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Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:

night again summer  hi yogi

Hi Ros, we must have been posting at the same time. Are you feeling any better tonight?


You snaffled^^^^.

- lovely day - wish I was on hols - prob snowing next week

I hope not!

Were you able to go to your choir last night, or did you not feel up to it?

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:

night again summer  hi yogi

Hi Ros, we must have been posting at the same time. Are you feeling any better tonight?


You snaffled^^^^.

- lovely day - wish I was on hols - prob snowing next week

I hope not!

Were you able to go to your choir last night, or did you not feel up to it?

I had a parents  of year 11 raising achievement evening in school - so didn't go to choir but TBh didn't really feel up to it but feel tons better tonight thank you

Rocking Ros Rose
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Rosgirl:

night again summer  hi yogi

Hi Ros, we must have been posting at the same time. Are you feeling any better tonight?


You snaffled^^^^.

- lovely day - wish I was on hols - prob snowing next week

I hope not!

Were you able to go to your choir last night, or did you not feel up to it?

I had a parents  of year 11 raising achievement evening in school - so didn't go to choir but TBh didn't really feel up to it but feel tons better tonight thank you

I bet you didn't feel much like dealing with the parents either.

Never mind, only two more days to go.


Got to sign out now, I'm getting sleepy.


Glad you are feeling better and hope you're around more in the holidays. Goodnight Ros.


Good morning everyone


Summer, I did buy myself a telescope years ago but I quickly found that the street lighting etc made using it pointless. I would have to live in the countryside to have been able to get any benefit from it.


I'm off to see that client who lives out in the middle of nowhere where last year in May there was the Blandford fly problem so I won't be around here until well into the afternoon. Have a great day whatever you are doing.


El Loro

Hi everyone - hope you're all well.



I've had my boy here this morning (little whirlwind) and just returned from shopping.


I'm gonna be trying out some dessert recipes for when our French visitors arrive. The way the weekend is panning out doesn't look like I'll have much 'cooking' to do. Suits me TBH.


I'm gonna be trying out a Juicy Lucy pudding and Sophie Dahls chocolate mousse - may do a key lime pie too!

Soozy Woo

I'm back from my client in the middle of nowhere. They were bemoaning the fact that their broadband connection is useless. That's a downside of living where they do. There is zero chance that Virgin will ever put them on cable as they live about half a mile from any roads - access is by a long path which one can drive down but single track only.


El Loro

Hi Summer, I have no definite plans for the weekend. Youngest son is off to Aberdeen for the wedding of one of his friends - the first one to take the plunge out of their group. Other two sons are working, so I'm not sure if they'll have time to call round.

Soozy, I love Key Lime Pie but I've never heard of the Juicy Lucy Pudding, what's in it?


Soozy, I had to look up what a Jucy Lucy pudding was and I found this recipe on a BBC page:


Serves 4-6


  • 350g packet frozen fruits of the forest , defrosted
  • 3 tbsp light muscovado sugar
  • 4 tbsp no-added-sugar wild blueberries jam
  • 6 medium-sized ripe pears , peeled, quartered and cored
  • 50g fresh white breadcrumbs
  • 25g butter , melted



  1. Preheat the oven to 190C/gas 5/ fan 170C. Mix the fruits of the forest in a large bowl with the sugar and jam, then add the pears and toss to mix. Tip into a deep baking dish measuring about 18x28cm, cover with foil and roast in the oven for 20 minutes. Pierce a pear or two to see if they are really tender; if not, return dish to the oven for another 5 minutes or until they feel soft.
  2. Mix breadcrumbs with the butter and scatter over the fruit. Bake uncovered in the oven for 10-15 minutes or until golden and crispy. Serve hot.


Nutrition per serving

276 kcalories, protein 3g, carbohydrate 56g, fat 6 g, saturated fat 3g, fibre 7g, sugar 16g, salt 0.14 g


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

I'm back from my client in the middle of nowhere. They were bemoaning the fact that their broadband connection is useless. That's a downside of living where they do. There is zero chance that Virgin will ever put them on cable as they live about half a mile from any roads - access is by a long path which one can drive down but single track only.


I've always thought I'd quite like to live in the middle of nowhere, but the thought of a rubbish internet connection/no Virgin has made me reconsider.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Soozy, I had to look up what a Jucy Lucy pudding was and I found this recipe on a BBC page:


Serves 4-6


  • 350g packet frozen fruits of the forest , defrosted
  • 3 tbsp light muscovado sugar
  • 4 tbsp no-added-sugar wild blueberries jam
  • 6 medium-sized ripe pears , peeled, quartered and cored
  • 50g fresh white breadcrumbs
  • 25g butter , melted



  1. Preheat the oven to 190C/gas 5/ fan 170C. Mix the fruits of the forest in a large bowl with the sugar and jam, then add the pears and toss to mix. Tip into a deep baking dish measuring about 18x28cm, cover with foil and roast in the oven for 20 minutes. Pierce a pear or two to see if they are really tender; if not, return dish to the oven for another 5 minutes or until they feel soft.
  2. Mix breadcrumbs with the butter and scatter over the fruit. Bake uncovered in the oven for 10-15 minutes or until golden and crispy. Serve hot.


