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I managed to work that link now EL, but as you say unless I know what I'm looking for its just loads of stars, very pretty though.


Hi Joyron, glad you managed to post, I hope hubby is successful in his diesel hunt and that you have a lovely weekend.  I bet a garage near us are kicking themselves.  Believe it or not they are a petrol garage with no petrol or diesel.  They have found themselves unable to afford to buy and say that their customers were not buying at the prices they have to charge.  I bet they wish they had full tanks now.


The weather has cheered up nicely now, I have been spring cleaning though so I appreciate it when I stop for a breather.

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I'm playing Countdown with my grandson .........he just scored 1400 apparently 

I would be a bit suspect about that score

For the board game version, you get 18 points for a 9 lettered word, there's  11 of the word games in a match so that's 18x11=198. Then in the numbers round, the maximum score is 10 points if you get to the required total, there's 3 of the number rounds so that's 10x3=30. Then the last round is the Conundrum where the winner gets 10 points.

So that's a possible maximum of 238 points.

El Loro

Good morning everyone


Guess what, it's cloudier and colder today - just in time for the weekend


Summer, this from Wiki:

The Easter Bunny or Easter Rabbit (sometimes Spring Bunny  in the U.S. is a character depicted as a rabbit bringing Easter eggs, who sometimes is depicted with clothes. In legend, the creature brings baskets filled with colored eggs, candy and sometimes also toys to the homes of children, and as such shows similarities to Father Christmas, as they both bring gifts to children on the night before their respective holiday. It was first mentioned in Georg Franck von Frankenau's De ovis paschalibus(About Easter Eggs) referring to an Alsace tradition of an Easter Hare bringing Easter Eggs.

The idea of an egg-laying bunny came to the U.S. in the 18th century. German immigrants in the Pennsylvania Dutch area told their children about the "Osterhas", sometimes spelled "Oschter Haws". "Hase" means "hare", not rabbit, and in Northwest European folklore the "Easter Bunny" indeed is a hare, not a rabbit. According to the legend, only good children received gifts of colored eggs in the nests that they made in their caps and bonnets before Easter. In 1835, Jakob Grimm wrote of long-standing similar myths in Germany itself. Grimm suggested that these derived from legends of the reconstructed continental Germanic goddess *Ostara.

El Loro
Good morning it's chilly and raining here, but I don't mind. I love the smell of rain in springtime Thank you for the Easter bunny story El its much simpler than I thought! Good children get eggs from a bunny.. I wonder where he lives? What colour he is? Does he have the eggs made, like Santa's elves makes toys..? Something to think about while I work today lol speaking off.. See you a bit later, have a good morning all
~Sparkling Summer~

In case you are wondering, Cheltenham FC have had a dreadful time recently losing 5 of their last 7 matches and drawing the other 2. They were thrashed last night 0-4. Although they are still just in the promotion play offs positions in the table, their morale must be extremely low. My fears for them are not so much this season as they already have enough points to survive but what happens next season. I'm half expecting to hear that their manager has been sacked.


El Loro

Morning everyone x

Cold here today, was planning to take granddaughter out tomorrow to the Botanic Gardens but its to be colder tomorrow so may have to change plans.

Hope you have a lovely weekend Joyron x

Pity about Cheltenham El, they were doing well for a bit there.
Got the day to myself but have to catch up on housework 
Have a good one x


Good afternoon everyone. Weather is cloudy but still mild.

Been over to visit my mum and dad this morning, You'll be glad to hear there was no repeat of the "nana nap" incident.

Skylark, I hope you get a chance to put your feet up at some point in the day. I've been cleaning the bathroom tiles - where does all the dust come from?!

Hope everyone is having a good day, and Joyron have a great time with your son.


Tomorrow is Palm Sunday and as usual in our church there will be a Palm Sunday procession for all those who can walk from the village hall to the church - that's at most a 3 minutes walk. I jokingly said to someone last Sunday that it's just as well that I won't be leading the procession as it is also April Fool's Day and I might have been tempted to go a scenic route


She then told me of the time that some people she knew were visiting Jerusalem on a pilgrimage. It's common for people on a pilgrimage to process down the Via Dolorosa - the route Jesus was taken on the way to his crucifixion. Apparently the leader of such a procession had finished for the day and was a bit startled when he discovered that the 30 people in the procession had continue to follow him into his house .

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Tomorrow is Palm Sunday and as usual in our church there will be a Palm Sunday procession for all those who can walk from the village hall to the church - that's at most a 3 minutes walk. I jokingly said to someone last Sunday that it's just as well that I won't be leading the procession as it is also April Fool's Day and I might have been tempted to go a scenic route


She then told me of the time that some people she knew were visiting Jerusalem on a pilgrimage. It's common for people on a pilgrimage to process down the Via Dolorosa - the route Jesus was taken on the way to his crucifixion. Apparently the leader of such a procession had finished for the day and was a bit startled when he discovered that the 30 people in the procession had continue to follow him into his house .

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Yogi, according to some scientists in Arizona about 60% of the dust in people's houses comes from outside. Glad to hear that there's been no repeat of the "nana nap" incident but then she was probably woken up by the brass band you hired to play music outside their house as you arrived.




It has transpired that a new medication was responsible for the incident, or so my mum says.

You might be right about the dust, as my car is covered in it atm. It seems to be very dusty outside.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Sounds very busy! I'm glad your parents are doing well though did they give you chocolate eggs? Do you have to travel far to visit them? We need to trim some shrubs but dare not in case the frosts haven't finished yet. Its easy to forget its still early in the season

No, they didn't give me any chocolate eggs.

I have seven chocolate eggs in my house. There were eight, only My Yogi has already eaten his.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Seven?! Who's are they? Are you looking forward to eating some? We had 3, I let mr summer eat one of mine last night.

3 sons + 3 partners = 6

1 for me.


I'm going to have to buy another one for Mr Yogi - and hide it until Easter.


Off for a bath, then bed. Goodnight Summer.

Goodnight Ros.


Morning everyone x

Had a nice chill out day yesterday .Got a busy day today, off to collect granddaughter to take her to Church, my daughter has gone down with this bug that is going around   Then we are off out for the day. Cold here, so will take her somewhere indoors. Probably the museum , she loves it, then off somewhere to eat.

My son has eaten his Easter egg , never expected him to be the first one to give in, but the evidence is lying beside his empty box!! 

Have a good day, whatever you are doing  


Good morning everyone


Skylark, I hope your daughter gets better soon . Naughty son

and naughty Mr Yogi


I see on the BBC website that in the hot and desolate lands of Chile's Atacama Desert they have built the world's biggest optical telescope facility.


The BBC's headline for this is:

Red-hot Chile peepers


Temperatures are dropping this week and there will be frosts at night and on Tuesday into Wednesday hill snow with sleet at lower levels so gardeners beware.


El Loro
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