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Good morning it's sunny here, I wasn't expecting it! I'm going to clean out the rabbits and go for a walk with mr summer. I'm just watching an episode of the dog whisperer- I love this show Lol at the chile peepers I should imagine the images will be exceptional. Skylark I hope you have a lovely day out, and hope daughter feels better soon
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone. It started off sunny but is clouding over now.

It's definitely feeling chillier up here, Squiggle.

Enjoy your walk, Summer, I hope the weather stays nice for you.

Skylark, hope your daughter feels better soon. Have a good time at the museum with your granddaughter.

@ the Red Hot Chile Peepers.

Aww, I got a big lump in my throat, listening to that link, El.


It's a lovely sunny afternoon today here, though it looks as if the weather for the rest of the week isn't too good.


That telescope in Chile actually consists of 4 separate telescopes. They can be either used individually or together which gives even greater magnification. Together they are known as the Very Large Telescope (VLT) and are the largest optical telescopes on this planet. The locality was used in a well known film:


El Loro

Well the juicy Lucy pudding was yummy - I actually altered the recipe and put a crumble topping on as I couldn't see how the breadcrumb/butter topping worked it was a bit of a doughy mess. It went down very well and I shall do it again next week for my French visitors. I'm gonna have a crack at a salted caramel and chocolate mousse cake too (probably) - failing that it might be the old faithful creme brulee. My kitchen smells to high heaven though - I put the washing up bowl on the cooker for just a few seconds - unfortunately one of the rings was on.


Hope everyone's well - been slightly nippy here but lovely and bright.







Soozy Woo

Hi everyone x

Had a lovely day, been here there and everywhere! Museum was great, it has been done up at a vast cost, dont know where the money came from, but anyway most enjoyable. we watched a film about the planets and stars, although my granddaughter said she was waiting on the cartoons coming on! But was nice to know we are all from stardust, aahh isnt that nice  Rounded off the day with a huge Chinese buffet in town. I am shattered! No curry for me Summer, thanks anyway x

Done that too Soozy!  

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi everyone x

Had a lovely day, been here there and everywhere! Museum was great, it has been done up at a vast cost, dont know where the money came from, but anyway most enjoyable. we watched a film about the planets and stars, although my granddaughter said she was waiting on the cartoons coming on! But was nice to know we are all from stardust, aahh isnt that nice  Rounded off the day with a huge Chinese buffet in town. I am shattered! No curry for me Summer, thanks anyway x

Done that too Soozy!  

Glad you had a good day, Skylark.

Is your daughter feeling any better yet?


Hi Yogi, no she isnt much better. got a terrible cough and been sick and has no energy. Will try for a GP appt in the morning but not holding out much hope. A lot of people have it. My sister,s son is floored with it, and off work, which is unusual for him, he is never off. Been giving her the usual remedies, but i think she needs antibiotics.

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Hi Yogi, no she isnt much better. got a terrible cough and been sick and has no energy. Will try for a GP appt in the morning but not holding out much hope. A lot of people have it. My sister,s son is floored with it, and off work, which is unusual for him, he is never off. Been giving her the usual remedies, but i think she needs antibiotics.

There are a few nasty bugs doing the rounds, I hope you manage to get her an appointment tomorrow.

Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Thanks Yogi, i shall try. But this phoning at 8am malarky...............

If it's anything like ours, it will be constantly engaged.

Oh it drives me nuts, then when you eventually get it ringing there is no appointments left 


at Skylark's remote/phone situation- I've never done that before I swear I'm glad you had a good day out though, and hope you get an appointment for the docs easily tomorrow Sooz your crumble pudding topping sounds right up my street, I'm glad you were happy with it! The first time I bought pizza express dough balls, I popped the garlic butter in its container in the oven- I thought you were supposed to melt it- and watched in horror as the flimsy plastic container melted before me! It stank real horrid too We live & learn eh Sweet dreams everyone
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Skylark, I hope your daughter can get an appointment if needed today. . I have a ringback function with my phone which means that if someone is engaged as soon as their line becomes free my phone rings back. I have to pay a bit extra for this but it saves having to repeatedly ring.


Soozy, good idea to use crumble instead though cooked washing up bowl does sound a bit indigestible.


I hope the threatened snow up north doesn't materialise.

El Loro

Good morning everyone. Weather is overcast and a couple of spots of rain have appeared on the windows. I hope the snow stays away.

Eldest son has put some netting over the raised bed - to keep the birds (and Harvey) off the bed.

Fingers crossed your daughter managed to get an appointment at the doctors, Skylark.

Summer, Mr Yogi would agree with you about travelling to work during school holidays, the roads are always quieter.

Will need to nip to the shops and the bank, later this morning, and then catch up on some ironing.




