think you're right there yogi, it frees up the other hand too Any plans for this weekend? It's Ava's christening on Sunday

Aww, how lovely.

Did you managed to find a passage or poem to read at the christening?


No plans for the weekend, I'm afraid.

Mr Yogi phoned earlier to say he'd had a minor accident in the car - no damage to him, just the car, thankfully. His car is going off to be repaired and he'll need mine to get to work, so I guess I'll spend the weekend pottering about in the garden and greenhouse (weather permitting).

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Bramble's Mommy~:
Crikey! I'm glad he wasn't injured! And I hope the car damage is easily fixed. I'm going to turn in now, take advantage of the early night chance Sweet dreams yogi Sweet dreams everyone

Goodnight Summer, I'm going to sign out too, Sleep well.

Ros, if you escape from the MM thread, here's your hug.


Good morning everyone including Sweet Bramble


Yogi, I'm relieved that it was just the car that was damaged rather than Mr Yogi.


Here it's sunny and a bit foggy at present.


I like this recent advert:


I've tracked down the song which is The Bee Song written by Kenneth Blain and also who sang it - you can tell from the advert that it is an old recording. And it's none other than :

El Loro

Good morning everyone Yogi sorry to hear about Mr. Yogi's accident, that sort of thing shakes you up, I hope he gets his car back as good as new soon.


Summer I agree with Yogi you are definitely a gem


Hope Joyron and Skylark are feeling well and yes Soozy we would love to hear how it all went with your French visitors.


Loving the clips EL, I loved Arthur Askey singing the Bee Song






To go with those Bee Song clips I thought I should post the famous bee music by Rimsky Korsakov. I chose this clip as it's the first I found which showed bees rather than an orchestra.



The Flight of the Bumble Bee is from his opera The Tale of Tsar Saltan.


His other best known work was Scheherazade. This is an extract from it:


El Loro

Morning xx
Sorry to read Mr Yogi had an accident, thank goodness he wasnt injured x
I see you have a new name Summer  You have been a good friend to me, the world is a better place with people like you in it xxx  Hope Sunday goes well x

Feeling a bit better today, got antibiotics to clear up my chest infection, still feel incredibly tired tho   Sun is shining here, so that cheers 



Good afternoon everyone.    The sun is trying to shine here today but those pesky clouds keep getting in the way!!


Sorry to hear that Mr Yogi has been in a car accident, but very glad that the car came off worse.  Hopefully the antibiotics will help clear the chest infection quickly Skylark.  You always seem to be rushing about helping someone or another.  I think this illness has been sent to make your slow down a bit.  Rest as much as you can. 


I like your new name Bramble's Mommy; and sweet she certainly is (the dog I mean, although I'm sure you really sweet too).  Glad to see that El Loro, Yogi and Squiggle are doing well.  I really enjoy reading your posts and watching the clips.


Have a good weekend whatever you get up to. 

Good afternoon everyone thank you all for being so lovely, I consider myself blessed to be friends with such a wonderful group of people It's been a very busy morning, without my colleague, but she's in now and should take the pressure off me this afternoon How is mr yogi today? No delayed injuries rearing up I hope. Skylark, it sounds like you have a similar virus to my mum right now, she too has got antibiotics to clear her chest. I hope you're managing to get as much rest as possible and and plenty of assistance too Lovely to see you joyron, I'm glad you like reading our posts- I love how each day is different in here, I never know what I'll learn or discover I hope you're having a good Friday Lol at the bees lovely music El Squiggle, did you like the end of your book?
~Sparkling Summer~

Afternoon all - hope you're all well. just saw Sweets post - apparently some are interested in how the French weekend went.


Well it was really good (as always) in spite of the weather. Lovely to see our French friends 65 in all. Saturday evening there were various parties around the village - everyone takes a contribution. My two desserts were a great success (tart au Citron and Salted Caramel chocolate mousse cake). Caught up with a lot of old friends and practised a bit of Franglais.


Sunday cooked our couple a full English followed by a short walk (bit chilly) - Sunday lunch at a friends there were four English and four french, elsewhere in the village there was a mini olympics , mostly for the youngsters (the French won). Sunday night party - disco and cold meat buffet followed by trifle - (Mr Woo did the catering for 150). As always the wine flowed although Mr Woo and I are on the wagon at the mo - thought it might prove difficult but it was OK.


