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Originally Posted by squiggle:

Glad your granddaughter had a great time Skylark, as for nana as you say it sounds like her nerves got the better of her.

I think so, my daughter knows her well, but when she jumped up to cuddle my son (he is 6ft 5) , and he had to grab her incase she fell, i was  . 

Anyway i am over it now, nearly  

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Glad your granddaughter had a great time Skylark, as for nana as you say it sounds like her nerves got the better of her.

I think so, my daughter knows her well, but when she jumped up to cuddle my son (he is 6ft 5) , and he had to grab her incase she fell, i was  . 

Anyway i am over it now, nearly  

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Sorry i had a good old rant there, feel better now 

It sounds like it was a bit stressful at the end there


Summer what are your plans for settling the little girl down for the night?  I've heard a hot water bottle and an alarm clock - to simulate her mum's heartbeat and warmth - work wonders.  What did you do Yogi on the first night of a new pup?

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Sorry i had a good old rant there, feel better now 

It sounds like it was a bit stressful at the end there


Summer what are your plans for settling the little girl down for the night?  I've heard a hot water bottle and an alarm clock - to simulate her mum's heartbeat and warmth - work wonders.  What did you do Yogi on the first night of a new pup?

Good tips, Squiggle. I put in a hot water bottle and a old jumper of mine which I had worn to put my scent on it. She cried a little bit then settled down fine.

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Son is coughing like an old man with a pipe . Nursing duties call, again ! He has gone down with the bug too. As he is slightly asthmatic, i am keeping a watch over him, so will sign out.

Goodnight everyone , sleep well 

That blooming bug is still doing the rounds. Hope it doesn't set off his asthma.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Son is coughing like an old man with a pipe . Nursing duties call, again ! He has gone down with the bug too. As he is slightly asthmatic, i am keeping a watch over him, so will sign out.

Goodnight everyone , sleep well 

That blooming bug is still doing the rounds. Hope it doesn't set off his asthma.

Will get him sorted, xxxx


Going for a bath and a read of my book - trying to get it finished tonight.

Summer, please give Bramble a big cuddle from auntie Yogi.

BTW, I showed the pics to hubby and he thinks she's gorgeous, but I think he's getting worried that I'm going to get puppy broody again.


Good luck with the new MM, Ros. I'm sure you will all be brilliant again.


Squiggle, I meant to say earlier today, I did read the passages you suggested.

Quick update before sleeps.. Bramble went in the crate lovely, we coveted the top & sides with a blanket leaving just the front uncovered. We put mr summers t-shirt in there and enticed her in with a treat. We stroked her goodnight, backed off and pottered about the kitchen and then closed the crate door when she was fully relaxed. She whimpered a tiny tiny bit, twice, we shoosed her and left the room. Squiggle, our kitchen clock has a lovely tick tock, I would not have noticed that had you not advised it, thank you. She was very warm so we didn't do a bottle, our kitchen is a warm room so hopefully she'll be fine. We waited on the stairs, behind the kitchen door, for 5 and then came up, all is quiet.. No wait- mr summer is snoring! Bless Happy Easter to you all night night
~Sparkling Summer~
Good morning and happy Easter Skylark I'm glad your son had a good night I hope he feels a bit better this morning. I hope you all slept well. Did little one like her cake? The puppy whined 3 occasions in the night (that I heard anyway) but only for 2-3 mins each time. She didn't toilet at all in her crate. I'm so pleased We done the morning things and played, now she's fast asleep by my side <3 I thanked god last night for sending her to us, and prayed that she be protected. I promised to look after her in turn I'm looking forward to eating a bit of Easter egg later What is everyone doing today?
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone and a very happy Easter to you all.  It's pouring with rain here and apparently there's a lot more to come. 


What wonderful news about the arrival of Bramble.  I'm sure she will bring great pleasure into the lives of Mr and Mrs Summer.    Can I be a forum auntie too?


I hope you have a good Easter Sunday, whatever you maybe doing.  May our Lord bless and keep you safe today, and always. 


Joyron thank you for your Easter wishes for us all I hope the rain clears up for you and that you have a wonderful day.


Good morning everyone, I love the chocolate forecast EL and your pic is lovely, a happy happy day indeed.




Clever girl Bramble I can just tell that her forum aunties are going to be very proud of her


Skylark I hope your son feels better today, this is a nasty bug and not pleasant at all if you are prone to asthma.  A friend of mine was hospitalised with it (in fact today is her first day back at church) but it was made worse because they re-did the kitchens in the flats where she lives and I think the dust from that was the final straw.




Happy Easter everyone.

Joyron, I hope you are able to enjoy your weekend, even though the weather isn't very nice.

El, your post has reminded me of one of my favourite Easter hymns when I was a child, "Christ The Lord Is Risen Today".

Skylark, I'm glad your son had a good night's sleep and hope he feels better today.

Summer, it sounds like Bramble did really well on her first night. Give her a "well done" cuddle from auntie Yogi.

Oh, and feel free to post lots more pics.

Squiggle, we must have been posting at the same time. Happy Easter to you.


It's me back again.    Forgot to say that I'm glad to hear that your grandaughter's birthday went well yesterday Skylark.  Pity about her other nana!!


Thank you for the lovely pictures Squiggle and Yogi.  I enjoy seeing those.  I'm staying inside in the warm today.  Had been hoping for a weekend away but I'm sure we will get plenty of other nice weekends when we can spend time at our holiday home.


Just realised that it was a year ago yesterday since I had my knee replacement.  Time really does fly by!!  It's a pity the knee is not "performing" better but I suppose that's just something I will have to live with. 

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Easter Bunny~:
Thank you forum auntie's and uncle Joyron, you're officially auntie now and bramble would lick your hand with affection if she could She's going to meet MIL this afternoon, I'm certain she's going to fall In love with her straight away! Bramble is asleep, has been since 10, I love the dreaming movements she's been doing

Aww she's just a baby


Sounds like you've got a clever one, Summer.

I showed Bramble's pics to my middle son and his fiancÃĐe, and they think she is lovely. Son's fiancÃĐe's family have a border terrier, so she loves them.


I hope you have all had a lovely day and that your weather has been a bit better than mine.


Ros, loving your work in the MM thread.


Goodnight all.

Last edited by Yogi19

Good morning everyone


Busy morning with my brother going back later this afternoon and will be back later. Have a great bank holiday weather permitting - it's somewhat wet here.


We had this lovely Easter hymn yesterday at church.


The Choir of Ely Cathedral perform the Easter hymn 'Now the Green Blade Riseth,' set to the French carol tune 'Noel Nouvelet.' Though to me the tune sounds almost medieval English.



El Loro

Good morning everyone, it's very wet here too which is a shame on a bank holiday.  A lovely piece of music EL and yes I agree it does have a touch of English folk music, which I do like. That sort of music reminds me of, is it Maddy Prior who used to sing with Steeleye Span?  If it's the one I'm thinking of she has that lovely voice that sounds almost medieval.


What a lovely pup Bramble is, will you take her on a walk today Summer, she will be the perfect companion.


Have a lovely day everyone and this posy of pansies is for you





Morning It's overcast but dry here. Had a rough night with the puppy, she woke just before midnight and whined & howled for 100 mins. Poor baby We didn't go down though, border terriers are strong willed so if he give in to her cries, she'll not stop. I was wide awake long after she settled down but did use the time to be productive, I ran some quotes for pet insurance How was your weekend with your bother el? Lovely piece of music Thanks for the posy squiggle how is your Easter going? I'm going to have a shallow bath, see you all in a bit for skylark, yogi, joyron & ros
~Sparkling Summer~
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