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I've dropped my brother off at the railway station. We had a nice weekend together though didn't do a lot as the weather wasn't great. The Flowers Fruit cake from M&S was nice, similar to their christmas cakes. I had bought quite a small one, enough for 6 slices, so he's taken a bit back with him.


Squiggle, you are right as far as Maddy Prior and Steeleye Span is concerned. Here's just one of their songs and it does sound medieval English:

El Loro

Good morning everyone


Have you eaten all your Easter Eggs yet?


On Sunday I ate an entire Easter Egg at one go. But it was a chocolate mini egg at church . I've yet to start the one my brother gave me.


It's a nice sunny day at present but heavy showers are forecast for later. Looking at the forecast it looks as if we are going to get plenty of April showers over the coming days.

El Loro

Good morning everyone, it's showery here, really heavy downpours when it does shower.  And I noticed when I nipped out into the garden in between showers that there was an edge of ice next to the grass so it's obviously a little icy.


They were giving Cadburys Creme Eggs to the children at our church on Sunday and the ladies I give a lift home to and I were offered some on our way out but it was easy for me to say no they are too rich for me.  I did enjoy the Cadburys Button Egg I had though, hot tip to really enjoy chocolate just wait about 8 months before you have it it tasted delicious


Hope you don't get too wet today if you are out and about.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, it's showery here, really heavy downpours when it does shower.  And I noticed when I nipped out into the garden in between showers that there was an edge of ice next to the grass so it's obviously a little icy.


They were giving Cadburys Creme Eggs to the children at our church on Sunday and the ladies I give a lift home to and I were offered some on our way out but it was easy for me to say no they are too rich for me.  I did enjoy the Cadburys Button Egg I had though, hot tip to really enjoy chocolate just wait about 8 months before you have it it tasted delicious


Hope you don't get too wet today if you are out and about.

Somehow I think that might be a bit difficult for some of us . Our church didn't go for Cadburys Creme Eggs as that would be quite costly - at the main 10.15 service there were 117 communicants plus 30 or so children so we go for these:

El Loro

I think we probably had a similar number in church EL, there were loads of holidaymakers down so the church was really packed and as it's only a tiny building they were adding rows at the back until I really thought some would be sitting in the vestibule but of course the eggs were really only for the children so I suppose that made it more affordable.


It's lovely here now, blue skies, white clouds but I bet it won't be long before another downpour.


Hi just popping in to say morning and to check for news on duckys son cos he isn't well

El those eggs look delicious - glad you had a lovely weekend with your brother  hi yogi  and squiggle- yes raining here as well - very showery  - the sun tried to come out before but it has given up - not very warm either

hope you all had a lovely Easter sorry not been around much but busy with the MM at the mo

Rocking Ros Rose

You may have heard on the news that Severn Trent is hoping to sell some of its surplus water to Anglian Water. Severn Trent will pump water from four bore holes in the Birmingham area into the River Tame which eventually flows into the Anglian Water area.


Although my part of Gloucestershire in the amber warnings of drought affected areas, that news suggests to me that as we are covered by Severn Trent they must think that there is no risk of hose pipe bans in my area as they would hardly start selling off their water. Not that I use a hose pipe.

El Loro
*night owls* Sorry for my absence, I did half start a post at lunch then someone started talking to me..? Very busy day at work, then busy with the puppy.. Last night we went to a comedy show, which was very funny. we got back late and I actually fell asleep on mr summer's shoulder during the interval of the show Squiggle, to answer your much earlier question; we can't take bramble out walking until she has her jabs. It'll be 5 weeks yet. Her energy levels are increasing every day, she'll need a good walk soon! We took to rolling a ball back & forth from one end of the kitchen to the far end of the living room. She went crackers running after it! Lori has kindly added some pics & a video that I tweeted her tonight, they're in my pyluppy thread I hope everyone is doing well, hope to be around more tomorrow today.. In a few hours.. Is it day? Night? Where am I..?
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone. Weather is overcast today.

I fell asleep rather early last night, but feel refreshed this morning.

Summer, I've seen the new pics and video clip which you asked Lori to add for you, they are brilliant. Love the little puppy bark in the video.

Ros, I don't know how you are keeping up with the MM. I am completely and I'm only reading it. Keep up the good work.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, so far a nice bright morning.  Doh, you can tell it's ages since I had a puppy I had forgotten about the no-walks until after the jabs thing.  I haven't seen the new pics and video clip so I will head off there next.


I can see I will also have to check on the MM, it baffles me

Don't worry, Squiggle, you are not alone.


Summer, you may find this link helpful when you start to exercise Bramble.

Mr Yogi has a friend who adopted a one year old labrador. The dog has cost them over ÂĢ1000 due to a "shoulder" injury, which the vet thinks was caused by over exercising as a young pup. Unfortunately, it is also considered a pre-existing condition (ie prior to our friend buying the dog at a year old) so the insurance won't pay out.

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Thanks everyone xx

Yes it is a nasty bug squiggle, it just sort of creeps up, then hits you hard. I am on the mend anyway, thank goodness x
Little one is being cared for by my sister, at the moment Summer x
I managed a cuppa soup, the first since Sunday, but i have been drinking lots of water and energy drinks x

 Thats something i would love to see El, i am an avid Christie fan 

Happy Bramble is doing well x

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Easter Bunny~:
^ that's it El I have definitely read that in the past, thank you Right, so if she's 7 weeks now and can't go walkies for 5, that's 12 weeks = 3 months = 15 mins I think a little circuit round the block will be sufficient

I have often wondered (because I am well known to be weird ) what the smells smell like to a dog.  They are supposed to be vivid and to provide all sorts of interesting information.  Anyone who's ever walked a dog will know how they cannot tear themselves away from certain spots and the mind boggles to think what they are learning from smells we would, quite literally, turn our noses up at


Wish we were closer EL, my daughter is an Agatha Christie nut and would love that David Suchet reading.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Easter Bunny~:
^ that's it El I have definitely read that in the past, thank you Right, so if she's 7 weeks now and can't go walkies for 5, that's 12 weeks = 3 months = 15 mins I think a little circuit round the block will be sufficient

I have often wondered (because I am well known to be weird ) what the smells smell like to a dog.  They are supposed to be vivid and to provide all sorts of interesting information.  Anyone who's ever walked a dog will know how they cannot tear themselves away from certain spots and the mind boggles to think what they are learning from smells we would, quite literally, turn our noses up at


Wish we were closer EL, my daughter is an Agatha Christie nut and would love that David Suchet reading.

Strangely enough I do know what you mean.

Dogs do have a much greater sense of smell than humans.


El, I would love to hear the David Suchet reading, as I'm a big Poirot fan.

Sadly, I don't think I will be near Chichester in July.

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