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evening, sorry I wasn't around much today, work was rather busy. It's amazing how a week off softens your body lol I've heard of manga, my good friend & former colleague went through a manga phase and used to show me clips on his iPod I think I even watched a DVD once, I can't think of the name off hand but it was good Sooz I think your daughter has got a good deal too, I hope she's very happy in her new home
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


I prefer squiggle's forecast as well . Here it's another sunny day.


This morning I'm delivering the church magazine and also an Easter card from our church. We deliver these cards to every house in the parish. I did my road a few days ago and this time I have 4 shorter roads to do. I chose them as they are close to where I deliver the magazine. I'll just have to make sure that I deliver the right item in the right house but I have a plan of action.

El Loro
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Waking up to another lovely morning.  Good luck with your delivering EL.  I am off food shopping in M & S this morning, I hope everything I want is in stock.  What sort of car did your son buy Yogi?  And what are you going to plant in the new raised beds?

Good morning everyone. Lovely sunny morning up here.

I am planning to put in some onion sets, carrots, spring onions, beetroot, kale, lettuce and radishes - not huge rows, just some of each. The little plants are all lined up and waiting in the greenhouse.

I hope you get all your planned shopping at M&S, and don't spend too much (which is what I do when I go there).

Son has bought a Volvo C30 - at least I think that's what he said. The only question I asked was "What colour is it?" - It's black.

I think it should look something like this.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Good morning everyone


I prefer squiggle's forecast as well . Here it's another sunny day.


This morning I'm delivering the church magazine and also an Easter card from our church. We deliver these cards to every house in the parish. I did my road a few days ago and this time I have 4 shorter roads to do. I chose them as they are close to where I deliver the magazine. I'll just have to make sure that I deliver the right item in the right house but I have a plan of action.


Morning all ..........a lovely morning here. I've got my little man here for a few hours he's in and out of the garden. Off to play group after lunch.


Think I may go to M&S after and then to Dunelm Mill possibly. We're tarting up the spare bedroom in prep for the french visitors. New curtains and duvet cover maybe. Not looking forward to sorting through the under bed storage though!!! I've stored masses of old paper work there for many years. I know that once I start I'll end up sat reading through it all and it'll take twice as long as it should 

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by El Loro:

I'm back from my delivery round and I think I delivered everything to the right house. In one round I met my regular postman so I passed him my things to post (no, not really but ..)


Now, that would have been a brilliant plan!


Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Morning all ..........a lovely morning here. I've got my little man here for a few hours he's in and out of the garden. Off to play group after lunch.


Think I may go to M&S after and then to Dunelm Mill possibly. We're tarting up the spare bedroom in prep for the french visitors. New curtains and duvet cover maybe. Not looking forward to sorting through the under bed storage though!!! I've stored masses of old paper work there for many years. I know that once I start I'll end up sat reading through it all and it'll take twice as long as it should 

Aww, that's lovely, Soozy.

Mr Yogi and I are looking forward to the time when we might have some grandchildren to spoil - none of my sons seem in any hurry to provide us with any.


Off out with eldest son to the garden centre before he starts on the raised bed.

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

Morning all ..........a lovely morning here. I've got my little man here for a few hours he's in and out of the garden. Off to play group after lunch.


Think I may go to M&S after and then to Dunelm Mill possibly. We're tarting up the spare bedroom in prep for the french visitors. New curtains and duvet cover maybe. Not looking forward to sorting through the under bed storage though!!! I've stored masses of old paper work there for many years. I know that once I start I'll end up sat reading through it all and it'll take twice as long as it should 

Soozy, a couple of years ago I had a bit of a clear out of old paperwork. I'm an accountant and I had kept my working papers going back years. Although I keep more recent years these were going back to 1991. The old papers couldn't be recycled for confidentiality reasons and I passed them to a colleague who got one of his staff to shred them. I was also the church treasuter for 25 years and had accumulated all those papers as well. I passed them over to one of the church wardens to deal with.


