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My post was delivered very late today, only half an hour ago. There was my monthly M&S credit card statement. I always check it off with my receipts. I found that two weeks running my weekly shopping bill had come to exactly the same value to the penny even though I had bought different things. I've been buying food weekly from M&S for many years and I do not think this has ever happened before to me, You can tell I'm an accountant




El Loro
afternoon all El, lots of info today, you're on a roll I love the story about the old man & his car, the lady too, both rare achievements Funny about your m&s shopping too you might be interested to know that before going on holiday last year, mr summer and I weighed our suitcases and were surprised to discover they weighed exactly the same! We both had very different things in our cases too Skylark, sorry to hear the meeting was frustrating dare I suggest that you just tell them what they want to hear and get out as quickly as you can. They should be doing something more productive, not wasting your time & energy Yogi, no problem I'm on the case! And will be more so when my Henry Hoover arrives. I can't wait, my carpets upstairs have sock fluff and I dislike the Dyson so passionately that I refuse to use it again I must dash, mr summers neice is coming for tea so I can help her plan a non-hen do for her mum. She's thinking "afternoon tea party" for the very low key occasion. We all know how I love an afternoon tea, so I can definitely help her. Squiggle, any news on the ducks? My mum says her local regulars aren't interested in her food lately, they're too busy! Joyron and ros, I hope your both having a good Wednesday
~Sparkling Summer~

I saw the ducks flying again this morning, 2 males again so she still has to choose a mate before she starts pond inspection. Just as well we're human, can you imagine having to go out and choose a new Mr. Yogi, Mr. Summer etc before even thinking about raising a family?  Too exhausting.


I love the afternoon tea idea, I used to love the whole afternoon tea thing.  There were quite strict rules, there was bread and butter and scones and cakes and woe betide you if you didn't politely eat some bread and butter first to show your manners.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

I saw the ducks flying again this morning, 2 males again so she still has to choose a mate before she starts pond inspection. Just as well we're human, can you imagine having to go out and choose a new Mr. Yogi, Mr. Summer etc before even thinking about raising a family?  Too exhausting.


I love the afternoon tea idea, I used to love the whole afternoon tea thing.  There were quite strict rules, there was bread and butter and scones and cakes and woe betide you if you didn't politely eat some bread and butter first to show your manners.

^^^^^ What would I do with the old one?

You are correct though, duck courting sounds like hard work.


Afternoon tea for everyone:



Hi all, back home, thank goodness! Been a busy day.
Yes Summer, thats what i did at the meeting, yes and no in the right places and off!! Afternoon tea sounds lovely, i am an old fashioned gal !

Loving the duck stories, i hope the rejected Mr Duck has gone on to better things with a new love 

Thanks for info El on Upstairs Downstairs 

Oh and yes will take a photo of cake ! Her birthday is tomorrow but having a party on Saturday x

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by squiggle:

I suppose last year's successful candidate could be flying hoping to win her little ducky heart again it must be hard to be a male duck, I'm glad we're human Yogi and I bet Mr. Yogi is too

I'm sure he is.

I am feeling sorry for last year's Mr Duck, it's not nice to be rejected for a newer model.


Skylark, is your granddaughter looking forward to her party on Saturday? I hope she has a great time, and the cat and helicopter cake is a success.

Is your daughter feeling any better today?

Sweet dreams squiggle & Skylark I'm wondering why granddaughter has requested a helicopter on her cake..? She must have seen one in a story somewhere El, I forgot to say earlier, thank you for the upstairs downstairs rating update! That's a huge decline, the BBC must be disappointed. I'm not surprised at all though, judging by the first episode
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Easter Bunny~:
Ooh lovely, curled up with Keira? I ended up with my SIL here, she's getting married next month and needed a night away from everything. I cooked her tea, loaned her my massage chair and gave her a bottle of lavender oil

That sounds like bliss. I bet she is feeling less stressed now.


Keira is sprawled right across the floor. There are two dog beds in the room (we keep one for Harvey) but she prefers to lie in the most awkward place, so everyone has to step over her. Nobody likes to disturb her when she's asleep.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I think there are gremlins in the system. When I refreshed the page the stickies had disappeared. They are back now.

Sorry to hear about your BiL, hope he gets well soon.


thanks yogi - been touch and go and still not well SIL has been keeping a lot to herself but her older son has ordered her  to his for the weekend for a rest

Rocking Ros Rose
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I think there are gremlins in the system. When I refreshed the page the stickies had disappeared. They are back now.

Sorry to hear about your BiL, hope he gets well soon.


thanks yogi - been touch and go and still not well SIL has been keeping a lot to herself but her older son has ordered her  to his for the weekend for a rest

I hope she gets a chance to recharge her batteries, Ros.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I think there are gremlins in the system. When I refreshed the page the stickies had disappeared. They are back now.

Sorry to hear about your BiL, hope he gets well soon.


thanks yogi - been touch and go and still not well SIL has been keeping a lot to herself but her older son has ordered her  to his for the weekend for a rest

I hope she gets a chance to recharge her batteries, Ros.

yes she does need it OH is taking her next week while younger son ha s a break - I will go when he is feeling  a bit  better  - he doesn't really want visitors at the mo

Rocking Ros Rose
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I think there are gremlins in the system. When I refreshed the page the stickies had disappeared. They are back now.

Sorry to hear about your BiL, hope he gets well soon.


thanks yogi - been touch and go and still not well SIL has been keeping a lot to herself but her older son has ordered her  to his for the weekend for a rest

I hope she gets a chance to recharge her batteries, Ros.

yes she does need it OH is taking her next week while younger son ha s a break - I will go when he is feeling  a bit  better  - he doesn't really want visitors at the mo

He sounds really poorly. Is he expected to be in hospital for a long time?

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I think there are gremlins in the system. When I refreshed the page the stickies had disappeared. They are back now.

Sorry to hear about your BiL, hope he gets well soon.


thanks yogi - been touch and go and still not well SIL has been keeping a lot to herself but her older son has ordered her  to his for the weekend for a rest

I hope she gets a chance to recharge her batteries, Ros.

yes she does need it OH is taking her next week while younger son ha s a break - I will go when he is feeling  a bit  better  - he doesn't really want visitors at the mo

He sounds really poorly. Is he expected to be in hospital for a long time?

well we don't know but he was a professional footballer and not that old  -  he had a  heart bypass last year but they think he picked up a bug or something on one of their trips abroad

Rocking Ros Rose
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