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really must go but just to say josie must have told jj that ben said hes surprised at jj fussing round keeley when he cant stand her, because jj's on one of his missions to make ben look bad. hes saying ben dont care about keeley and shes his bed partner. watch the evil monk get involved.
 im right really gone for a little while now. catch you later skylark
I really cannot stand anymore of this!!!  Signing out for the night.  I am SO fed up with JJ constantly having a go at Ben.  I really wish that Ben would just walk and leave them to it.  Apart from Ben and Corin they are all a load of morons and I really don't want to watch this fiasco anymore.  Sorry for the rant but that's how I feel. 
hi Baz i had a bit of a catch up on the forum, read jj talking about corin again.
he really is a horrible little toad. Im glad Ben trys to stand his ground with him but when the monk man starts backing jj everytime theres an argument i think Ben starts to question himself. Ben trust the horrible monk to much.
jj having an early night thats good we might hear from someone else
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