I reckoned that if I had put all the papers in a pile, the pile would have been at least 100 foot tall . I hope you don't have that quantity to go through - your bed would have gone throught the roof by now

El Loro

I'm putting off changing over my files because I know I will have to shred the one before last.  I have a system whereby I have two files, one in use and one stored in case I need to look up anything.  But when the current one is full I have to shred the previous one.  I fill up a huge rubbish bag with it and it takes quite a long time.  I'm a coward


I have masses (we have four shops) we have to keep stuff for five or seven years - I'm not sure which but I have stuff going back years! I expect we'll burn it - Mr Woo loves a fire in the garden. I got a lovely quilt and matching curtains all a third off .


Bit of a drama with my daughter - her mortgage application has been declined . she has other options but will probably be more money up front. I nipped into her house as she rang me to check that she thought she may have left her hair straighteners on I was surprised to find her at home and on the phone in tears (under the covers in bed)!!!!! She said she was cold . As we walked to playgroup my little Jack said 'was she messing? Is it a joke? Why is G cold?


My daughter is always cold .................not enough meat on her.


She has cheered up a bit now - fingers crossed that this new application will go through with no hitches. The cheek of it is - the company that declined want ÂĢ500 for their bother. She's already paid ÂĢ180 up front and is gonna refuse to pay the rest. Everyone wants your money these days - sounds a bit of a con to me.

Soozy Woo

I think a bonfire in the garden sounds like the best way to get rid of all that paperwork, Soozy.

Squiggle, I have a system similar to yours and I tend to wait until I have a pile to shred and do it all at once - the poor wee shredder normally overheats and has to be turned off for a while to recover.

Soozy, that's rotten news about your daughter's mortgage application, no wonder she was upset. It makes me furious that these companies charge an upfront fee to process an application, then ask you for more money once they reject you. I hope her backup plan works out for her.


Had a lovely time at the garden centre - bought some more plants.

Son has built my raised bed for me.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I think a bonfire in the garden sounds like the best way to get rid of all that paperwork, Soozy.

Squiggle, I have a system similar to yours and I tend to wait until I have a pile to shred and do it all at once - the poor wee shredder normally overheats and has to be turned off for a while to recover.

Soozy, that's rotten news about your daughter's mortgage application, no wonder she was upset. It makes me furious that these companies charge an upfront fee to process an application, then ask you for more money once they reject you. I hope her backup plan works out for her.


Had a lovely time at the garden centre - bought some more plants.

Son has built my raised bed for me.

I can just see the hanging gardens of Babylon at your place soon Yogi if you keep buying plants at the garden centre those place are so tempting raised beds all over the place.  And I hope nobody reports us for cruelty to shredders


Well I'm off to read, see you all tomorrow.  Happy stargazing.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I think a bonfire in the garden sounds like the best way to get rid of all that paperwork, Soozy.

Squiggle, I have a system similar to yours and I tend to wait until I have a pile to shred and do it all at once - the poor wee shredder normally overheats and has to be turned off for a while to recover.

Soozy, that's rotten news about your daughter's mortgage application, no wonder she was upset. It makes me furious that these companies charge an upfront fee to process an application, then ask you for more money once they reject you. I hope her backup plan works out for her.


Had a lovely time at the garden centre - bought some more plants.

Son has built my raised bed for me.

I can just see the hanging gardens of Babylon at your place soon Yogi if you keep buying plants at the garden centre those place are so tempting raised beds all over the place.  And I hope nobody reports us for cruelty to shredders


Well I'm off to read, see you all tomorrow.  Happy stargazing.

I do let my shredder have a little rest when it overheats.

I really must stop buying plants - I only have a wee garden.

Son asked me where I intended to put the ones I bought today and I said "I'm not sure..............I might need to buy more pots."

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Goodnight squiggle 

Lol Yogi, or should we start calling you Mrs Plant Wummin 

Getting off soon myself, son wants a bacon sandwich before he is off to bed , easier me doing it, there wont be such a mess ! 

Goodnight Skylark. I need to go iron some shirts for the morning but I can't stop this star gazing malarky.

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