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I didn't know that either! There's a donkey in a field on one of our walks, next time I see him I'm going to have a good look. Is the cross anywhere in particular..? I did learn about Easter at school but the details are vague, which is why I like to read about it now It really is a special week this week isn't it Yogi, I'm now picturing ducks shopping for suitable homes, with the man duck being dragged around somewhat reluctantly
~Sparkling Summer~

Summer, the majority of donkeys have a cross on the back:


One version of the legend reads:

“Bring me the colt of a donkey,”
was the Master’s request.

A young donkey was brought to Jesus
to carry him to Jerusalem

A week later Jesus was ordered
to be crucified.  

The little donkey so loved the Lord
that he wanted to help Him carry the cross.

  But, alas, he was pushed away.

  The sad little donkey waited to say
 goodbye until nearly all had left.

  As he turned to leave, the shadow of
the cross fell upon the
back and shoulders of
the little donkey.

  And there it has remained,
a tribute to the loyalty
and love of the humblest of
God’s creatures.

   By Mary Singer

El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
I didn't know that either! There's a donkey in a field on one of our walks, next time I see him I'm going to have a good look. Is the cross anywhere in particular..? I did learn about Easter at school but the details are vague, which is why I like to read about it now It really is a special week this week isn't it Yogi, I'm now picturing ducks shopping for suitable homes, with the man duck being dragged around somewhat reluctantly

When our pond got inspected Mrs Duck flew in confidently and without hesitation popped in our (not very big) pond and swam about.  Mr. Duck landed on the grass above it, looking bemused and quite literally with his feathers ruffled and then scrambled down the rockery bank and reluctantly got in with his missus.  He practically had a speech ballooon above his head reading 'what on earth is she up to now'


EL ever since I learned about the cross on the donkey's back when I was a child, we were taught that it's to mark Jesus's ride into Jerusalem, I have looked carefully at every donkey and I have never found one without the cross.


I just caught a bit of Countryfile, but I did see the bit with the miniature donkeys, weren't they sweet? Have you ever seen the Falabella horses? There used to be a place that bred them in Suffolk I think that we took our daughter and her friends to when they were young.  This would be a full grown horse not a foal.




The Jews hated Jesus because He showed them to be more interested in their position as important members of society than in serving God.  He told them to their face that they were hypocrites.  Bear in mind we are talking about the Pharisees back in Roman times.  No reflection on Jews today who were, and are, God's Chosen People and I have great respect and affection for them.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

When our pond got inspected Mrs Duck flew in confidently and without hesitation popped in our (not very big) pond and swam about.  Mr. Duck landed on the grass above it, looking bemused and quite literally with his feathers ruffled and then scrambled down the rockery bank and reluctantly got in with his missus.  He practically had a speech ballooon above his head reading 'what on earth is she up to now'



I love these duck tales, keep us updated.


Morning everyone x

Lashing rain here , it hasnt stopped all night. Son is highly delighted, he is on his way home !

Daughter got antibiotics so hopefully the chest infection will clear up soon. 

Love the new name Summer 
I am disgusted to report, after giving my son a row, that i have eaten my Easter egg  It was just sort of looking at me...................

Have a good day all 

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Morning everyone x

Lashing rain here , it hasnt stopped all night. Son is highly delighted, he is on his way home !

Daughter got antibiotics so hopefully the chest infection will clear up soon. 

Love the new name Summer 
I am disgusted to report, after giving my son a row, that i have eaten my Easter egg  It was just sort of looking at me...................

Have a good day all 

^^^^ Was it saying, "Eat me".

Hope the antibiotics do the trick and your daughter starts to feel better soon.


Morning everyone - so glad I've not got snow ..........yet. It is very cold. I haven't bought my Easter Eggs yet - too risky having them in the house looking at us .

I've got my boys here for a few hours - they're making a den in the dining room. I know it'll be a mass clear up exercise when they've gone but it keeps them happy!


Talking of Easter Hymns - I remember always singing There is a Green Hill Faraway on Good Friday and on Easter Sunnday I do love this one






Just had a ring at the door - the old man round the corner has just delivered Easter Eggs for my boys - how kind.


Have a good day everyone.

Soozy Woo
Morning all a very busy start despite the rain, we're predicted snow for this afternoon so I'll keep you informed. I'm glad you like my name (thank you El for the apt suggestion), if you could just imagine me hopping from thread to thread for the next week, that'd be great The servant king isn't familiar to me either, thank you for sharing squiggle. I have some johoves witnesses (pardon the misspell) who drop off their monthly parish magazine for my customer ls to read. I have a bit of a chat about the weather with them and then throw the magazine in the bin once they've gone (I'd have to leave magazines of all religions out if I did so for one..) Last week I had some time to spare so one of them asked if she could read me a passage from the bible.. I let her, although I didn't understand it. I did however learn that Easter is their most important time, they don't celebrate Xmas or their birthdays. They told me they go by the Jewish calendar. I have no intention of being recruited by them but I'm happy to hear about them. I did tell them that I'm happy for them to talk to me but if a client comes in, then that must be my priority- luckily a client did walk in after 5 mins I didn't realise they used the Jewish calendar though, so I learned something new.
~Sparkling Summer~

Skylark, your weather seems worse than mine - it's snowing here, but not really lying.

Soozy, you have reminded me of my childhood. We always sang There Is A Green Hill Faraway, at Easter.

El, thank you for the video clip.

Summer, your post has made me realise we haven't had any Jehovah Witnesses round the doors, for years now. When we first moved here, they seemed to be around quite regularly.


Good morning everyone.    Weather not too bad here but much colder than last week.  We were planning on spending the weekend at our holiday home but I think it will be much too cold for that; sadly.


Had a great weekend with No.2 son but, unfortunately, came home to find that No.1 son had been having real bother from his ex wife (won't go into details).  She is a really nasty person and I wish we could get her out of our lives but as my beautiful grandchildren live with her that cannot happen. 


Enjoyed reading back over all your posts. 

Originally Posted by Joyron:

Good morning everyone.    Weather not too bad here but much colder than last week.  We were planning on spending the weekend at our holiday home but I think it will be much too cold for that; sadly.


Had a great weekend with No.2 son but, unfortunately, came home to find that No.1 son had been having real bother from his ex wife (won't go into details).  She is a really nasty person and I wish we could get her out of our lives but as my beautiful grandchildren live with her that cannot happen. 


Enjoyed reading back over all your posts. 

Glad you had a good time with your youngest son, but sorry your eldest son is having a hard time with his ex.


Hi Joyron,a shame about the weather, let's hope things warm up soon


Summer, the Jehovah's Witnesses are intensely Christian and I do respect them but they are too fundamental for me. By that I mean they take the Bible literally as if God had written it directly and that under no circumstance can any Jehovah's Witness question the teachings of the elders - their leaders.

El Loro
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Easter Bunny~:
Yogi, I'm sure they mean well but I can't help feeling suspicious of them Skylark at the Easter egg! They're too too nice! I can't wait to eat some Love the batman

Are you talking about the Jehovah's Witnesses, or the customers?


Thank you for the clips EL and Soozy, I enjoyed them both so much.  I loved There Is A Green Hill Far Away when I was a child too.


So sorry to hear about your ex-daughter in law Joyron it's very difficult when children are involved, I hope she doesn't try to turn them against your son.  It's so disappointing about the disruption to your plans for the weekend too.


I hope the weather improves Skylark, we got spoilt by all that lovely weather, wouldn't it be great if it came back in time for Easter.


Inspired by the lovely postings I will post this lovely picture, it's called Home At Last



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