Monday coach trip to York - we went with our couple to the air museum as our French friend is an amateur pilot and plane enthusiast - it was freezing cold and constant drizzle but they enjoyed. in the evening we had a beautiful meal at our favourite restaurant just the four of us. Tuesday morning 8am a grand farewell on the village green before they left for home.


Busy weekend but great fun. The French will return hospitality next Easter when we visit them


We have been doing this for eighteen years (the association is actually 22 years old) - it is huge fun and always a great success.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Afternoon all - hope you're all well. just saw Sweets post - apparently some are interested in how the French weekend went.


Well it was really good (as always) in spite of the weather. Lovely to see our French friends 65 in all. Saturday evening there were various parties around the village - everyone takes a contribution. My two desserts were a great success (tart au Citron and Salted Caramel chocolate mousse cake). Caught up with a lot of old friends and practised a bit of Franglais.


Sunday cooked our couple a full English followed by a short walk (bit chilly) - Sunday lunch at a friends there were four English and four french, elsewhere in the village there was a mini olympics , mostly for the youngsters (the French won). Sunday night party - disco and cold meat buffet followed by trifle - (Mr Woo did the catering for 150). As always the wine flowed although Mr Woo and I are on the wagon at the mo - thought it might prove difficult but it was OK.


Monday coach trip to York - we went with our couple to the air museum as our French friend is an amateur pilot and plane enthusiast - it was freezing cold and constant drizzle but they enjoyed. in the evening we had a beautiful meal at our favourite restaurant just the four of us. Tuesday morning 8am a grand farewell on the village green before they left for home.


Busy weekend but great fun. The French will return hospitality next Easter when we visit them


We have been doing this for eighteen years (the association is actually 22 years old) - it is huge fun and always a great success.

What a brilliant weekend, Soozy. It sounds like everyone had a busy and lovely time - no wonder you have all been doing it for 18 years.


My dad would love the air museum as he is mad about aircraft, in particular WW2 ones.


Well done to you and Mr Woo for avoiding the wine, as you are on the wagon.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:


What a brilliant weekend, Soozy. It sounds like everyone had a busy and lovely time - no wonder you have all been doing it for 18 years.


My dad would love the air museum as he is mad about aircraft, in particular WW2 ones.


Well done to you and Mr Woo for avoiding the wine, as you are on the wagon.

There is load of WW2 stuff there - all restored and (for the enthusiast) very interesting. Apparently during WW2 two French squadrons flew from this particular air base so our friend found it interesting. Are you far from York (or your dad)? Well worth a visit.

Soozy Woo

Joyron, the sun is playing a game of hide and seek with the clouds up here, too.

El, I liked the music clips and I laughed at Squiggle's, "bum of the flightlebee".

Summer, I hope your colleague pulls her weight this afternoon. Was she on a half day, or did she just fail to turn up this morning?

Hug for Bramble.

Skylark, I hope the antibiotics do the trick for you. Try to get lots of rest (easier said than done) and get well soon.

Ros, I've read that your BiL had another setback, health-wise, so sending him lots of get well wishes.

Thank you all for your comments about hubby. He still seems fine today, Summer, so only the car is in need of repair.

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:


What a brilliant weekend, Soozy. It sounds like everyone had a busy and lovely time - no wonder you have all been doing it for 18 years.


My dad would love the air museum as he is mad about aircraft, in particular WW2 ones.


Well done to you and Mr Woo for avoiding the wine, as you are on the wagon.

There is load of WW2 stuff there - all restored and (for the enthusiast) very interesting. Apparently during WW2 two French squadrons flew from this particular air base so our friend found it interesting. Are you far from York (or your dad)? Well worth a visit.

We are up in Scotland, but my mum and dad have done a couple of trips to York in recent years. They may go back again, so I'll mention the air museum to my dad.


So glad to hear the weekend was a success Soozy well done to Mr. Woo, that's a lot of people to cater for, I couldn't do it   (I liked the George Formby clip too EL)


I loved the ending to the book Summer, very satisfying, hard to guess but justice was done and all ended very happily.  For some reason I thought you were off this week, I must be getting confused.


This is a very nasty bug Skylark, one day you will wake up and suddenly find yourself feeling much much better, hope it's soon.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

When I saw Soozy's post and saw the words Mr Woo, being the film buff that I am, you won't be surprised when this came to mind


Whenever I write the name Mr woo it always pops into my head too  Brings a little smile to my face - I hasten to add Mr Woo is nothing like George Forrmby.