Nutrition per serving

276 kcalories, protein 3g, carbohydrate 56g, fat 6 g, saturated fat 3g, fibre 7g, sugar 16g, salt 0.14 g


That sounds very fruity, I bet it tastes good.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

I'm back from my client in the middle of nowhere. They were bemoaning the fact that their broadband connection is useless. That's a downside of living where they do. There is zero chance that Virgin will ever put them on cable as they live about half a mile from any roads - access is by a long path which one can drive down but single track only.


OMG - would HATE to live here*shudder*

Rocking Ros Rose
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Soozy, I had to look up what a Jucy Lucy pudding was and I found this recipe on a BBC page:


Serves 4-6


  • 350g packet frozen fruits of the forest , defrosted
  • 3 tbsp light muscovado sugar
  • 4 tbsp no-added-sugar wild blueberries jam
  • 6 medium-sized ripe pears , peeled, quartered and cored
  • 50g fresh white breadcrumbs
  • 25g butter , melted



  1. Preheat the oven to 190C/gas 5/ fan 170C. Mix the fruits of the forest in a large bowl with the sugar and jam, then add the pears and toss to mix. Tip into a deep baking dish measuring about 18x28cm, cover with foil and roast in the oven for 20 minutes. Pierce a pear or two to see if they are really tender; if not, return dish to the oven for another 5 minutes or until they feel soft.
  2. Mix breadcrumbs with the butter and scatter over the fruit. Bake uncovered in the oven for 10-15 minutes or until golden and crispy. Serve hot.


Nutrition per serving

276 kcalories, protein 3g, carbohydrate 56g, fat 6 g, saturated fat 3g, fibre 7g, sugar 16g, salt 0.14 g


That's the one I saw and will be trying it out on the family on Sunday. I made the chocolate mousse - very strange. I got all the ingredients together - including one and a half ounces of sugar. I followed the recipe to the letter and then found I hadn't used the sugar  I checked and re checked but nowhere in the recipe did it mention sugar and yet it was listed in the ingredients. Consequently although it looked lovely and the texture was light and fluffy it was rather bitter 


I'm up late having just shampooed half the lounge carpet. Not sure if I've made it look worse than it was - will wait until it's properly dry in the morning.


Night all. Sweet dreams.

Soozy Woo

Good morning everyone


At present it's cloudy here but is supposed to become sunny later on. Last day when it's warmer than average.


Right, I found this through the BBC website. Some scientists have created an online photograph of 1 billion stars of the Milky Way. Rather like Google maps you can zoom in to get closer detail (I think you can get 10 different levels of magnification).


There's no information shown on it to indicate what you are looking at so it's aimed more at astronomers rather than for casual viewing.

El Loro

Good morning everyone. The sun is shining and it's milder than yesterday.

I hope your weather improves, Squiggle.

El, I'm not sure if that link is working properly - I am seeing a black screen with a narrow patterned strip across the middle.

Soozy, remember to let us know how the Juicy Lucy Pudding turns out.

Skylark, hope you manage to pop in for a visit today.

Sending a big hug to Joyron.

Last day of work before the Easter hols, Ros.

Summer, do you get any extra days off for the Easter break?



The link is working to that stars photograph. The photo does show a very long thin strip running horizontally across the screen to about three quarters of the screen wide against a black background.

There are + and - buttons in the top right corner which zoom in and out, The pointer changes from the ordinary arrow to a 4 way pointer when you are over the image. If your mouse has a middle wheel you can use that instead of the + and - buttons. You can zoom in on different areas in exactly the same way as with Google maps.


To start off with the image looks a dirty brown colour but once you have zoomed in enough you get much more detail and the brown colour has gone.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

The link is working to that stars photograph. The photo does show a very long thin strip running horizontally across the screen to about three quarters of the screen wide against a black background.

There are + and - buttons in the top right corner which zoom in and out, The pointer changes from the ordinary arrow to a 4 way pointer when you are over the image. If your mouse has a middle wheel you can use that instead of the + and - buttons. You can zoom in on different areas in exactly the same way as with Google maps.


To start off with the image looks a dirty brown colour but once you have zoomed in enough you get much more detail and the brown colour has gone.

Got it now, thanks El.


Good afternoon everyone.    It has turned overcast here now, after early sunshine.  Looks as though the weekend will be a lot cooler here too.


Sorry I've not posted.  Have been able to read but not post, for some reason!!  Hoping to visit No.2 son for the weekend, provided hubby has been able to fill the car with diesel before he comes home!!


Have a great weekend whatever you are doing. 

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