Good morning everyone, we had a frost overnight.  Our first for ages, I hope it's not a sign of things to come.


Hope you managed to get a doctors appointment Skylark, silly system they use nowadays.  Getting to see the doctor is something I think that has really gone backwards in my lifetime.  The family doc was easily accessible when I was a child, and he was usually more than happy to pop in to see you too.


Hope it's an easier week for you Summer with the school hols and hope that your new raised bed gets off to a good start this week Yogi. 


We have had the ducks flying down the valley this morning.  The female started out with 2 male chasing her, circled round and came back with just the one, don't know what she did with the other   When she has chosen her successful mate she will drag him around to inspect all the ponds for likely nesting sites.  Mine has been rejected before so I don't think I'm a real contender.


Summer, the Palm Sunday main service in our church was the same as every year - only the first part of the service is the Palm Sunday procession. We used to get the scouts, guides etc coming to this service but they no longer do as they have other things to do like going to play football etc.


Then the service switches to the reading of the Passion. The one we use is St Mark's gospel chapters 14 and 15 in their entirety. That is spoken by a number of people each taking a role, and some of it is spoken by the congregation so it is more immersive. Because of its length there is no sermon. The rest of the service is standard communion service.

El Loro

Morning everyone x
Interesting about the ducks squiggle, i wonder where the poor rejected one went, off feeling sorry for himself perhaps 
Managed to get an appointment for my daughter. I have ring back too El, but unfortunately the GP surgeries where i am dont allow that facility.Probably fairer as not everyone has it, so its first come first served. 

Mild here today, but its been raining thru the night. Hope you dont get any frost or snow Yogi. 

Have a good day all, leaving soon to take daughter to docs 

Hope the doc helps your daughter skylark there must be some anti-sickness medication they can prescribe for her. Squiggle I would love it if some ducks nested at your pond! We could have our very own duckling watch El, thanks for the palm Sunday update, I was just wondering what they do and if they mention lent as it comes to an end.
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Hope the doc helps your daughter skylark there must be some anti-sickness medication they can prescribe for her. Squiggle I would love it if some ducks nested at your pond! We could have our very own duckling watch El, thanks for the palm Sunday update, I was just wondering what they do and if they mention lent as it comes to an end.

Summer Lent culminates at the end of Holy Week, which we are in now.  I don't know whether you recall being taught at school or in church but Palm Sunday is when Jesus entered Jerusalem riding on a donkey's colt.  He was arrested and crucified on Good Friday and Lent ends on Sunday when He rose again (and we eat Easter Eggs in celebration). Interestingly every donkey has a cross marking on their coats.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Hope the doc helps your daughter skylark there must be some anti-sickness medication they can prescribe for her. Squiggle I would love it if some ducks nested at your pond! We could have our very own duckling watch El, thanks for the palm Sunday update, I was just wondering what they do and if they mention lent as it comes to an end.

Summer Lent culminates at the end of Holy Week, which we are in now.  I don't know whether you recall being taught at school or in church but Palm Sunday is when Jesus entered Jerusalem riding on a donkey's colt.  He was arrested and crucified on Good Friday and Lent ends on Sunday when He rose again (and we eat Easter Eggs in celebration). Interestingly every donkey has a cross marking on their coats.


Supplementary to your post, Maundy Thursday is the day before Good Friday and is the anniversary of the Last Supper of Jesus and his disciples. It is therefore the anniversary of the first holy communion/mass. Our church has a communion service in the evening and as part of that is the ceremonial washing of feet by the priest. In the Roman Catholic church he washes the feet of 12 people signifying the 12 disciples, though in our church he washes fewer. That is where the origin of maundy money comes from though the Queen gives the money to a number of pensioners equal to her age rather than washing their feet (though historically the monarch did).

El Loro
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, we had a frost overnight.  Our first for ages, I hope it's not a sign of things to come.


Hope you managed to get a doctors appointment Skylark, silly system they use nowadays.  Getting to see the doctor is something I think that has really gone backwards in my lifetime.  The family doc was easily accessible when I was a child, and he was usually more than happy to pop in to see you too.


Hope it's an easier week for you Summer with the school hols and hope that your new raised bed gets off to a good start this week Yogi. 


We have had the ducks flying down the valley this morning.  The female started out with 2 male chasing her, circled round and came back with just the one, don't know what she did with the other   When she has chosen her successful mate she will drag him around to inspect all the ponds for likely nesting sites.  Mine has been rejected before so I don't think I'm a real contender.

That made me laugh out loud - it was the idea of Mr Duck being dragged around, checking out the duckponds to find a des res for Mrs Duck.

I agree with you about the new appointment systems at the doctors.

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