Soozy Woo
That all sounds like great fun Sooz your hometown must be a great community! I'm glad your deserts went down well too- any leftovers? Yogi, my colleague's childminder had to cancel all kiddies because one of hers has chicken pox. After a mad ring round, she found babysitters from 12noon onwards. (that's if she's telling the truth. I'm inclined to believe her this time though because if she was lying she would have just taken the entire day off) Squiggle, I've been off every other day for a week during Easter, that's probably why you thought I was off. Having the puppy too might have done it Bramble is content with MIL today I'm going to bring her to work from next Thursday, I think. I've been doing some reading and it seems the best option is to crate her, in the staff room but with the salon door open so that she can see me working in the salon. She should feel safe in her crate, but not close to loads of people that will excite or disturb her. I will let her out for toilet mid morning, and afternoon just before schools finish. And she will be out for my entire lunch break. Fellow doggy owners- what's your thoughts on this? any advice, tips or suggestions?
~Sparkling Summer~

Thanks everyone, been sleeping most of the afternoon!

Have a lovely weekend Joyron x 

I used to let my kids purposely play with kids who had the chicken pox, it got it over and done with! 
That sound a good plan Summer, re Bramble  

A good weekend was had then Soozy. Good for you and Mr Woo staying on the wagon x

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Thanks everyone, been sleeping most of the afternoon!

Have a lovely weekend Joyron x 

I used to let my kids purposely play with kids who had the chicken pox, it got it over and done with! 
That sound a good plan Summer, re Bramble  

A good weekend was had then Soozy. Good for you and Mr Woo staying on the wagon x

I did too but it never worked properly my daughter had it when she was two - my son got it ten years later - my other son has never had it nor have I. My little grandson had it over Christmas - neither my son nor I got it - I guess we may have some sort of immunity or's not been our time yet.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Bramble's Mommy~:
Bramble is content with MIL today I'm going to bring her to work from next Thursday, I think. I've been doing some reading and it seems the best option is to crate her, in the staff room but with the salon door open so that she can see me working in the salon. She should feel safe in her crate, but not close to loads of people that will excite or disturb her. I will let her out for toilet mid morning, and afternoon just before schools finish. And she will be out for my entire lunch break. Fellow doggy owners- what's your thoughts on this? any advice, tips or suggestions?

That sounds fine, Summer and she'll soon settle into the routine.


Soozy and Skylark, I too have never had chickenpox. However both my father and my brother had it as adults so I have to assume that I could still catch it. But when my brother caught it some years ago he had come down from London for the weekend. On the Friday he came round to see me and I saw him for a couple of hours before he went back to our parents house where he was staying. On the Saturday morning my mother rang to say that he had chickenpox so he would definitely have been infectious when I saw him so I may be immune but I wouldn't want to guarantee that.


It's reckoned that at least 95% of adults have had chickenpox so it's quite a coincidence that the three of us haven't.


El Loro
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

You must be carriers Soozy. I have never had the chicken pox, but have had shingles, which usually carriers get, its very unpleasant. My granddaughter hasnt had it yet..........

Skylark you can catch Chicken Pox from someone with Shingles but not the other way around - you may have had it mildly without knowing.


From the NHS website (I looked it up when my grandson had chicken pox as I was worried for my mum)


Chickenpox and shingles

One you have had chickenpox, you usually develop antibodies to the infection and become immune to catching it again. However, the virus that causes chickenpox, the varicella virus, remains dormant (inactive) in your body's nerve tissues and can return later in life as an illness called shingles.

It is possible to catch chickenpox from someone with shingles, but not the other way around.

Soozy Woo

Now can you name the artist who painted these:


Firstly this:


A year later he painted this which is of the same street as above but at in the evening:


A couple of years later he painted this:


I haven't posted a painting he painted in the year between the second and third pictures as that would be a complete giveaway



El Loro
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Were they done by the artist who did The Scream, El?

I don't know his/her name.

Yes, they were - Edvard Munch


The Scream has been so much in the news in the last couple of days that I thought I would have a look to see what else he had painted and found those. The face of the man with the top hat in the second is a strong clue and the two main faces in the third reinforce that but the first seems to have come from a different person

El Loro
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