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Good morning everyone


Great clip, Squiggle


Summer, that's quite some journey - I hope those involved in the accident are OK. I'm not surprised that you are tired. Thanks for the time change reminder


Here it is very foggy. It's supposed to lift to another sunny day. I have to go out in a few minutes but I will go the slow route rather than the normal fast route because of the fog.


El Loro

Good morning everyone, its a simply beautiful morning out there, it looks like summer but a little chilly.


That journey sounds a nightmare Summer, glad you made it home safely.  Safe journey EL and hope you don't hit too much fog.  On the radio this morning there was said to be an accident on the M5 between a coach and a lorry and there was at least one fatality, that was caused by fog it's so dangerous so please drive carefully.


I hope you manage to get done all you need to do today Skylark on your busy day and Yogi I hope you soon have the post holiday washing and ironing all dealt with and can relax and enjoy your garden.


I'm back from my journey. I went to Cheltenham which is higher than Gloucester and Cheltenham is free of fog. Back in Gloucester it's still foggy but not as dangerous as it was earlier on.


One dead and nearly 40 injured in that crash on the M5 where a lorry hit a coach from behind, One of the coach passengers was the fatality, another one and the lorry driver are seriously injured. Southbound between junctions 3 and 4 which is south of Birmingham - obviously M5 is closed southbound there and not expected to open until 12.30.


El Loro

Hi Squiggle. I have caught up with the holiday washing and will make a start on the ironing this afternoon. Son did his washing while I was away, but very kindly left most of his ironing for my return. 

Summer, hope you get your holiday washing done quickly.

El, that was a terrible crash on the M5. I wonder if fog was a contributing factor.

Hi Skylark and Hi to Joyron and Ros.

Got some bits and pieces to do in the garden, so will be back later.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
That's frightening, those poor people I hope that there were no other accidents today How is everyone's weekend going? It's such a lovely day out I've spent it on the sofa I'm afraid, think I have a bug, again. I seem to be picking up everything going lately

You've had more than your share of these nasty bugs. Get well soon, Summer.


I spent a wee while in the greenhouse, potting up some plants, while the dogs did a bit of sunbathing.


Off to Tesco, back later.

Last edited by Yogi19

Summer, I hope you feel better soon


After shopping this morning, this afternoon I went to see a new client. He has received a horrendous tax bill and wants me to check it over for him. It's probably right but at least I will be able to confirm this and explain to him how it arose. He works during the week which Is why I went to see him on a Saturday afternoon.

El Loro

You may have seen on the news in the last few days that a recently discovered piece of music by Mozart had the premiere. It was played by Florian Birsak at Mozart's childhood home on his original piano. It's called Allegro Molto in C major. Only a snippet was played on the news but I have found the whole piece. It's not long - 4 minutes. Mozart was a child prodigy and he composed this when he was 10.


El Loro

Good morning everyone, another lovely morning.  Hope you all slept well and were not taken by surprise by the changing of the clocks.  I was a bit because I had forgotten to change the boiler clock and so had to go downstairs to see why the heating hadn't come on as usual at 7.30 only to find that, according to the boiler, it wasn't yet 7.30.  My bedside clock changes itself so it's very easy to forget that there has even been a change.


Amazing piece of music EL.  Even to see the sheet music it looks fascinating.  I once could read sheet music but no longer can but can recognise the shape at least from seeing the flow of those notes.  10 years old it has to be a gift from God doesn't it?

Good morning I slept very well last night and awoke to a lovely sunny day, I've opened the windows I've just eaten a bowl of porridge and am letting it go down, fingers crossed I'll feel just fine I checked the nhs website and my symptoms are that of just a stomach bug, to which it says my immune system will fight off on its own I didn't realise Mozart was a child prodigy, that is incredible! Squiggle, I think you're right
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone. Nice weather up here.

It's taken me ages to sign in this morning - is the site playing up for anyone else?

Glad you are feeling a bit better, Summer. Try to take it easy today.

Liked the cone moving video, El.

Hard to believe Mozart was only 10 when he wrote that piece of music.

Squiggle, I didn't need to change the time on my boiler, it had done it automatically (which was very handy as I've forgotten how to set it).

Thought I'd get that post in before noon lol Squiggle, I do believe this is our summer, unfortunately. I wouldn't be surprised if come July & August we had chilly rainy weather again but having said that, I do hope I'm wrong because I would love a proper hot summer this year My porridge went down well and I've had a shower & washed my hair I'm just having a rest before I dry it. I was rather shocked to discover I've lost 5lb in the last week though, I was hoping to shed 4 but not in this way. I dare say it's a false reading though because I'm empty and probably not hydrated enough. I'm just happy I feel better than yesterday! 6 years ago I had a dreadful tummy bug (which I actually suspect was food poisoning) and had me off my feet for 2 whole weeks, it was the worst I've ever felt. My heart really goes out to those who have long term illnesses, I'm so fortunate to be healthy and I won't take it for granted I hope everyone is having a lovely day, it's beautiful here and I can hear kiddies playing outside
~Sparkling Summer~

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart started composing when he was only five. His father Leopold transcribed these for him into a little book for Wolfgang's sister along with his own compositions. He did this to teach her how to play the harpsichord and piano.


This clip consists of K1 to K5 which were Wolfgang's first compositions when he was 5 or 6.


Because of the quantity of music composed by Wolfgang, Ludwig von Kochel catalogued them - that's where the K comes from.


As squiggle says, Wolfgang's genius was a gift of God - and Amadeus is Latin for Love of God.


El Loro
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